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Plan parenthood


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2012
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
Deal with the truth simpleton..................... 'Carly Fiorina Was Right': Group Posts Full Abortion Video Would the World be a better place if Chelsea Clinton died kicking on a plate
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yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
Deal with the truth simpleton..................... 'Carly Fiorina Was Right': Group Posts Full Abortion Video Would the World be a better place if Chelsea Clinton died kicking on a plate
Bill can't deal with the truth
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
Deal with the truth simpleton..................... 'Carly Fiorina Was Right': Group Posts Full Abortion Video Would the World be a better place if Chelsea Clinton died kicking on a plate
Bill can't deal with the truth
here's the truth something you deny ... plan parent hood doesn't do abortions with tax payers dollars, only unless its a case of rape the law allows it ... that's the truth that you can't deal with ... here's the truth ... breast exams have gone down because health care has said women of certain ages only need a breast exam every three years .... this was a big issue with republicans why did they go down ??? how can this be ??? how about doing some research republicans ...this is you too just like all republicans showing your stupidity once again .... then they try to compare the number of breast exams to the number of aborting .... like that was really something to compare with ... if breast exams and have gone down that's because they are doing less exams ...speaking of the truth here,and your suppose to be about presidential Candidates being truthful ... Carley Fiorina spoke about and filmed abortion done by plan parenthood she said this ... she went into graphic detail about it .... but for some strange reason, not anyone in the media, liberal or conservative can seem to find this video she spoke of ... coul;d she have told a big wopper there???????? hummmmmmm!!!! the problem with yopu is you don't know what the truth is ... this group has come up with these types of videos for the past 14 years and they have all been turned out to be manipulated videos as this will soon be apparent

ps ...
you have such a hatred towards liberals and dems that you must be exhausted at the end of the day
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
Deal with the truth simpleton..................... 'Carly Fiorina Was Right': Group Posts Full Abortion Video Would the World be a better place if Chelsea Clinton died kicking on a plate
Bill can't deal with the truth
here's the truth something you deny ... plan parent hood doesn't do abortions with tax payers dollars, only unless its a case of rape the law allows it ... that's the truth that you can't deal with ... here's the truth ... breast exams have gone down because health care has said women of certain ages only need a breast exam every three years .... this was a big issue with republicans why did they go down ??? how can this be ??? how about doing some research republicans ...this is you too just like all republicans showing your stupidity once again .... then they try to compare the number of breast exams to the number of aborting .... like that was really something to compare with ... if breast exams and have gone down that's because they are doing less exams ...speaking of the truth here,and your suppose to be about presidential Candidates being truthful ... Carley Fiorina spoke about and filmed abortion done by plan parenthood she said this ... she went into graphic detail about it .... but for some strange reason, not anyone in the media, liberal or conservative can seem to find this video she spoke of ... coul;d she have told a big wopper there???????? hummmmmmm!!!! the problem with yopu is you don't know what the truth is ... this group has come up with these types of videos for the past 14 years and they have all been turned out to be manipulated videos as this will soon be apparent

ps ...
you have such a hatred towards liberals and dems that you must be exhausted at the end of the day

yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???
Deal with the truth simpleton..................... 'Carly Fiorina Was Right': Group Posts Full Abortion Video Would the World be a better place if Chelsea Clinton died kicking on a plate

LOL!!! BREITBART??? That's the link you provide??? You may only listen, watch, or read rw biased bullshit & believe all the pablum they spew... but the truth is certainly different & has been verified that Carly lied. Granted, she has no choice, as a GOP candidate, to double down & insist that she saw what she really didn't... because that is all so called 'Republicans' know how to do these days.

Doubling Down on Falsehoods
  • Posted on September 22, 2015

Republican presidential candidates Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump were challenged on false claims they made during the second Republican debate, and both doubled down with more misinformation.

During an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” Carly Fiorina said she has “seen the footage” of an abortion she vividly described during the GOP debate, even after we and other fact checkers reported that no such footage exists in the undercover videos taken at Planned Parenthood clinics.

