Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
When I researched all of this about 5 years ago I found that many of the statements attributed to her were outright lies or at the very least taken out of context. People (both Black and white) put in a lot of time to portray her a certain way.
Sanger did believe in negative eugenics.

The quote Irish Ram misappropriated came from My Way To Peace, not her book.

This body to direct and control the population through birth rates and immigration, and to direct its distribution over the country according to national needs consistent with taste, fitness and interest of the individuals.

The main objects of the Population Congress would be:
(a) to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.
(b) to increase the population slowly by keeping the birth rate at its present level of fifteen, decreasingthe death rate below its present mark of 11.
(c) keep the doors of Immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feeble-minded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.
(d) apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization, and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.
(e) to insure the country against future burdens of maintenance for numerous offspring as may be born feeble-minded parents, the government would pension all persons with transmissible disease who voluntarily consent to sterilization.
(f) the whole dysgenic population would have its choice of segregation or sterilization.
(g) there would be farm lands and homesteads where these segregated persons would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.
Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
Nothing has ever been edited before right? Thank god we got the Pink Panther here to set the record straight
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

The linnk doesn't work but I found it anyway: The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition

Worth reading the entire article (which has nothing to do with race). Again - a sentiment common in that era. Eugenics was unfortunately a popular school of thought with poor and working class people along with non-white races considered inferior.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

If you had read the entire article - instead of snipping - you would have realized she was referring to the "working class" poor people and morality.

Here is a much more readible link: The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition
All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class, and if morality is to mean anything at all to us, we must regard all the changes which tend toward the uplift and survival of the human race as moral. Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race.​

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

That particular quote is the one that is misused and taken out of context. Most of Sanger's work focused on combatting the poverty she saw driven by the inability of families to control the number of children they had and get out of the cycle of poverty. Her attitudes towards the poor and races was what we would consider today to be racist. Your source does not even show the quote.

Here is more from "the Negro Project":

What it became was not the project Sanger had first envisioned. As she wrote in an initial fund-raising request to Albert Lasker, the wealthy advertising executive just beginning his post-business career in medical philanthropy, she simply hoped to help "a group notoriously underprivileged and handicapped to a large measure by a ‘caste' system that operates as an added weight upon their efforts to get a fair share of the better things in life. To give them the means of helping themselves is perhaps the richest gift of all. We believe birth control knowledge brought to this group, is the most direct, constructive aid that can be given them to improve their immediate situation." Sanger viewed the Negro Project as another effort to help African-Americans gain better access to safe contraception and maintain birth control services in their community as she had attempted to do in Harlem a decade earlier when Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau (BCCRB), in cooperation with the New York Urban League, opened a birth control clinic there. (MS to Lasker, July 10, 1939, Mary Lasker Papers, Columbia University (to be microfilmed in a later addendum to the MSM)

So again - why is she so villified? Her attitudes were common to her era but hardly extreme compared to others in that time. Her huge achievement was to legalize and make available birth control - which she saw as the means for women to get control of their lives and get out of poverty. Unlike what some claim - it had nothing to do with "sex without consequences" as she only intended it to be for married women as per the morality of her time.

If she is so evil, then do you consider Thomas Jefferson, also a product of his time, to be vile? Or do his achievements trump his attitudes - again, typical of his era?

From: Common-place Of Racism and Remembrance he defends anti-miscegenation.

Here's how Jefferson closed his chapter on "Laws": "I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments of both body and mind. It is not against experience to suppose, that different species of the same genus, or varieties of the same species, may possess different qualifications. Will not a lover of natural history then, one who views the gradations in all the races of animals with the eye of philosophy, excuse an effort to keep those in the department of man as distinct as nature has formed them? This unfortunate difference of color, and perhaps of faculty, is a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of these people."

This argument for the separation of the races based on the natural inferiority of blacks derived from Jefferson's "observations" of the childlike simplicity of blacks, their wild imaginations, their incapacity to reason and create serious art, their "disagreeable odour." Jefferson also emphasized that blacks exhibited a uniform aesthetic preference for the "flowing hair" and "elegant symmetry of form" of whites, a preference as uniform as "the preference of the Oran-ootan for the black women over those of his own species."
Cancer is vile. Pregnancy avoidable. I was pregnant twice, but it only lasted for nine months each. Then I prevented it because 2 children is what I wanted. We have lots of ways to prevent pregnancy. To the perpetually pregnant, close your legs, buy a condom, take a pill, take one the next day. Stop having perpetual sex. If we can teach a child how to change a penis into a vagina, we can teach a child how not to get pregnant. Your claim of being a slave to perpetual pregnancy is bullshit.
Well that's what sex education is all about, but it won't work if "abstinence only" is all that can be taught. People will have sex. There's no stopping it. What people need to know is how to prevent pregnancy, if that's not what they want.
The parents who desire to limit their families show intelligence and responsibility. They should be encouraged and assisted in every means at the command of science and the state.

Such is the object of the American Birth Control League (104 Fifth avenue, New York City, which aims to arouse interest among the American people to bring to birth a better quality in our race, as well as to establish clinics in all thickly populated districts where poor overburdened wretched mothers may be instructed in the methods of birth control.

We need one generation of birth control to weed out the misfits, to breed self-reliant, intelligent, responsible individuals.

