Plan to lower inflation


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
So we all see the inflation yet I have seen nothing from either party on how to lower it. What needs to be done besides more people retiring in the next year?
What was needed is being done. Rates needed raised. In reality they needed raised a decade ago. That they weren't is why inflation got so bad.

It was inevitable. Econ 101.
Sorry,I should have added that debt spending needs addressed also so the issue is far from fully addressed.
Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. Simple as that.

What needs to be done is interest rates need to remain where they are for six to nine months longer at a minimum.

Taxation needs to remain fixed where it is, and the government spending on all programs needs to be reduced by 10% by this time next year and by 20% by the midterms of the next election.

Downward pressure on business due to reckless and unaffecting regulations needs to be addressed.

We need to stop sending money to those nations that hate us to help offset the spending cuts or they should be included in the spending cuts.
So we all see the inflation yet I have seen nothing from either party on how to lower it. What needs to be done besides more people retiring in the next year?

More people retiring will not do a damn thing about inflation. Your fixation on this is just odd.
Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. Simple as that.

What needs to be done is interest rates need to remain where they are for six to nine months longer at a minimum.

Taxation needs to remain fixed where it is, and the government spending on all programs needs to be reduced by 10% by this time next year and by 20% by the midterms of the next election.

Downward pressure on business due to reckless and unaffecting regulations needs to be addressed.

We need to stop sending money to those nations that hate us to help offset the spending cuts or they should be included in the spending cuts.

Boeing has shown why regulations are needed. The banks before them.
Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. Simple as that.

What needs to be done is interest rates need to remain where they are for six to nine months longer at a minimum.

Taxation needs to remain fixed where it is, and the government spending on all programs needs to be reduced by 10% by this time next year and by 20% by the midterms of the next election.

Downward pressure on business due to reckless and unaffecting regulations needs to be addressed.

We need to stop sending money to those nations that hate us to help offset the spending cuts or they should be included in the spending cuts.

The rates need to come down a little to avoid a recession. It is a fine balance but they could come down a full point and then stay steady there.

Yes, spending needs to be cut, but it will not be. Neither candidate nor party is willing to do it. And quite frankly, while people on both sides harp on spending cuts, when it is their tiny piece of the pie that is cut, they wail to the heavens.

The USDA cut out the annual County Estimates for Small Grains and Row Crops this year due to budget cuts to NASS. The response from the Ag Industry was fast and furious with Congress threaten at one point to force them to do the survey.

Out of all the things that can be cut, the military has the largest budget thus any cuts have to include it to be meaningful. But we both know that will never happen.

So, in the end the only real tool left is interest rates.
Boeing has shown why regulations are needed. The banks before them.
So, every type of regulation is good in your estimate? We can all list those outliers on both sides of the argument.

When I say unaffecting regulations, I mean those that are there for the sole purpose of punishing business. In other words, they are political and a sop to special interests.

Yet they cost this economy 2 to 4 billion dollars every year.
When I say unaffecting regulations, I mean those that are there for the sole purpose of punishing business. In other words, they are political and a sop to special interests.

Can you give some specific examples?
So, every type of regulation is good in your estimate? We can all list those outliers on both sides of the argument.

We need additional regulations. Business has shown over and over they can not be trusted without them.

We pulled them back under Clinton and the banks promptly crashed the economy.

When I say unaffecting regulations, I mean those that are there for the sole purpose of punishing business. In other words, they are political and a sop to special interests.

Yet they cost this economy 2 to 4 billion dollars every year.

No idea what is supposed to be there simply to "punish businesses". Sounds a bit Big Footian to me.
The rates need to come down a little to avoid a recession. It is a fine balance but they could come down a full point and then stay steady there.

Yes, spending needs to be cut, but it will not be. Neither candidate nor party is willing to do it. And quite frankly, while people on both sides harp on spending cuts, when it is their tiny piece of the pie that is cut, they wail to the heavens.

The USDA cut out the annual County Estimates for Small Grains and Row Crops this year due to budget cuts to NASS. The response from the Ag Industry was fast and furious with Congress threaten at one point to force them to do the survey.

Out of all the things that can be cut, the military has the largest budget thus any cuts have to include it to be meaningful. But we both know that will never happen.

So, in the end the only real tool left is interest rates.
I tend to disagree with the recession. The current interest rates are at historic norms. If you look back at interest rates prior to 9/11, the quantitative easing nonsense that was pushed on us, and ridiculously low rates, I think that they can stand at current rates and stabilize the economy effectively.