As we previously explained, the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress interviewed a former lab technician at a fetal tissue procurement company who described such a scene, but there was no video of it. The center used stock footage from another anti-abortion organization to illustrate her story. There is no evidence that the video was recorded at a Planned Parenthood clinic or that it was even related to fetal tissue donation....
Fiorina and Planned Parenthood
During the second GOP debate, Fiorina described a disturbing scene while arguing to defund Planned Parenthood:

Fiorina, Sept. 16: As regards [to] Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, it’s heart beating, it’s legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.

“Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace asked if she would acknowledge “what every fact checker has found,” that the scene was only described but was not visible in the video. She refused to do so.

Fiorina, Sept. 20: No, I don’t accept that at all. I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact checker in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist. They’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape.

I haven’t found a lot of people in the mainstream media who’ve ever watched these things. I mean, they will claim somebody watched it for them. I will continue to dare anyone who wants to continue to fund Planned Parenthood, watch the videotapes.

We have watched every video released by the Center for Medical Progress. One video — titled “Human Capital — Episode 3” — contains one short clip that does feature a fetus with “its legs kicking” (at the 5:57 mark). But the footage was not shot by the Center for Medical Progress, and there is no indication where the video was taken or for what purpose. The video contains a description of such a scene, as told by interviewee Holly O’Donnell, listed as a former employee of the tissue procurement company StemExpress. We cannot verify whether any or all of her description is accurate.

The clip of the fetus shown by the Center for Medical Progress was actually taken from the Grantham Collection and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, which is credited on the screen.

We have reached out to the Grantham Collection and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and asked for any information regarding the origin of this clip, and what it depicts. In a statement emailed to us, Gregg Cunningham, the executive director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, said the clip “depicts an intact delivery abortion,” but he declined to identify where it was taken. “[O]ur access agreements forbid the disclosure of any information which might tend to identify the relevant clinics or personnel with whom we work,” he said.

Fiorina is entitled to her opinion on whether Planned Parenthood deserves federal funding. But combining an unsupported anecdote with unrelated footage does not add up to the scene she has repeatedly claims exists on video.

Doubling Down on Falsehoods
This has been in effect since 1976:

Summary: S.142 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)
Listen to this page
There is one summary for this bill. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2013)

Hyde Amendment Codification Act - Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law .

Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion. (Currently, federal funds cannot be used for abortion services, and plans receiving federal funds must keep them segregated from any funds for abortion services.)

Excludes from such prohibitions an abortion if: (1) the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or (2) the woman suffers from a physical disorder, injury, or illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, that would place her in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, as certified by a physician.

S.142 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Hyde Amendment Codification Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 8.31.58 AM.png

Tell the above to the people... the next time an enemy kills Americans...

there was no Veterans Administration after the Revolutionary war, after Civil war...
People come to the defense of the country out of patriotism.
View attachment 51108

Tell the above to the people... the next time an enemy kills Americans...

there was no Veterans Administration after the Revolutionary war, after Civil war...
People come to the defense of the country out of patriotism.

Thy also come to the defense out of love. There is not enough that we can do for the people who go to War for us.
(a) Planned Parenthood ("...plan parenthood..."?) is an organization founded by people who believed that "undesirables" should not be having children generally, but definitely not having large families ("Eugenics"). "Undesirables" including Blacks, Catholics, and poor people generally. They wanted to improve society by reducing reproduction among undesirables.

(b) Planned Parenthood provides a number of health-related services to women, including birth control, abortions, breast exams, and other forms of health screenings and advice.

(c) Planned Parenthood's PRIMARY value to women, generally, is making abortions available for people who want them - mainly people with limited financial resources.

(d) What women like is that PP is totally non-judgmental about abortions. They don't ask how you got pregnant, who the would-be father is, or why, exactly, you want an abortion.

