Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.
no clue for your own Cause; how typical of the Right.

Can't back up your own claim?
I am shocked, SHOCKED!
payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary

if you appeal to ignorance of involuntary deductions, how can you have a problem with Only union dues?

I plead to the fact that you are unable to provide a list.
payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary; do you dispute that?

simply not providing a lilst for those of the opposing view doesn't mean the concept doesn't exist--that line of reasoning is a simple fallacy of appeal to ignorance.

payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary; do you dispute that?

Okay. So what? No more involuntary deductions. Ever.
Please give me an example of an involuntary deduction, I have no clue what you are referring to.
I know you have no clue; payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary; do you dispute that?

Payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary. The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

You've made me see the error of my ways.
We should end all payroll deductions.
why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual regardless of any blame by the Right.

why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual

I believe we should give the individual control of their paycheck.
No more involuntary deductions. Ever.
That concept has already been explored in the US; you may need to get some AnCappers who have a point to to prove to finance a City from the Chinese .

I have no idea what you're talking about.
No involuntary deductions.
I know you have no clue; payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary; do you dispute that?

Payroll deductions are either voluntary or involuntary. The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

You've made me see the error of my ways.
We should end all payroll deductions.
why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual regardless of any blame by the Right.

why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual

I believe we should give the individual control of their paycheck.
No more involuntary deductions. Ever.
That concept has already been explored in the US; you may need to get some AnCappers who have a point to to prove to finance a City from the Chinese .

I have no idea what you're talking about.
No involuntary deductions.
you never do; even for clue and Cause.
it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

You've made me see the error of my ways.
We should end all payroll deductions.
why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual regardless of any blame by the Right.

why? involuntary deductions are beyond the control of an Individual

I believe we should give the individual control of their paycheck.
No more involuntary deductions. Ever.
That concept has already been explored in the US; you may need to get some AnCappers who have a point to to prove to finance a City from the Chinese .

I have no idea what you're talking about.
No involuntary deductions.
you never do; even for clue and Cause.

Cause? LOL!

Marching forward, to our Glorious Socialist Future!!!
You Commies make me laugh.
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation offers free legal representation to workers whose unions refuse to let them resign and become partial-dues, financial-core represented workers. It can be reached on the Internet at National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation An amendment to the NLRA currently under consideration in Congress would extend right-to-work protections to workers in every state. If that were to become law there could be no compulsory union dues for any purpose in any state.

You are forced by unions, to work for the unions.

Andy, who forces a person to apply for a union job? Who keeps a person working a union job who wants to quit that job? No one is the correct answer.

You don't want to work for a union shop, don't apply there. But what I hear is that some workers don't mind working in a union job for the pay and protections. They just happen to be mooches who don't want to pay for the benefits extended to them by the union.

But NO ONE is forced to apply and work for a union shop. NO ONE. And NO ONE is stopped from quitting a union job. NO ONE.

So what is the problem with unions. They are duly elected organizations. Legal. And serve a good purpose for many workers. What is the problem with unions?

And why are the Republican so intent on union busting. What threat does a union represent to Republicans?

I didn't apply for a "union job". The union came in about 3 years later!

They are completely and utterly useless in all respects.
you are only "forced" to "work" for the union due to the collective bargaining already in place that labor can only freeload off of if they don't participate.

The collective bargaining "agreement" is forced on the employer.
so what? employers force things on labor.

No not according to other People on the Left. Just as a person that does not want to work for a union can leave, if you don't like the employer, you can leave. Person on the Left.
drugs tests are an egregious example of capitalists wanting exceptions to the rules based solely on capital considerations in our at-will employment States. having to pass a drug test for employment is for-Cause criteria not at-will employment.

And you don't have to work there, you can go somewhere else, maybe a union job. Sorry but many unions want their members drug free. Hell of a deal.

