Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.
She did try to sell the KKK on birth control. She spoke to everyone about it.
NH Rep. Bill O Brien says Margaret Sanger was active participant in KKK PolitiFact New Hampshire

"Always to me any aroused group was a good group," Sanger writes, "and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey, one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing."
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
And now for some Other crazy crap she said....
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12




Wow! What a woman! Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That is the ladies auxiliary mentioned in an earlier post. Here is what Sanger had to say about them:

"Never before had I looked into a sea of faces like these. I was sure that if I uttered one word, such as abortion, outside the usual vocabulary of these women they would go off into hysteria. And so my address that night had to be in the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."
Sheesh ask Sassy for proof.

I haven't seen that much ducking and dodging since the Mayweather fight
Here's a pro tip for pro-lifers. The next time you start a topic that has some merit (a PP harvesting body parts), don't throw everything off course by donning a tin foil hat and injecting your pet conspiracy theory into it.
Cancer is vile. Pregnancy avoidable. I was pregnant twice, but it only lasted for nine months each. Then I prevented it because 2 children is what I wanted. We have lots of ways to prevent pregnancy. To the perpetually pregnant, close your legs, buy a condom, take a pill, take one the next day. Stop having perpetual sex.
If we can teach a child how to change a penis into a vagina, we can teach a child how not to get pregnant. Your claim of being a slave to perpetual pregnancy is bullshit.
Sheesh ask Sassy for proof.

I haven't seen that much ducking and dodging since the Mayweather fight

You can't Google? Are you really that lame? Or did you feel the need to comment and didn't have anything worthwhile to say so you blabbered BS?
Who could object provided a percentage of the profit is donated to The Clinton Foundation?
Here's a pro tip for pro-lifers. The next time you start a topic that has some merit (a PP harvesting body parts), don't throw everything off course by donning a tin foil hat and injecting your pet conspiracy theory into it.
Exactly. This story may be true. The other wild claims regarding Sanger make you look ignorant.
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:

:lol: nice dodge.

Wiki is more neutral and reliable than most - and it gives original sources - like her autobiography. Or is that unreliable too?
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Her motivation was to free up black women for sex without consequences, so they could be readily available for sex, yet still work..and at the same time, reduce the black population.

Is she still your hero?
Sheesh ask Sassy for proof.

I haven't seen that much ducking and dodging since the Mayweather fight

You can't Google? Are you really that lame? Or did you feel the need to comment and didn't have anything worthwhile to say so you blabbered BS?

Since you know where it is I just thought you had some credible evidence to back up your assertions. My bad, being credible isnt important to some but its weird that you dont have time to prove anything you've said but have plenty of time to complain about people noticing your lack of proof
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?

Thanks. I will check it out.
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Her motivation was to free up black women for sex without consequences, so they could be readily available for sex, yet still work..and at the same time, reduce the black population.

Is she still your hero?


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