Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Whatever doesn't kill them makes them crazier:

Steve King Explains How He Wants To Destroy Planned Parenthood Like ACORN Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 8/14/2015 2:36 pm

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said yesterday that he hopes that Congress defunds Planned Parenthood before there is a “full investigation” into its fetal tissue donation program, saying that Congress’ response to recent attacks the women’s health group should resemble its defunding of the community organizing group ACORN in 2009. The recent series of videos smearing Planned Parenthood have drawn comparisons to right-wing activist James O’Keefe’s heavily edited videos charging ACORN with various wrongdoing, including voter fraud and misuse of federal funds. Congress moved quickly to defund the organization before the charges levied against it began to collapse.

The current Planned Parenthood smear is clearly modeled on the work of O’Keefe, a friend of the activists who created the videos. “When we hear people say, well we can’t defund Planned Parenthood because we don’t know all of the places that they’re getting money from and we can’t be passing judgment on this until we do a full investigation, I completely disagree with that,” King told Iowa talk radio host Simon Conway - See more at: Steve King Explains How He Wants To Destroy Planned Parenthood Like ACORN Right Wing Watch

Linda Harvey: 'It's A Very Dark And Black Place That We’re Heading For' As God Judges America For Gay Rights Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 8/14/2015 3:16 pm

Mission America’s Linda Harvey stopped by the radio program hosted by Cleveland Right to Life’s Molly Smith last week, where the two warned that God’s judgment is already beginning to befall America thanks to gay pride parades and Planned Parenthood. Smith told Harvey about a recent promotional video put out by the Cuyahoga County GOP that features some vaguely rainbow colors in the background, which she found “very upsetting,” along with the failure of Republican leaders in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood. - See more at: Linda Harvey It s A Very Dark And Black Place That We re Heading For As God Judges America For Gay Rights Right Wing Watch

What’s behind the conspiracy theory about “coerced” abortions ?

So the amount of conspiracy theorist bullshit around Planned Parenthood is growing dramatically, as Fox News is adding the anti-choice myth that women don’t choose abortion, but are forced into it by an evil feminist/male pervert/gynecologist conspiracy to make women, uh, “sexually available”:

Penny Nance of Concerned Women For America: “Planned Parenthood is not a safe place for vulnerable women. It is a place that exploits women. And now we know, coerces them into abortion and sells their baby parts.”

She may be busting out the “now we know” language, but this conspiracy theory that holds that women don’t choose abortion but are tricked into it by sex cultists has been popular in anti-choice circles for a long time. Yes, they really do believe that women who schedule abortions show up and are surprised when they doctor is like, “Tah-dah! You are no longer pregnant.”

This claim that women do not choose abortion, but are coerced into it, was drafted for politically convenient reasons. Anti-choicers realize that by claiming that abortion is “murder”, they are arguing that 3 out of 10 women in the United States should be in prison serving a life sentence—or even, by their own measure, be slated for a death sentence. What s behind the conspiracy theory about coerced abortions

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No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
What law shoved it down our throats? And cite to one public opinion poll that demonstrates that Americans want PP out of business. Of course, you cannot, cause you lie.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
What law shoved it down our throats? And cite to one public opinion poll that demonstrates that Americans want PP out of business. Of course, you cannot, cause you lie.
Rvw, ignoramus. Sorry on the poll thing, I recognize polls as biased garbage that establish nothing. I've known that since my first boxed, front page newspaper article 30 years ago. I was assigned a fluff piece, a poll of local college kids' presidential voting intentions. I intentionally polled non political twits who were voting for a candidate based on their dad's intended vote. The Dean was furious and called the editor and wrote a letter. My editor protected my identity and refused to retract. And now I understand polls.
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms

So why is Stem Express breaking ties with Murder Inc?
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms
So they don't do mammograms. So what in the post was wrong again?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
What law shoved it down our throats? And cite to one public opinion poll that demonstrates that Americans want PP out of business. Of course, you cannot, cause you lie.
Rvw, ignoramus. Sorry on the poll thing, I recognize polls as biased garbage that establish nothing. I've known that since my first boxed, front page newspaper article 30 years ago. I was assigned a fluff piece, a poll of local college kids' presidential voting intentions. I intentionally polled non political twits who were voting for a candidate based on their dad's intended vote. The Dean was furious and called the editor and wrote a letter. My editor protected my identity and refused to retract. And now I understand polls.
So, you really are so stupid as to believe that polling means just asking a bunch of people you happen to come acoess a question.
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms

