Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Here is a sample of her quotes:
Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
"This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in
the solution of marriage problems... Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable - these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation." Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano's, New York, 1927)

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.."

It amazes me the lack of knowledge democrats,liberals and progressives have on Sanger. She was an evil, evil woman

Ya. So evil she liberated women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy.

So you think that liberating women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy is vile. Ok.
Trump said some of the illegals coming across our border are bad people, and the left went where there is no context to decree that, TRUMP HATES MEXICANS.

Yet, context after context has been offered from the mouth of Sanger and they want more context, plus more context to prove she was a promoter of the superior race, and how to insure it.

It's like needing every word out of Hitler's mouth before conceding that he was a racist promoter of the superior race, and how to insure it.

Hitler was responsible for the "Jewish" project. Sanger was responsible for the "Negro" project.

The core contingent of the eugenics movement in the US in the early 20th century were the anti-immigration crowd.
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.
Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:

:lol: nice dodge.

Wiki is more neutral and reliable than most - and it gives original sources - like her autobiography. Or is that unreliable too?

You've sat and called out every source Irish Ram has put up unreliable and then quote Wiki? LMAO

The wiki quotes are sourced. That's what the numbers in brackets are, fucktard.
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.
Someone provided some photoshopped ones before...but they were.....well...photoshopped.
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.

So we should outlaw birth control because Margaret Sanger supported it? Are you retarded?
Do any liberals have an opinion on Planned Parenthood illegally selling body parts? Not clumps of cells, but human body parts from the aborted fetuses?

I know you guys go all out to defend that Sanger bitch, but none of you are upset with today's PP committing a crime?
Do any liberals have an opinion on Planned Parenthood illegally selling body parts? Not clumps of cells, but human body parts from the aborted fetuses?

I know you guys go all out to defend that Sanger bitch, but none of you are upset with today's PP committing a crime?

Let's wait for an indictment.
Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:

:lol: nice dodge.

Wiki is more neutral and reliable than most - and it gives original sources - like her autobiography. Or is that unreliable too?

You've sat and called out every source Irish Ram has put up unreliable and then quote Wiki? LMAO
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.

So was Thomas Jefferson but you guys love him! :lol:
So we should outlaw birth control because Margaret Sanger supported it? Are you retarded?

You are an idiot.

Speak for yourself instead of putting words in other people's posts. Proof you can't read what is written.

Stop pretending that Sanger's motives were pure. They weren't. She was a bitter woman.

No one said outlaw anything, except you.

I must ask again if any liberals here have an opinion on Planned Parenthood committing crimes by selling body parts of aborted fetuses. Is that okay with you libs that this business does as it pleases with no fear of reprisals?
Do any liberals have an opinion on Planned Parenthood illegally selling body parts? Not clumps of cells, but human body parts from the aborted fetuses?

I know you guys go all out to defend that Sanger bitch, but none of you are upset with today's PP committing a crime?

Yes. That opinion has been expressed. Waiting to see more evidence - something beyond one heavily edited video.
All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up

From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:

:lol: nice dodge.

Wiki is more neutral and reliable than most - and it gives original sources - like her autobiography. Or is that unreliable too?

You've sat and called out every source Irish Ram has put up unreliable and then quote Wiki? LMAO
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.

So was Thomas Jefferson but you guys love him! :lol:

But we don't deny that he owned slaves. You people lie about Sanger to make her more palatable. As you lie about everything to make your death cult appealing and less monstrous.
So we should outlaw birth control because Margaret Sanger supported it? Are you retarded?

You are an idiot.

Speak for yourself instead of putting words in other people's posts. Proof you can't read what is written.

Stop pretending that Sanger's motives were pure. They weren't. She was a bitter woman.

No one said outlaw anything, except you.

I must ask again if any liberals here have an opinion on Planned Parenthood committed crimes by selling body parts of aborted fetuses. Is that okay with you libs that this business does as it pleases with no fear of reprisals?
Progressives are okay with the victimization of pregnant women, the illegal practices that put them at danger, the butchery of babies, and they're fine with the fact that it's all done in dirty, non-regulated facilities by insane clinicians who have no admitting rights to hospitals or any decent credentials, and who are admittedly only in it for the $$.
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Er, no. Selling baby parts is illegal. As is partial birth abortion, which she stated they were doing, and described how they were doing. In detail.