Our immigration laws forbid the entrance into this country of paupers, insane, feeble-minded and diseased people from other lands. Why not extend the idea and discourage the bringing to birth these same types within our borders. Let us stop reproducing and perpetuation disease, insanity and ignorance

So much for immigration^ lefties. But superior race and weeding out misfits is touching though......
Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
Nothing has ever been edited before right? Thank god we got the Pink Panther here to set the record straight
It's not there. Never has been. Put down the conspiracy crack pipe.

The quote is from an entirely different tract Sanger wrote.
The parents who desire to limit their families show intelligence and responsibility. They should be encouraged and assisted in every means at the command of science and the state.

Such is the object of the American Birth Control League (104 Fifth avenue, New York City, which aims to arouse interest among the American people to bring to birth a better quality in our race, as well as to establish clinics in all thickly populated districts where poor overburdened wretched mothers may be instructed in the methods of birth control.

We need one generation of birth control to weed out the misfits, to breed self-reliant, intelligent, responsible individuals.

Our immigration laws forbid the entrance into this country of paupers, insane, feeble-minded and diseased people from other lands. Why not extend the idea and discourage the bringing to birth these same types within our borders. Let us stop reproducing and perpetuation disease, insanity and ignorance

So much for immigration^ lefties. But superior race and weeding out misfits is touching though......

The only person here who seems to be going on about "superior races" and "weeding out misfits" is you.

What do you have against birth control?
Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
Nothing has ever been edited before right? Thank god we got the Pink Panther here to set the record straight
It's not there. Never has been. Put down the conspiracy crack pipe.

The quote is from an entirely different tract Sanger wrote.

They take quotes from the same anti-Sanger websites and the sources are often erroneous and sloppy.
Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
Nothing has ever been edited before right? Thank god we got the Pink Panther here to set the record straight
It's not there. Never has been. Put down the conspiracy crack pipe.

The quote is from an entirely different tract Sanger wrote.
I don't know or care if it was there. I just wanted to point out your lemming nature.
We have retards who claim Sanger wanted to exterminate blacks, and their only proof is a completely out of context quote, which when viewed in context, completely obliterates the claim.

And then we have a very special retard who links to a Mike Wallace interview as her evidence Sanger said the goal of PP was to exterminate blacks. The hilarious part is that neither Wallace or Sanger mention Planned Parenthood. Or blacks!

Clearly, the tard didn't even bother watching her own link!

Just what kind of special retardation do you have to be suffering from to make a colossally stupid mistake like that?!?

Was she thinking, "Well, the video is 25 minutes long. I don't have that kind of attention span, but she MUST have said something about exterminating blacks in an interview that long!"

And then we have a quote allegedly from Sanger about killing kids because they are a nuisance. A quote Sanger never actually said.

The mountain of bullshit is getting really high, kids.
Sangers attitudes were common to her time and yes, racist - as were many great historical figures. But calling for genocide of a race? That's fictionalized.
The Harlem Clinic

In 1929, 10 years before Sanger created the Negro Project, the ABCL laid the groundwork for a clinic in Harlem, a largely black section of New York City. It was the dawn of the Great Depression, and for blacks that meant double the misery. Blacks faced harsher conditions of desperation and privation because of widespread racial prejudice and discrimination. From the ABCL’s perspective, Harlem was the ideal place for this "experimental clinic," which officially opened on November 21, 1930. Many blacks looked to escape their adverse circumstances and therefore did not recognize the eugenic undercurrent of the clinic. The clinic relied on the generosity of private foundations to remain in business. In addition to being thought of as "inferior" and disproportionately represented in the underclass, according to the clinic’s own files used to justify its "work," blacks in Harlem:

  • were segregated in an over-populated area (224,760 of 330,000 of greater New York’s population lived in Harlem during the late 1920s and 1930s);
  • comprised 12 percent of New York City’s population, but accounted for 18.4 percent of New York City’s unemployment;
  • had an infant mortality rate of 101 per 1000 births, compared to 56 among whites;
  • had a death rate from tuberculosis–237 per 100,000–that was highest in central Harlem, out of all of New York City.
Although the clinic served whites as well as blacks, it "was established for the benefit of the colored people." Sanger wrote this in a letter to Dr. W. E. Burghardt DuBois

She's a helper. Her love of the blacks has me wellin up....
Chapter 6 of her book:
Woman and the NEW RACE:
[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

You have shown us how she feels abut Catholics. But large families aren't genetic.
Here she is, in her book, explaining the reason for sterilization and segregation, specifically tainted progeny and objectionable traits they transmit to offspring.
Here is an online copy of Women and the New Race.

That quote is not in there.

Try again.
Nothing has ever been edited before right? Thank god we got the Pink Panther here to set the record straight
It's not there. Never has been. Put down the conspiracy crack pipe.

The quote is from an entirely different tract Sanger wrote.

They take quotes from the same anti-Sanger websites and the sources are often erroneous and sloppy.
Who is they? I've never to my knowledge posted erroneous links. I post a lot of bullshit when the mood strikes me but never with the intent to deceive

Black genocide - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Again, the same out of context quotes and lack of sources.

By the way - do you think Thomas Jefferson is a "peach"?
Wiki is NOT a trustworthy source. Any contributor can alter the content

It requires sources - you can always go to the sources, it also has a vetting process. It's a decent first source to go to find information. Then you can track down the sources.
Study shows Wikipedia Accuracy is 97.5

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