The SCOTUS greatly reduced regulatory pressure by forcing the administrative state to justify its out-of-bounds and excessive regulations based on political ideology rather than expert analysis.

As for the Military, the one rational and legitimate spending of the Feds, an assessment of our depletion of stockpiles for NATO adventurism must be conducted. I can get behind removing antiquated systems and modernizing to a better tech advantage, but the fact remains. There are two superpowers (even though many say they are not) that are gunning for us and at least two regions in the world that require the US to be prepared for an all-out war. The military budget should be the last consideration, but not off the table.

The reality of our situation is the fact. We are broke, 35 trillion dollars in debt, the government is a huge burden to business and intrusive into the lives of its citizens, and we have spent upwards of 10 trillion dollars just to buy votes.

We're going to have to have some pain in order to right the ship.

Biden is not up to that. The Democrats are not up to that. I don't think that Trump is up to that to be frank. The 50%+ of the American people who are dependant upon government just to stay alive aren't up to that.
Can you give some specific examples?
I don't have the links, but there are a number of regulations that demand that businesses who emit greenhouse gasses are REQUIRED to not only keep their emissions to below natural baseline, but are in fact forced to reduce emissions not of their making.

We all know about the wetlands debacle where they claim that you cannot farm your land if you have a simple creek running through it as it is deemed a "navigable waterway.".

There are literally 100's more of these kinds of examples.

Just the environmental impact studies required of businesses that are intentionally set up to fail the business and the willing to allow special interest groups to tie up development for decades.

It goes on and on.
So we all see the inflation yet I have seen nothing from either party on how to lower it. What needs to be done besides more people retiring in the next year?
Undo everything Joe Biden did... drill baby drill get our energy sector moving again and you will see prices dropping again... lower the cost of shipping and manufacturing.... simple math....
So we all see the inflation yet I have seen nothing from either party on how to lower it. What needs to be done besides more people retiring in the next year?
Remove or drastically decline government cash injections into the economy. This includes demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and monetary factors, such as increased consumer spending, government spending, rising wages, taxes, rapidly injecting the money supply through policies, etc. The more money available to consumers, the more risk there is for inflation to increase.
All things the Biden administration has done the last 3 1/2 years.
I don't have the links, but there are a number of regulations that demand that businesses who emit greenhouse gasses are REQUIRED to not only keep their emissions to below natural baseline, but are in fact forced to reduce emissions not of their making.

We all know about the wetlands debacle where they claim that you cannot farm your land if you have a simple creek running through it as it is deemed a "navigable waterway.".

There are literally 100's more of these kinds of examples.

Just the environmental impact studies required of businesses that are intentionally set up to fail the business and the willing to allow special interest groups to tie up development for decades.

It goes on and on.

Some of these seem unnecessary on the surface but there are reasons for them in many cases.

2014 Elk River chemical spill - Wikipedia

The Cuyahoga River Caught Fire at Least a Dozen Times, but No One Cared Until 1969
Remove or drastically decline government cash injections into the economy. This includes demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and monetary factors, such as increased consumer spending, government spending, rising wages, taxes, rapidly injecting the money supply through policies, etc. The more money available to consumers, the more risk there is for inflation to increase.
All things the Biden administration has done the last 3 1/2 years.

Trump spent us 7.8 trillion into debt. We injected all kinds of money in the Trump years.
Remove or drastically decline government cash injections into the economy. This includes demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and monetary factors, such as increased consumer spending, government spending, rising wages, taxes, rapidly injecting the money supply through policies, etc. The more money available to consumers, the more risk there is for inflation to increase.
All things the Biden administration has done the last 3 1/2 years.
So we need less money in the hands of real americans(those working hard paycheck to paycheck)?
Some of these seem unnecessary on the surface but there are reasons for them in many cases.

2014 Elk River chemical spill - Wikipedia

The Cuyahoga River Caught Fire at Least a Dozen Times, but No One Cared Until 1969
Like I said, everyone can post lists and lists of case point scenarios that have happened. That does not justify the abuse of the system. For Me, much of it is political for political support and not justified by the rationale. And lets not even start with the 'state' sponsored science and alleged scientists in the administrative state.

Regardless, to get a good handle on inflation, we have to get a good handle on the economy and that necessitates making choices that both sides are not going to like.

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