Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

You're so full of shit you stink
What, no response to my proving you to be a fucking liar? No rebuttal to the proof I provided that demonstrated that the use of fetal tissue in research is perfectly legal? And what in the above was incorrect? Whether or not Walker wins is a matter of opinion. That congress would have to vote to eliminate that funding is a fact; that no federal funds are used for abortion services by PP is a fact; that the majority of the services they provide are not related to abortion is a fact and it is a fact that when you reduce access to birth control, you get more pregnancy and more abortions. None of those are things you can prove I am "full of shit" about. I guess you are getting a little pissed at me for repeatedly proving you to be a liar. There is a solution, you know....stop lying.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

You're so full of shit you stink
What, no response to my proving you to be a fucking liar? No rebuttal to the proof I provided that demonstrated that the use of fetal tissue in research is perfectly legal? And what in the above was incorrect? Whether or not Walker wins is a matter of opinion. That congress would have to vote to eliminate that funding is a fact; that no federal funds are used for abortion services by PP is a fact; that the majority of the services they provide are not related to abortion is a fact and it is a fact that when you reduce access to birth control, you get more pregnancy and more abortions. None of those are things you can prove I am "full of shit" about. I guess you are getting a little pissed at me for repeatedly proving you to be a liar. There is a solution, you know....stop lying.

LOL Paddy (as expected) loses his mind. GFY old man. I don't take you serious at all and get some help for your obvious anger problems
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

You're so full of shit you stink
What, no response to my proving you to be a fucking liar? No rebuttal to the proof I provided that demonstrated that the use of fetal tissue in research is perfectly legal? And what in the above was incorrect? Whether or not Walker wins is a matter of opinion. That congress would have to vote to eliminate that funding is a fact; that no federal funds are used for abortion services by PP is a fact; that the majority of the services they provide are not related to abortion is a fact and it is a fact that when you reduce access to birth control, you get more pregnancy and more abortions. None of those are things you can prove I am "full of shit" about. I guess you are getting a little pissed at me for repeatedly proving you to be a liar. There is a solution, you know....stop lying.

LOL Paddy (as expected) loses his mind. GFY old man. I don't take you serious at all and get some help for your obvious anger problems
You mistake my bemusement at how stupidly you react as anger. I provide objective facts that you cannot rebut. Your long delay in replying was no doubt spent trying to find something, anything, to support the lies in the video or to rebut the truth I provided. Not being able to find anything, you lose it and just attack me. Prove that what I posted about the legality of the use of fetal tissue for medical research is false or shut up. Prove that despite the "smoking gun" video you posted, no one was charged or shut up. In other words, Lassie, put up or shut up.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

You're so full of shit you stink
What, no response to my proving you to be a fucking liar? No rebuttal to the proof I provided that demonstrated that the use of fetal tissue in research is perfectly legal? And what in the above was incorrect? Whether or not Walker wins is a matter of opinion. That congress would have to vote to eliminate that funding is a fact; that no federal funds are used for abortion services by PP is a fact; that the majority of the services they provide are not related to abortion is a fact and it is a fact that when you reduce access to birth control, you get more pregnancy and more abortions. None of those are things you can prove I am "full of shit" about. I guess you are getting a little pissed at me for repeatedly proving you to be a liar. There is a solution, you know....stop lying.

LOL Paddy (as expected) loses his mind. GFY old man. I don't take you serious at all and get some help for your obvious anger problems
You mistake my bemusement at how stupidly you react as anger. I provide objective facts that you cannot rebut. Your long delay in replying was no doubt spent trying to find something, anything, to support the lies in the video or to rebut the truth I provided. Not being able to find anything, you lose it and just attack me. Prove that what I posted about the legality of the use of fetal tissue for medical research is false or shut up. Prove that despite the "smoking gun" video you posted, no one was charged or shut up. In other words, Lassie, put up or shut up.

It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
Now that you mention Scott may end up being right.

I've been scratching my head lately to figure out why Donald Trump is doing what he's doing, along with why it took so long for the GOP to trot out Walker as a candidate.

Trump was sent out for contrast. Now Walker seems completely sane by comparison. Have you noticed the GOP Presidential candidates coming out in intervals? This is not coincidence, it's Reince Preibus's overall strategy at work.

If you position Walker where he is in the parade, it's near the end, and the DNC is out of turds and rotten tomatos to fling, because they thoroughly abused all the other candidates.

