Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

Withholding and sending the money to the union cost, time, which costs money. The transaction has nothing to do with the business. If you have employees that have account and you automatically deposit it to their account, then the employee can have it automatically taken out of his account and it costs nothing.

The way the State does it today costs the State nothing in time or money. It's a lie to bash the American worker.
Taxpayers too often get held hostage. Tax Dollars aren't infinite. They're finite. If you work for Government, you have to accept that. If you don't wanna accept that, go find employment in the Private Sector. Don't hold Taxpayers hostage.

How exactly are taxpayers being held hostage?
First off I bashed no one, so knock of your drama club. Writing a check or giving the money to the union steward is free or very close to it, I'm sure the union can figure it out, they are big boys.

Or you can leave it the way it is which is more convenient for the employee and costs all involved, nothing.

Republicans lies and bashing the American worker.

Again, you are a drama queen. There is an amount of time that the employer pays for for balancing, reconciling and distributing the money.
Sweet deal, not every body does

That's awful. Maybe the union can include a stamped envelope with their monthly bill?
Give a discount for auto-pay?

Or leave it the way it is which is cost free.

Or change it because why does the government collect for unions?

Funny how the evil employers, that the workers need to have a union for, is trusting the employer to pay the dues. Sounds pretty stupid.
Taxpayers too often get held hostage. Tax Dollars aren't infinite. They're finite. If you work for Government, you have to accept that. If you don't wanna accept that, go find employment in the Private Sector. Don't hold Taxpayers hostage.

How exactly are taxpayers being held hostage?

Being paid with Tax Dollars is a whole different world. The funds are limited. You have to know that going in. If you're not happy, go get a job in the Private Sector. I'll even support your right to form a Union there. If you're gonna work for Taxpayers, you'll get no Union. You'll have to deal with that, or move onto the Private Sector.
drugs tests are an egregious example of capitalists wanting exceptions to the rules based solely on capital considerations in our at-will employment States. having to pass a drug test for employment is for-Cause criteria not at-will employment.

And you don't have to work there, you can go somewhere else, maybe a union job. Sorry but many unions want their members drug free. Hell of a deal.
it is about informed consent in lieu of voluntary signatories; only the Right doesn't seem to understand those concepts.

It is about freedom, freedom for the worker to engage in a contract with the employer and the employer being free to set conditions. Only the Left doesn't seem to understand those concepts.
Collective bargaining fulfills that requirement. Only the Right is that cognitively dissonant.

Collective bargaining, in the private or public sector? I have no issue with the private sector unions having collective bargaining. I have am with FDR on no collective bargaining for public unions. Collective bargaining in the public sector allows for the unions to force taxpayers into bad agreements. PERS in the state of Oregon was a bad deal for taxpayers.

Collective bargaining doesn't do anything of the kind, except for bad capitalists. Labor costs are not the only costs.
And you don't have to work there, you can go somewhere else, maybe a union job. Sorry but many unions want their members drug free. Hell of a deal.
it is about informed consent in lieu of voluntary signatories; only the Right doesn't seem to understand those concepts.

It is about freedom, freedom for the worker to engage in a contract with the employer and the employer being free to set conditions. Only the Left doesn't seem to understand those concepts.
Collective bargaining fulfills that requirement. Only the Right is that cognitively dissonant.

Collective bargaining, in the private or public sector? I have no issue with the private sector unions having collective bargaining. I have am with FDR on no collective bargaining for public unions. Collective bargaining in the public sector allows for the unions to force taxpayers into bad agreements. PERS in the state of Oregon was a bad deal for taxpayers.

Collective bargaining doesn't do anything of the kind, except for bad capitalists. Labor costs are not the only costs.

This piece in the NY Times explains it better than I could"

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions -

The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”
Involuntary deductions?
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.
Involuntary deductions?
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.
What is an involuntary deduction? Please give us an example of one.
Involuntary deductions?
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.

Do you get the feeling that Daniel has no idea what an involuntary deduction is and is making it up?
Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.

Do you get the feeling that Daniel has no idea what an involuntary deduction is and is making it up?

He's probably a union guy with no imagination.
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.
What is an involuntary deduction? Please give us an example of one.
Appealing to ignorance for your Cause is no way to inspire confidence in your sincerity.

Payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary. The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.
yes, that is what they are called.

Are my mortgage payments "involuntary deductions"?
What about my car payments? Cell phone? Cable bill?
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.
no clue for your own Cause; how typical of the Right.

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