The theory is that "something" is disturbing the belts and launching missiles, but no one can really prove jack. Theories range from planets to, my personal favorite, that we're actually a binary star system but our twin sun is a brown dwarf we can't detect. (Or perhaps I should say "couldn't" detect, I believe we can now and have disproved the binary system theory... I should look it up after my shower.) Oh I forgot about the interaction from the edge of Alpha Centari - models say that we're going to collide eventually.

A "brown dwarf"?

Always got a kick out of this one !

The best line from the movie: :laugh:

"You see ! YOU SEE !
Your stupid minds ! Stupid ! STUPID !"
There is Pluto how never are no 9 in our planet system. Around 2010 scientic draft away Pluto as no 9 planet in our galaxy.

And even nothing with aliens in our galaxy.
The theory is that "something" is disturbing the belts and launching missiles, but no one can really prove jack. Theories range from planets to, my personal favorite, that we're actually a binary star system but our twin sun is a brown dwarf we can't detect. (Or perhaps I should say "couldn't" detect, I believe we can now and have disproved the binary system theory... I should look it up after my shower.) Oh I forgot about the interaction from the edge of Alpha Centari - models say that we're going to collide eventually.

A "brown dwarf"?


Brown dwarfs are kind of like "failed" stars, in that the nuclear reaction doesn't start or I believe sometimes simply dies out quickly - but the star doesn't have enough gravity to collapse and nova so it ends up becoming more like a gas giant planet, except it's too big to be a planet so it's not really a planet, nor a star heh

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