PS...I will remember that you stated once upon a time that the video was cool. Like the next time you claim that PP would never consider engaging in harvesting body parts or performing illegal abortions.

It sounds like this is the same as organ donation after death and requires prior consent of the pregnant woman after she chosen an abortion. It doesn't sound like anyone is getting paid for it. Is it any different than organ donation in an adult?
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Er, no. Selling baby parts is illegal. As is partial birth abortion, which she stated they were doing, and described how they were doing. In detail.

PS...I will remember that you stated once upon a time that the video was cool. Like the next time you claim that PP would never consider engaging in harvesting body parts or performing illegal abortions.

It sounds like this is the same as organ donation after death and requires prior consent of the pregnant woman after she chosen an abortion. It doesn't sound like anyone is getting paid for it. Is it any different than organ donation in an adult?

You're a liar. It isn't organ donation, and the partial birth abortion being described as the method to extract and kill the babies is ILLEGAL.
From Wikipedia: Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

She gave one lecture on birth control. So?

Hardly "speeches"

The funny thing about rightwinger attitudes towards Sanger is this. They try to tie her in to abortion - but Sanger was actually opposed to abortion. Her cause was solely birth control. So, that's one obvious lie.

The second is the distortion of her comments to make the claim that she want's exterminate black people - another lie. There is nothing in her comments to support that.

Was she racist? Her opinions reflect the prevalent attitudes in our country during that era - attitudes in fact, that still pop up today in the generaters of "feral negro" and "welfare queen" topics.

Sanger's writings echoed ideas about inferiority and loose morals of particular races that were widespread in the contemporary United States. In one "What Every Girl Should Know" commentary, she references popular opinion that Aboriginal Australians were "just a step higher than the chimpanzee" with "little sexual control," as compared to the "normal man and Woman."[78] Elsewhere she bemoaned that traditional sexual ethics "... have in the past revealed their woeful inability to prevent the sexual and racial chaos into which the world has today drifted."[93]
So...why do the rightwingers hate her so much they need to villify her with falsehoods? She wasn't anti-abortion. She was no more racist that many of her time, including exhaulted rightwing heros. What she did was free women - MARRIED women (because she still felt marriage was necessary) from a life of unending childbirth and the physical ailments and poverty that often resulted from that.

She gave women the same sexual freedom that men have long claimed and my god they hate for it! :lol:

Wiki is not a reliable source :rolleyes:

:lol: nice dodge.

Wiki is more neutral and reliable than most - and it gives original sources - like her autobiography. Or is that unreliable too?

You've sat and called out every source Irish Ram has put up unreliable and then quote Wiki? LMAO
America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.

So was Thomas Jefferson but you guys love him! :lol:

But we don't deny that he owned slaves. You people lie about Sanger to make her more palatable. As you lie about everything to make your death cult appealing and less monstrous.

So...demanding evidence that she called for genocide of blacks, and then calling that claim false because no one can produce said "lying about her"? No, it's not us lying. It's just your usual duplicitous double standard. Jefferson didn't just own slaves - he opposed any mixing of races because of the inferiority of the black race.
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Er, no. Selling baby parts is illegal. As is partial birth abortion, which she stated they were doing, and described how they were doing. In detail.

PS...I will remember that you stated once upon a time that the video was cool. Like the next time you claim that PP would never consider engaging in harvesting body parts or performing illegal abortions.

It sounds like this is the same as organ donation after death and requires prior consent of the pregnant woman after she chosen an abortion. It doesn't sound like anyone is getting paid for it. Is it any different than organ donation in an adult?

You're a liar. It isn't organ donation, and the partial birth abortion being described as the method to extract and kill the babies is ILLEGAL.

Because you say so....
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Did the unborn give consent to have his/her body donated? You can't take organs without explicit consent, and even then the family can stop it.

The fetus isn't a person.
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Er, no. Selling baby parts is illegal. As is partial birth abortion, which she stated they were doing, and described how they were doing. In detail.

PS...I will remember that you stated once upon a time that the video was cool. Like the next time you claim that PP would never consider engaging in harvesting body parts or performing illegal abortions.

It sounds like this is the same as organ donation after death and requires prior consent of the pregnant woman after she chosen an abortion. It doesn't sound like anyone is getting paid for it. Is it any different than organ donation in an adult?

You're a liar. It isn't organ donation, and the partial birth abortion being described as the method to extract and kill the babies is ILLEGAL.

Because you say so....


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