Plan to impeach Fairfax goes poof

She had to do what she had to do.
You know no dude is going to work to hit that ugly mess
You're doing it again. Just sayin
Nobody goves a shit about name calling OL. Its the substance of the hypocrisy.
As i said, you had to dig deep to find SOMETHING to defend them with. Even if you are the only that thinks its relevant.
whatever. Haven't you got WORK to do?
Whatever what? Wouldnt it make you feel much better to say, "gah TN, you are right. My bad, sensei"
Dream on. I'll be goldanged if I'm going to let some alt righter get all high and mighty righteous about 'hypocrisy' when you guys are puking out the most despicable garbage in the world about Kavanaugh's accusers. I don't hear you saying a single naughty word about the two accusing Fairfax. Tell me how that's not politically motivated and JUST as hypocritical as trying to stall booting the guy out.

The Fact that the Kavanaugh accusers are no longer making their case against the justice shows me that they were just lying to obstruct.

Even in the leftist controlled House of Representatives, they aren't saying a word about the alleged Rape Train Parties and other atrocities that Kavanaugh is accused of participating. If there is a case, they should be drawing up articles of impeachment against Kav.
She had to do what she had to do.
You know no dude is going to work to hit that ugly mess
You're doing it again. Just sayin
Nobody goves a shit about name calling OL. Its the substance of the hypocrisy.
As i said, you had to dig deep to find SOMETHING to defend them with. Even if you are the only that thinks its relevant.
whatever. Haven't you got WORK to do?
Whatever what? Wouldnt it make you feel much better to say, "gah TN, you are right. My bad, sensei"
Dream on. I'll be goldanged if I'm going to let some alt righter get all high and mighty righteous about 'hypocrisy' when you guys are puking out the most despicable garbage in the world about Kavanaugh's accusers. I don't hear you saying a single naughty word about the two accusing Fairfax. Tell me how that's not politically motivated and JUST as hypocritical as trying to stall booting the guy out.
Im alt right now? Lol for real?
Names aren't actions. my gawd woman, there isnt even a comparison, commie.
You can't just allege and accuse people of horrid things without proof.
Bret Kavanaugh, Ring a bell? The whole liberal party was out there saying "believe the woman" even when the woman couldn't collaborate anything. We have 2 women now who can collaborate the situations even down to the place, day and time. Hypocrisy, the whole world sees it for what it is, and the liberals own it.

Kavanaughs accusers never had any proof or corroborating evidence. I haven't seen any corroborating evidence against fairfax, just the accusers statement.
So what the Democrats did to Judge Kavanaugh was despicable?

I know what you're saying. The dems were wrong against kavanaugh. There was never any proof or corroborating evidence. I don't care for fairfax dem politics. I have only seen a statement so far from fairfax accuser and that's not enough. And yes, there is hypocrisy flying everywhere.
Conservatives here are very excited about the prospect of Justin Fairfax being impeached. Not looking good for them right now:
Lawmaker backs off fast-track impeachment of Fairfax
I'm not clear on why you claim conservatives when no one has called for anything about him or the other two. If women want the power to ruin a career, they had better start reporting the fouls from those men, otherwise, I have no time to listen to allegations years after without evidence. I don't care the party. I believe in this country's due process laws. I wish you on the left were of the same feeling. but bigot baiters such as leftists, just can't stand their ownselves.
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You can't just allege and accuse people of horrid things without proof.
Bret Kavanaugh, Ring a bell? The whole liberal party was out there saying "believe the woman" even when the woman couldn't collaborate anything. We have 2 women now who can collaborate the situations even down to the place, day and time. Hypocrisy, the whole world sees it for what it is, and the liberals own it.

Kavanaughs accusers never had any proof or corroborating evidence. I haven't seen any corroborating evidence against fairfax, just the accusers statement.
So what the Democrats did to Judge Kavanaugh was despicable?

I know what you're saying. The dems were wrong against kavanaugh. There was never any proof or corroborating evidence. I don't care for fairfax dem politics. I have only seen a statement so far from fairfax accuser and that's not enough. And yes, there is hypocrisy flying everywhere.
correct, if there is any discussion going on in here it is the hypocrites on the left who have a rule for dems and one for the conservatives. Not me or any other conservative I know, we have one law that covers every american, no matter the party.
Conservatives here are very excited about the prospect of Justin Fairfax being impeached. Not looking good for them right now:
Lawmaker backs off fast-track impeachment of Fairfax

What's the problem?

Democrats attempted to demonize, brand, destroy, and shutdown Kavanaugh from being a Justice in the USSC in 1 rushed hearing...

In 1 hearing Democrats declared Kavanaugh to be 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent', insisted the burden of proof was on him (since neither they nor Ford could come up with anything more but accusation', and attempted to destroy his entire life / life's work / family.