So why is Stem Express breaking ties with Murder Inc?
Because it is easier to do that than it is to deal with lying assholes like you.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
What law shoved it down our throats? And cite to one public opinion poll that demonstrates that Americans want PP out of business. Of course, you cannot, cause you lie.
Rvw, ignoramus. Sorry on the poll thing, I recognize polls as biased garbage that establish nothing. I've known that since my first boxed, front page newspaper article 30 years ago. I was assigned a fluff piece, a poll of local college kids' presidential voting intentions. I intentionally polled non political twits who were voting for a candidate based on their dad's intended vote. The Dean was furious and called the editor and wrote a letter. My editor protected my identity and refused to retract. And now I understand polls.
So, you really are so stupid as to believe that polling means just asking a bunch of people you happen to come acoess a question.
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms

So why is Stem Express breaking ties with Murder Inc?
Because it is easier to do that than it is to deal with lying assholes like you.

You keep using that word lying and I keep asking for proof. Do you ever tire of being a failure?
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying

States Try To Dig Up Planned Parenthood Violations Fail Miserably

There is large support for PP from the common person, medical community to state and national leaders
No there isn't. The American people hate planned parenthood and have been trying to run it out of business since it was first shoved down our throats by bad law.
What law shoved it down our throats? And cite to one public opinion poll that demonstrates that Americans want PP out of business. Of course, you cannot, cause you lie.
Rvw, ignoramus. Sorry on the poll thing, I recognize polls as biased garbage that establish nothing. I've known that since my first boxed, front page newspaper article 30 years ago. I was assigned a fluff piece, a poll of local college kids' presidential voting intentions. I intentionally polled non political twits who were voting for a candidate based on their dad's intended vote. The Dean was furious and called the editor and wrote a letter. My editor protected my identity and refused to retract. And now I understand polls.
Roe was not a law. It was a court decision. And planned parenthood existed long before 1973. And you asking a dozen people you happen to encounter is not a scientific poll, though it is not surprising you are stupid enough to think it is. If polls are not reliable, how do you know what Americans think about planned parenthood?
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.
If she has the ability to recover how can she be considered dead?
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms
So they don't do mammograms. So what in the post was wrong again?

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Common don't play stupid. They play an important role in breast cancer screening include assistance with the cost. And you conveniently fail to mention the other services that they provide. Blatantly dishonest!
View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening

View attachment 47443

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You people are truly despicable and shameless. You take something that has a grain of truth to it and use it to spread your lies and propaganda. It's the same sleazy tactic that was used to create those videos. You can't rely on the whole truth because that expose you for what you really are:

It is true in a literal sense that Planned Parenthood health centers do not themselves conduct mammograms (a procedure which requires specialized equipment and expertise to use it). Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive breast health care management, which includes manual breast exams as well as patient education on breast health. That care management program includes providing women with information about mammograms, referring them to health centers where they can obtain mammograms, and assisting them in covering the costs of the procedure by referring them to government programs that provide free mammograms or by using grant funds to reimburse the medical providers who perform the mammograms. (Referrals for mammograms often require the patient has undergone a breast exam within the previous year.)

Read more at Planned Parenthood Mammograms
So they don't do mammograms. So what in the post was wrong again?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Common don't play stupid. They play an important role in breast cancer screening include assistance with the cost. And you conveniently fail to mention the other services that they provide. Blatantly dishonest!
And no other providers in all of America can do the exact same thing? I guess PP is the only apple on the tree then...

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View attachment 47440

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This thread is not about abortion. It's about a smear campaign to deprive women of access to reproductive health care and cancer screening
If women do not want to have children there are other alternatives for them and the men who are getting them pregnant. Common sense if you want to play like your making babies and don't really want the babies get fixed.

Mammograms are barbaric and cause more damage than they help. Go to the source of what is causing the breast cancer and create the preventive measures there first. Planned parenthood should be defunded along with all the other so called society fixers where a few are trying to determine and set a standard for what others should be thinking, are doing or how they should be living their own lives.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
Haha I never said I did, and please please post your own numbers. You want to refute and argue so much, well then tell me otherwise.

And can you confirm your belief in the scenario that the husband should be allowed to kill Sherri.
I believe in choice. I'm consistent.
Well thank you for being consistent, glad to hear you hold the very unpopular view of killing off someone who will probably be perfectly healthy in x amount of months. This is what you are saying
Well if you're talking about an embryo, that is the choice of the woman carrying it. If you're talking about someone on life support, that is the choice of the person on life support or their next of kin had they not made that choice themselves.

That's what I support.
If she has the ability to recover how can she be considered dead?
That's your imaginary example. Can you cite a single actual case in the entire history of the U.S. where a person on life support was taken off and allowed to die following a prognosis of a full and complete recovery?

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