'Planet Of The Apes' Comment Towards Michelle Obama

Saying that Michelle looks like an ape or a tranny or even a wookie, while it MAY be in bad taste, is covered by the 1st Amendment. Get over it.

You Lefties need to stop bashing the 1st Amendment.
And most of you rightist need to learn what the First Amendment is.

First and foremost it applies solely to the relationship between the government and those governed, not between two private persons or a private person and a private organization – such as a television host and the broadcaster he works for.

Consequently, the program host's comments were not entitled to First Amendment protections, no right to free speech was 'violated.'

That you and so many of your fellow conservatives are ignorant of this simple fact is both remarkable and telling.

Shut up and eat a Banana chump.
Michelle could be irish or italian and she would STILL be butt ugly.
Is there NOWHERE we can't go or NOTHING we can say against the Obamas? Freedom of speech my ass.
Michelle could be irish or italian and she would STILL be butt ugly.

First Lady Barbara Bush looked like George Washington - but I don't recall any lefties bashing her.
She was a sweetheart granny George Washington look alike. That's the difference.


She was an uppity bitch.
Both obamas can kiss my ass. Mr. is charismatic and would probably be fun around but NOT as POTUS. Mrs is a blowhard and butt ugly with an attitude to match.
First of all, I've never called Bush a chimp, or posted pictures of him as such.

But let's get this in context. Calling an African American a "chimp" or a "monkey" has long been known as a racial epithet. That's why this idiot got fired. Clear enough?

Intent is what matters. Is the guy prone to making racist comments? If not, then maybe it was just a bad joke. Give the guy some grief and move on, but no need to fire him over it. The overreacting these days needs to stop. Maybe if people weren't looking to be as offended as possible, they could shake it off or at least not always assume the worst.

You cannot come out and say that words or phrases are always racist because someone in the past used them as racial slurs. The 'n' word is racist and it would be nice if blacks would stop using it. They continue saying it so people will keep hearing it. If people keep hearing it, especially kids, then it will keep getting repeated. Let it die already.
Maybe people should just head to the woods and holler NIGG*R really loud, then snicker while looking over their shoulders like sealybobo does, knowing he will never be caught and its just so funny to be a chickenshit moron.
Maher is still on....why not fire him?

Good question. If someone called Michelle a dumb twat, they would be called racist and fired immediately. Love how the women's lib groups remain silent as Republican and Independent women get mistreated and called vulgar names. I thought NOW was against using words that demean all women. Of course, it is always lefties resorting to that. People like Maher aren't funny anymore because they think vulgarity passes for humor.
James Franco looks like someone from a planet of the apes movie.

Just saying

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