(e) PP claims to control its funding so that no Federal funding actually goes to provide abortions (except in the permitted cases), and is channeled to other health and advisory functions that they provide. Whether their accounting or management is sufficiently sophisticated to adhere to this line is questionable.

(f) Abortion, to some, is killing a baby. To others it is not.

(g) PP has been found to be "selling" organs and tissue of aborted fetuses, for both research and health purposes (transplants). There are semantic arguments about whether they are "selling baby organs for profit," or just making them available to people and groups who can use them efficaciously, then accepting donations from those people and entities.

Who gives a shit? Whether an aborted fetus is a baby or not, it is dead. That's the crime (if there is one). Making beneficial use of the baby's parts is logical and defensible, whether the fetus was a "baby" or just a lump of tissue.
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???

Thats "Planned" Parenthood genius.
Who gives a shit? Whether an aborted fetus is a baby or not, it is dead. That's the crime (if there is one). Making beneficial use of the baby's parts is logical and defensible, whether the fetus was a "baby" or just a lump of tissue.


By Ashley Welch CBS News September 29, 2015, 3:14 PM
First patient receives stem cell treatment for blindness

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.

The first patient has received a pioneering human embryonic stem cell operation in the U.K. that doctors hope will be effective against a common cause of blindness.

According to a statement released today, the procedure was performed on a 60-year-old woman with a condition called age-related macular degeneration at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital last month. The procedure was deemed successful and there have been no complications to date, the statement said.

The doctors expect to know by December whether or not the woman has regained her sight. The study will recruit a total of 10 patients for the ongoing trial over an 18-month period...'

First patient receives stem cell treatment for blindness

Many forget Nancy Reagan--- Saint Ronny's wife is a big advocate for Stem Cell Research-

Who gives a shit? Whether an aborted fetus is a baby or not, it is dead. That's the crime (if there is one). Making beneficial use of the baby's parts is logical and defensible, whether the fetus was a "baby" or just a lump of tissue.


By Ashley Welch CBS News September 29, 2015, 3:14 PM
First patient receives stem cell treatment for blindness

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.

The first patient has received a pioneering human embryonic stem cell operation in the U.K. that doctors hope will be effective against a common cause of blindness.

According to a statement released today, the procedure was performed on a 60-year-old woman with a condition called age-related macular degeneration at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital last month. The procedure was deemed successful and there have been no complications to date, the statement said.

The doctors expect to know by December whether or not the woman has regained her sight. The study will recruit a total of 10 patients for the ongoing trial over an 18-month period...'

First patient receives stem cell treatment for blindness

Many forget Nancy Reagan--- Saint Ronny's wife is a big advocate for Stem Cell Research-


Sources for stem cells:
There are three main sources of human embryonic stem cell lines.

  1. Cell lines that already exist.
  2. Spare embryos left over from fertility treatment.
  3. Custom-made embryos created by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the technique used to create Dolly the Sheep.
Existing embryonic stem cell lines
Some people oppose using human embryonic stem cells under any circumstances. However, the use of cell lines that already exist is the most widely accepted source of stem cells. This acceptance is based on the argument that what’s done is done. Even if harvesting the embryos in the first place could be considered morally wrong, nothing can now be done to save the original embryos from which the lines were created.

Using spare embryos from fertility treatment
People who oppose using this source of cells for research are concerned it shows a lack of respect for the embryos and therefore for human life. Here is a summary of the arguments for and against using spare embryos.

Origins, ethics and embryos: the sources of human embryonic stem cells

Any mention in the above sources of Aborted fetuses?
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.
Planned Parenthood the very name is a lie! Typical liberal tactic make up some nice sounding name for a depravity or barbaric act, like "pro choice" and "gay".
yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.

So how do YOU know that tax payer money isn't GOING to pay the overhead, the utilities, the salaries for abortion services? Is it segregated by Planned Parenthood?
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

I've asked dummies like you to show me in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!
No one owes you an explanation for anything.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal.


Issue decided ... done ... over with.

