Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
I see creepy giggling psycho is still being creepy...cuz abortion and the abuse of women and girls is so funny and all....

You're getting funnier and more hysterical.
And I'm getting drunk thanks to your foam-flecked ranting.

That's six 'baby-killers', five 'butchers' and a 'harvesting' in the last two pages!
I'm going to fall over soon.

This could be a good drinking game on a Friday.
The players each pick a word and everytime koshergrl mentions it that person has to drink.
I'll pick 'babykillers'...hell, I'll be drunk in no time!
'Butchers' would be another good one.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
I see creepy giggling psycho is still being creepy...cuz abortion and the abuse of women and girls is so funny and all....

You're getting funnier and more hysterical.
And I'm getting drunk thanks to your foam-flecked ranting.

That's six 'baby-killers', five 'butchers' and a 'harvesting' in the last two pages!
I'm going to fall over soon.

This could be a good drinking game on a Friday.
The players each pick a word and everytime koshergrl mentions it that person has to drink.
I'll pick 'babykillers'...hell, I'll be drunk in no time!
'Butchers' would be another good one.

I'm sure you'll drink to just about anything.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
I see creepy giggling psycho is still being creepy...cuz abortion and the abuse of women and girls is so funny and all....

You're getting funnier and more hysterical.
And I'm getting drunk thanks to your foam-flecked ranting.

That's six 'baby-killers', five 'butchers' and a 'harvesting' in the last two pages!
I'm going to fall over soon.

This could be a good drinking game on a Friday.
The players each pick a word and everytime koshergrl mentions it that person has to drink.
I'll pick 'babykillers'...hell, I'll be drunk in no time!
'Butchers' would be another good one.

I'm sure you'll drink to just about anything.
True that!
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
What you think about it matters to no one but you.

So even after being asked direct question and not to quote some article you are clueless about you did just exactly that with an ad hominem for good measure.

It is apparent an intelligent conversation is beyond your abilities.

No it is not just me but those who read this thread in silence.
I provided you with the actual abstract from the article that Ben Carson wrote. And, you lying prick, I answered your question. Neither your nor I are qualified to discuss the scientific basis of the research. So, I provided you with what those who are experts have said about the necessity of the research. Can you offer anything from an expert in this field that disputes the necessity of such research? No? Then shut the fuck up.
Yes, you do that. Just accept blindly what people you idolize tell you.

And why do you idolize them? You idolize them because they use the product of abortion and dead babies' flesh. You think that makes them special.

People I idolize. There are several doctors quote in there who do the research. Dr. Carson did the research and defends it. You know nothing about the research. You don't care how much it can help. You don't care about women being victimized. Any lie you can tell to achieve your goal of banning reproductive freedom for women is ok.
Yes let's cannibalize our unwanted young to increase our own life span. What a wonderful society we are
It's either use them to better medical science or flush 'em. I vote for medical science. Seems you're for flushing them.
Catchy phrase, "reproductive freedom" in an abortion thread ...............

Talk about irony ...................
You have a problem with freedom? You pricks want to ban abortion, birth control, sex education and anything that might give a woman control over her reproductive life.

Keep your legs shut, has worked since the creation of time, no one can take that.

I see nothing but ad hominems which I am going to start flagging.
Nah, women don't have to keep their legs shut. That's their choice. Just as it's their choice to medically have their pregnancy terminated if that's what they want to do. Best part? All you get to do is cry about it.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders

You want to blame someone for killing children or disposing of body
Baby Doe case Authorities still don t know the identity of the young girl found dead in Boston weeks ago.

I think we can all agree on this one.
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
And by the vile woman Margaret Sanger. If the hitler youth was still around today and gave out mammograms (PP just refers mammograms), no one would support it. Sanger believed that if you weren't deemed worthy by her, you should live on an island or be sterilized, especially if you were black
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
Stop lying. You've been shown polls indicating a majority of those polled are in favor of PP. Even after these latest videos have come out.
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.

Many people have living will and health directive so they won't end up on life support. I had to give permission for an attempt to implant a stint in my mother, but they couldn't. We knew she was not a candidate for open heart at her age. Now we are just making her as comfortable as possible. She fights about everything. Sorrow when the mind goes.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.

Many people have living will and health directive so they won't end up on life support. I had to give permission for an attempt to implant a stint in my mother, but they couldn't. We knew she was not a candidate for open heart at her age. Now we are just making her as comfortable as possible. She fights about everything. Sorrow when the mind goes.
The physician's assistant in my doctor's office is a big time euthanasia liberal. She demanded that I sign a health directive. I said I wanted everything. All measures no matter how fruitless. I thought her head would come off. I wasn't supposed to make that choice. Then she demanded my son's contact information. Maybe he would rather I died. I wouldn't give it to her. That's an invasion of privacy. His privacy.

I just love fucking with liberals like that.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas, 1914 - 1953
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.

Many people have living will and health directive so they won't end up on life support. I had to give permission for an attempt to implant a stint in my mother, but they couldn't. We knew she was not a candidate for open heart at her age. Now we are just making her as comfortable as possible. She fights about everything. Sorrow when the mind goes.
The physician's assistant in my doctor's office is a big time euthanasia liberal. She demanded that I sign a health directive. I said I wanted everything. All measures no matter how fruitless. I thought her head would come off. I wasn't supposed to make that choice. Then she demanded my son's contact information. Maybe he would rather I died. I wouldn't give it to her. That's an invasion of privacy. His privacy.

I just love fucking with liberals like that.

More and more people see the harm of being plugged to a machine, and realize that is not life. Why should people be afraid of their god if they believe it is so great? Why would they not prefer quality of life or death that will bring them to their god? What are they hoping for being kept in stasis? Do they consider their family. or do they want to hurt them?

Even if one is willing to be put on life support, they should put some limit on the length of time. Body just continues to decay, so what is the point?

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