Plan to impeach Fairfax goes poof

They found out that the lady that accused him also accused a football player in 1999 and it turned out to be false.
A lawyer would argue that what you mentioned is a previous case and has little bearing on this one, that this case must be taken serious and the evidence provided and measured.

You saying women should get 1 shot to go after a rapist?
If she can't prove the charges must be removed..
What about the second "lady"?
Does the burden of proof lessen with each new litigant?
No, of course not. But if you dismiss the first "lady" with the reasoning that you used, you have to justify the dismissal of the second. If you want to say it's a false accusation of both, just say so.
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Yet they never went to court.
In regards to Kavanaugh, Democrats declared themselves to BE the court - 'Judge', 'Jury', and 'Executioner' . Even after not getting the verdict that demanded / wanted they still have vowed to 'take him down'.
You can't just allege and accuse people of horrid things without proof.
During the Kavanaugh confirmation process, the Democrats did. The worst part about it was their motivation had nothing to do with Kavanaugh but their hate for Trump
No, their motivation was trying to keep the SC from being overladen with conservatives.

What's wrong with having people that view the Constitution in the manner it was intended rather than by what they wished the founders had put in it?
Actually i have seen quite a few that dont support socially assassinating someone over accusations.
What i have seen, miraculously, is the left defending him.
Anyone else, and accusations are enough to publically rape their children as punishment.
Sick fucks

Agree AND winner.
You're doing it again. Just sayin
Nobody goves a shit about name calling OL. Its the substance of the hypocrisy.
As i said, you had to dig deep to find SOMETHING to defend them with. Even if you are the only that thinks its relevant.
whatever. Haven't you got WORK to do?
Whatever what? Wouldnt it make you feel much better to say, "gah TN, you are right. My bad, sensei"
Dream on. I'll be goldanged if I'm going to let some alt righter get all high and mighty righteous about 'hypocrisy' when you guys are puking out the most despicable garbage in the world about Kavanaugh's accusers. I don't hear you saying a single naughty word about the two accusing Fairfax. Tell me how that's not politically motivated and JUST as hypocritical as trying to stall booting the guy out.
Im alt right now? Lol for real?
Names aren't actions. my gawd woman, there isnt even a comparison, commie.
Where's all the nasty slime about Fairfax's accusers, TN? Aren't these unfair women slandering a good man and destroying his family and his reputation for nothing but political motivation? Aren't they MENTAL? Hey, where is it, TN?
You know I'm right.
But no, I wasn't specifically calling you an alt righter, but handsome is as handsome does, trash mouth.
Nobody goves a shit about name calling OL. Its the substance of the hypocrisy.
As i said, you had to dig deep to find SOMETHING to defend them with. Even if you are the only that thinks its relevant.
whatever. Haven't you got WORK to do?
Whatever what? Wouldnt it make you feel much better to say, "gah TN, you are right. My bad, sensei"
Dream on. I'll be goldanged if I'm going to let some alt righter get all high and mighty righteous about 'hypocrisy' when you guys are puking out the most despicable garbage in the world about Kavanaugh's accusers. I don't hear you saying a single naughty word about the two accusing Fairfax. Tell me how that's not politically motivated and JUST as hypocritical as trying to stall booting the guy out.
Im alt right now? Lol for real?
Names aren't actions. my gawd woman, there isnt even a comparison, commie.
Where's all the nasty slime about Fairfax's accusers, TN? Aren't these unfair women slandering a good man and destroying his family and his reputation for nothing but political motivation? Aren't they MENTAL? Hey, where is it, TN?
You know I'm right.
But no, I wasn't specifically calling you an alt righter, but handsome is as handsome does, trash mouth.

Here is the thing .

Blasey Ford- Kavanaugh and that guy raped me.

Question- when?

Blasey Ford- Idont know.

Question- where?

Blasey Ford- I don’t know.

Question- witnesses?

Blasey Ford- none of them back my story.

This accuser? The first one? She gave all the details except for what the dudes dick tasted like. And unlike Ford has not been caught lying. Hold the two up side by side and you have to admit, Ford is a glaring liar compared to the other.
The biggest thing I have noticed about the whole thing is that the left are just fine with anything that a person claiming to be a Dem does and will defend them against all comers no matter if it is just hearsay or verified facts. But let it be anything done by someone calling themselves a Republican and and it does not matter the charge they are out for blood.
‘You have to see it to believe it’: People are seeing things in Justin Fairfax’s campaign logo:


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