The right wing knuckle dragging drooling goober state of Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood as hard possible trying to find ANYTHING they could charge the organization with.


And they EXONERATED Planned Parenhood of all charges.


yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.

So how do YOU know that tax payer money isn't GOING to pay the overhead, the utilities, the salaries for abortion services? Is it segregated by Planned Parenthood?
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

I've asked dummies like you to show me in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!
No one owes you an explanation for anything.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal.


Issue decided ... done ... over with.

The right wing knuckle dragging drooling goober state of Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood as hard possible trying to find ANYTHING they could charge the organization with.


And they EXONERATED Planned Parenhood of all charges.


yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.

So how do YOU know that tax payer money isn't GOING to pay the overhead, the utilities, the salaries for abortion services? Is it segregated by Planned Parenthood?
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

I've asked dummies like you to show me in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!

NO one said abortion was not legal.
The use of tax payers money to provide abortions is illegal!
Called the HYDE Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment
So again... the use of taxpayers money to perform abortions IS ILLEGAL and unless PP can show they segregate ALL their costs involved in doing abortions,
i.e. rent, salaries,etc everything that is used to perform abortions and paid by NON-TAX PAYER funds, they are performing illegal abortions.
That simple.
And the State of Missouri investigated the organization and EXONERATED them of all wrongdoing.

They could not find any substance behind the charges you make of using the funds incorrectly.
They audited the living crap out of PP and COULD FIND NOTHING WRONG.

But you asshole right wingers just keep making the same charges over and over again even after YOU KNOW they have been proven wrong.


NO one said abortion was not legal.
The use of tax payers money to provide abortions is illegal!
Called the HYDE Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment
So again... the use of taxpayers money to perform abortions IS ILLEGAL and unless PP can show they segregate ALL their costs involved in doing abortions,
i.e. rent, salaries,etc everything that is used to perform abortions and paid by NON-TAX PAYER funds, they are performing illegal abortions.
That simple.[/QUOTE]
No one owes you an explanation for anything.

The Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal.


Issue decided ... done ... over with.

The right wing knuckle dragging drooling goober state of Missouri investigated Planned Parenthood as hard possible trying to find ANYTHING they could charge the organization with.


And they EXONERATED Planned Parenhood of all charges.


yesterday I was watching the congress with plan parenthood .... each and every time the republicans came to the mic they made fools of them selves .... nothing new there.... they would asked why have breast exams gone down .... they would say from 2005 to 2009 there were 800,000 + breast exams done by plan parenthood ... then from 2009 to 2013 there were a totaled 400,000 + breast exams done ... why did they drop .... this shows you how stupid and uninformed republicans really are ... then they kept say that the tax payers money is going to plan parenthood for abortions ... are they really this stupid... really???


And, more importantly, so are their supporters / voters.

So how do YOU know that tax payer money isn't GOING to pay the overhead, the utilities, the salaries for abortion services? Is it segregated by Planned Parenthood?
During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

I've asked dummies like you to show me in the Planned Parenthood reports where NONE of the $528 million was spent on paying the bills for abortion services. Bills like:
1) Utilities -- water, electricity, phones. Are ALL the abortions done in facilities that utilities are paid from NON Federal sources revenue? SHOW ME PLEASE!
2) Salaries...Doctors, nurses, etc. Are all those people that are doing abortions paid with NON-federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
3) Rent--- are the facilities where abortions done in separate totally paid with NON-Federal funds? SHOW ME PLEASE!
4) All other overhead expenses, computers, supplies, etc. all involved in Abortion services PAID with NON-Federal funds??? Show me!

NO one said abortion was not legal.
The use of tax payers money to provide abortions is illegal!
Called the HYDE Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother.
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHyde_Amendment
So again... the use of taxpayers money to perform abortions IS ILLEGAL and unless PP can show they segregate ALL their costs involved in doing abortions,
i.e. rent, salaries,etc everything that is used to perform abortions and paid by NON-TAX PAYER funds, they are performing illegal abortions.
That simple.

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