You mean like the Boston firefighters; union, which is fighting tooth and nail AGAINST drug testing?!
See how the far left can only accept their religious narrative..

What fee are they paying other than the Union fee?

The union can come up with pother means to collect their money at no cost to anyone. Yet the far left mantra here is pushing an agenda based on a far left religious narrative..

See how the far left can only accept their religious narrative..

Nothing to do with 'religious narrative', it's common sense. It's known fact that Republicans hate the American worker, and the middle class that keeps them in power are the old sociopaths like you.

What fee are they paying other than the Union fee?

If the employee writes a check, that costs the employees money. If the employee pays on-line, that costs the employee money. We know, because I've proven it, the cost for an employer to deduct and pay for the employee, costs the employer NOTHING. Republican bashing of American workers.

No, that is a LIE! Online payments cost me (and most people) NOTHING. You need a better bank.
I'd say let those unions prove their "value" of quality work against their non union competitors. Doesn't the left have a problem when it comes those corporations who are favored in being awarded big government contracts, but there is an exception among UNIONS given the same favoritism through the state?

Keep up: The post is about Republicans fucking the American worker by forcing them to pay for something that is 100% no cost for everyone involved.

No matter how many times you regurgitate that, it is still a lie!
I can set up an infinite number of automatic monthly payments from my checking account, absolutely free.
It's easy enough that even someone like you, who doesn't understand the difference between revenue and profit, could do it. Well, with some help. In your case, a lot of help. Okay, maybe not you, but someone of average intelligence could set it up for you.

You have a completely free checking account? Sweet deal, not every body does, and not understanding that makes you a sociopath.

Actually, yeah, almost everyone does! I realize you're not bright enough to set one up, but MOST banks (and every credit union I have seen) offer free electronic bill-paying! If you don' need a better bank.
I didn't apply for a "union job". The union came in about 3 years later!

You forgot to mention that an election was held and that the majority of workers voted to have a union representing them in worker/management relations.

Now you had a couple choices to make after the union was voted in. Quit was a choice. And continuing to work was another. You seem to have chosen to work under a union contract.

Why you bitching now? You had a choice and made it. What's the problem?
I didn't apply for a "union job". The union came in about 3 years later!

You forgot to mention that an election was held and that the majority of workers voted to have a union representing them in worker/management relations.

Now you had a couple choices to make after the union was voted in. Quit was a choice. And continuing to work was another. You seem to have chosen to work under a union contract.

Why you bitching now? You had a choice and made it. What's the problem?

Because I am paying (basically at gunpoint) a bunch of money that, aside from supporting politicians I despise, accomplishes NOTHING. Calling my union "worthless" would be charitable. Basically: the head of the local and most of the officers are all from UPS. We're not they just don't give a shit.

Also note that the first year after the union came in, I took a pay CUT. Thanks a fuckload, guys!
They are completely and utterly useless in all respects.

Really? You know a union can be voted out as well an voted in. You knew that. Right? Get you enough of your fellow workers who hate the union and out they go.
it is a legal and technical term.

Great. So when they change the law, the union can send a monthly bill to members to collect the dues.
Glad we're in agreement.
The point is that involuntary deductions happen; it is arbitrary and capricious to Only have a problem with union dues.

The point is that involuntary deductions happen

List them for me.

Do you get the feeling that Daniel has no idea what an involuntary deduction is and is making it up?

He's probably a union guy with no imagination.

Actually, no...he's probably just stoned, as usual.
Because I am paying (basically at gunpoint) a bunch of money that,

Come on dude. Hyperbole much?

Who holds a gun to your head to collect union dues?

And you STILL work there? Why? Go get yourself a real non union job. What is the problem?
Mostly: in this area (a union stronghold as far back as the 30's), almost all jobs in my field are union!
Most of them just don't give a shit. I see no point in wasting my time.

What do you call bitching about a union on a message board? Productive? LMAO.
Quit if you don't like where you work. What is so hard about that?

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