I like Walker. I may vote for the man.

I also don't think he'll spend much time as a candidate on issues like gay marriage and abortion. And not much time as President either
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

You're so full of shit you stink
What, no response to my proving you to be a fucking liar? No rebuttal to the proof I provided that demonstrated that the use of fetal tissue in research is perfectly legal? And what in the above was incorrect? Whether or not Walker wins is a matter of opinion. That congress would have to vote to eliminate that funding is a fact; that no federal funds are used for abortion services by PP is a fact; that the majority of the services they provide are not related to abortion is a fact and it is a fact that when you reduce access to birth control, you get more pregnancy and more abortions. None of those are things you can prove I am "full of shit" about. I guess you are getting a little pissed at me for repeatedly proving you to be a liar. There is a solution, you know....stop lying.

LOL Paddy (as expected) loses his mind. GFY old man. I don't take you serious at all and get some help for your obvious anger problems
You mistake my bemusement at how stupidly you react as anger. I provide objective facts that you cannot rebut. Your long delay in replying was no doubt spent trying to find something, anything, to support the lies in the video or to rebut the truth I provided. Not being able to find anything, you lose it and just attack me. Prove that what I posted about the legality of the use of fetal tissue for medical research is false or shut up. Prove that despite the "smoking gun" video you posted, no one was charged or shut up. In other words, Lassie, put up or shut up.

Still losing it, Lassie? How sad.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
Now that you mention Scott may end up being right.

I've been scratching my head lately to figure out why Donald Trump is doing what he's doing, along with why it took so long for the GOP to trot out Walker as a candidate.

Trump was sent out for contrast. Now Walker seems completely sane by comparison. Have you noticed the GOP Presidential candidates coming out in intervals? This is not coincidence, it's Reince Preibus's overall strategy at work.

If you position Walker where he is in the parade, it's near the end, and the DNC is out of turds and rotten tomatos to fling, because they thoroughly abused all the other candidates.

I like Walker. I may vote for the man.

I also don't think he'll spend much time as a candidate on issues like gay marriage and abortion. And not much time as President either

Issues like gay marriage and abortion and just the dead skunk issues the Dems like to throw around. Last time it was their "War on Women".

Walker has alot of class and isn't stupid enough to let himself fall into those traps. He actually side-stepped a couple questions while being interviewed on FOX News last night, by stating it was too early to weigh in on the subject before he had more information.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
Now that you mention Scott may end up being right.

I've been scratching my head lately to figure out why Donald Trump is doing what he's doing, along with why it took so long for the GOP to trot out Walker as a candidate.

Trump was sent out for contrast. Now Walker seems completely sane by comparison. Have you noticed the GOP Presidential candidates coming out in intervals? This is not coincidence, it's Reince Preibus's overall strategy at work.

If you position Walker where he is in the parade, it's near the end, and the DNC is out of turds and rotten tomatos to fling, because they thoroughly abused all the other candidates.

I like Walker. I may vote for the man.

I also don't think he'll spend much time as a candidate on issues like gay marriage and abortion. And not much time as President either

Issues like gay marriage and abortion and just the dead skunk issues the Dems like to throw around. Last time it was their "War on Women".

Walker has alot of class and isn't stupid enough to let himself fall into those traps. He actually side-stepped a couple questions while being interviewed on FOX News last night, by stating it was too early to weigh in on the subject before he had more information.
The right used these issues as wedge issues in the past. Now that the nation has decided the Democrats are right, they are going to try to ignore them. Why should Walker be permitted to not tell us what he will do on these two issues? He has advanced draconian anti-abortion legislation in his state; laws that treat women like children. Those actions are entirely relevant to whether or not he should get a person's vote.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
Now that you mention Scott may end up being right.

I've been scratching my head lately to figure out why Donald Trump is doing what he's doing, along with why it took so long for the GOP to trot out Walker as a candidate.

Trump was sent out for contrast. Now Walker seems completely sane by comparison. Have you noticed the GOP Presidential candidates coming out in intervals? This is not coincidence, it's Reince Preibus's overall strategy at work.

If you position Walker where he is in the parade, it's near the end, and the DNC is out of turds and rotten tomatos to fling, because they thoroughly abused all the other candidates.

I like Walker. I may vote for the man.