Two women come out to accuse Fairfax - 1 is a Democrat, and both have extremely credible evidence against him...and suddenly the Hypocrites are holding back the same equal treatment against 'guilty until proven innocent', no /burden of proof is on him', no 'I believe' videos from Democrats, Liberals, and & Hollywood....

Virginia has become the 'petri dish' in the 'Democratic Lab Experiment proving Democrat double-standards and hypocrisy rampant in the Democratic party throughout the entire nation.
Conservatives here are very excited about the prospect of Justin Fairfax being impeached. Not looking good for them right now:
Lawmaker backs off fast-track impeachment of Fairfax

What's the problem?

Democrats attempted to demonize, brand, destroy, and shutdown Kavanaugh from being a Justice in the USSC in 1 rushed hearing...

In 1 hearing Democrats declared Kavanaugh to be 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent', insisted the burden of proof was on him (since neither they nor Ford could come up with anything more but accusation', and attempted to destroy his entire life / life's work / family.

Two women come out to accuse Fairfax - 1 is a Democrat, and both have extremely credible evidence against him...and suddenly the Hypocrites are holding back the same equal treatment against 'guilty until proven innocent', no /burden of proof is on him', no 'I believe' videos from Democrats, Liberals, and & Hollywood....

Virginia has become the 'petri dish' in the 'Democratic Lab Experiment proving Democrat double-standards and hypocrisy rampant in the Democratic party throughout the entire nation.

The Republicans in Virginia were just baiting the Democrats to come out and call for the lynching of Fairfax. Give the Dem's a chance t show they aren't hypocrites after the treatment they gave to Kavanaugh. The intention all along has been full due process for the accused.
The biggest thing I have noticed about the whole thing is that the left are just fine with anything that a person claiming to be a Dem does and will defend them against all comers no matter if it is just hearsay or verified facts. But let it be anything done by someone calling themselves a Republican and and it does not matter the charge they are out for blood.
Not everyone in "the left".
I painted with the same broad brush you did.
Conservatives here are very excited about the prospect of Justin Fairfax being impeached. Not looking good for them right now:
Lawmaker backs off fast-track impeachment of Fairfax

So we're waiting until all the facts are in, unlike the crazed moonbat lynch mobs that tried to destroy Kavanaugh.

Seems legit.
Yeah...there was no one brought in to testify in the Kavanaugh case, was there?

No one was brought in to testify on Kav until the Senate was ready to vote on him. It was a move designed to obstruct only.

And we know that because we haven't heard a word from Ford or Swetnick for months. If Kavanaugh truly participated in the Rape Train Parties they alleged, the fact he is on the court now shouldn't be a deterrent
Anonymous women accuse 'Bad' Black Man. Black Man Leave. Women evidence, no trials...Libtards still say Guilty, bad Black Man,,,

Women accuses Bad White Man, White Man say 'No, Not Me', Dems say 'I Believe', Dems say 'Guilty' - hurry hurry, accuser can not remember, has no evidence, White Man Exonerated...White Man still 'Bad'

Black Dem Man accused by Dem Female of Bad Things...Say 'No, Not Me', Libtards say 'Ok' not 'I Believe - Guilty', Libtards say, 'Slow the roll'

Silly, Libtards.
They found out that the lady that accused him also accused a football player in 1999 and it turned out to be false.
A lawyer would argue that what you mentioned is a previous case and has little bearing on this one, that this case must be taken serious and the evidence provided and measured.

You saying women should get 1 shot to go after a rapist?
They found out that the lady that accused him also accused a football player in 1999 and it turned out to be false.
A lawyer would argue that what you mentioned is a previous case and has little bearing on this one, that this case must be taken serious and the evidence provided and measured.

You saying women should get 1 shot to go after a rapist?
If she can't prove the charges must be removed..
Conservatives here are very excited about the prospect of Justin Fairfax being impeached. Not looking good for them right now:
Lawmaker backs off fast-track impeachment of Fairfax
Why should we care? I posted about it yesterday because its a HILARIOUS clusterfuck for the leftists! Hell keep him AND the governor in office! They are GREAT punching bag duo! Hey America,you can vote for the America loving GOP or you can vote for the party of the racist and rapist duo! ROFLMAO! Its a political ad that made its self!
They found out that the lady that accused him also accused a football player in 1999 and it turned out to be false.
A lawyer would argue that what you mentioned is a previous case and has little bearing on this one, that this case must be taken serious and the evidence provided and measured.

You saying women should get 1 shot to go after a rapist?
If she can't prove the charges must be removed..
What about the second "lady"?
They found out that the lady that accused him also accused a football player in 1999 and it turned out to be false.
A lawyer would argue that what you mentioned is a previous case and has little bearing on this one, that this case must be taken serious and the evidence provided and measured.

You saying women should get 1 shot to go after a rapist?
If she can't prove the charges must be removed..
What about the second "lady"?
Does the burden of proof lessen with each new litigant?

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