I also don't think he'll spend much time as a candidate on issues like gay marriage and abortion. And not much time as President either

Issues like gay marriage and abortion and just the dead skunk issues the Dems like to throw around. Last time it was their "War on Women".

Walker has alot of class and isn't stupid enough to let himself fall into those traps. He actually side-stepped a couple questions while being interviewed on FOX News last night, by stating it was too early to weigh in on the subject before he had more information.
The right used these issues as wedge issues in the past. Now that the nation has decided the Democrats are right, they are going to try to ignore them. Why should Walker be permitted to not tell us what he will do on these two issues? He has advanced draconian anti-abortion legislation in his state; laws that treat women like children. Those actions are entirely relevant to whether or not he should get a person's vote.

What's "draconian" about having an expectant mother to have an ultra-sound before having an abortion? Is defunding an organization started by a self-admitted racist who sought to reduce the population of blacks "draconian"? And how does any bill Walker passed treat woman like "children"? His own Lt. Governor is a woman, are you saying Walker hates women? His concealed carry law gives women the same right to defend themselves, as men. Besides, what difference does it make what he does? You're not going to vote for him or any other Republican, you're going to waste your vote on "Hillary/Sanders/Biden/Insert Communist of your choice here."
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
Now that you mention Scott may end up being right.

I've been scratching my head lately to figure out why Donald Trump is doing what he's doing, along with why it took so long for the GOP to trot out Walker as a candidate.

Trump was sent out for contrast. Now Walker seems completely sane by comparison. Have you noticed the GOP Presidential candidates coming out in intervals? This is not coincidence, it's Reince Preibus's overall strategy at work.

If you position Walker where he is in the parade, it's near the end, and the DNC is out of turds and rotten tomatos to fling, because they thoroughly abused all the other candidates.

I like Walker. I may vote for the man.

I also don't think he'll spend much time as a candidate on issues like gay marriage and abortion. And not much time as President either

Issues like gay marriage and abortion and just the dead skunk issues the Dems like to throw around. Last time it was their "War on Women".

Walker has alot of class and isn't stupid enough to let himself fall into those traps. He actually side-stepped a couple questions while being interviewed on FOX News last night, by stating it was too early to weigh in on the subject before he had more information.
The right used these issues as wedge issues in the past. Now that the nation has decided the Democrats are right, they are going to try to ignore them. Why should Walker be permitted to not tell us what he will do on these two issues? He has advanced draconian anti-abortion legislation in his state; laws that treat women like children. Those actions are entirely relevant to whether or not he should get a person's vote.

What's "draconian" about having an expectant mother to have an ultra-sound before having an abortion? Is defunding an organization started by a self-admitted racist who sought to reduce the population of blacks "draconian"? And how does any bill Walker passed treat woman like "children"? His own Lt. Governor is a woman, are you saying Walker hates women? His concealed carry law gives women the same right to defend themselves, as men. Besides, what difference does it make what he does? You're not going to vote for him or any other Republican, you're going to waste your vote on "Hillary/Sanders/Biden/Insert Communist of your choice here."
That was one of the provisions. The law that requires that doctors have admitting privileges is absolutely designed to make it more difficult for women to have a perfectly legal procedure. There is no reason for this law other than to interfere with the right of a woman to have access to abortion. There is no medical reason to require an ultrasound. None. It is a law that suggests that women are really not aware of what the are doing when they decide to have an abortion. It is a violation of their rights to force them to undergo any kind of medical procedure. As for the idiotic comments about guns, was it unlawful from women to carry a concealed weapon before while it was legal for men? What a moronic example. And your comments about Planned parenthood mimic the same lies that other of your ilk spread. I have voted for Republicans.. for the US Senate, for Congress and for Governor of my state. I will not vote for Walker because of his far right views; views that are out of touch with the American public.
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
Are you joking?
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
Are you joking?
Why would I joke about it? If you cant answer the question its OK.

Cain s False Attack on Planned Parenthood
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?
Are you joking?

She never said it.
This story is all over the internet, PP will bite it on this one. You own it libs

Best comment so far.... "Weird how clumps of cells magically become "intact livers and hearts" once it's time for Planned Parenthood to harvest that baby for cash."
So far this story is only on the rightwing propaganda circuit.
Yeah. So far all I can find it on is the nutcase circuit which doesnt bode well. I do know however that they will accept donations from racists wanting to exterminate Blacks.

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