Planned Parenthood covers up child sex trafficking

It’s a fact that “Live Action”, the source of the OP has been busted along with Little Trumpster hero James O’Keefe on doctoring their undercover videos.
Naturally, the gullible author of this OP swallowed the bullshit whole.
The first post stands as FACT:

Planned Parenthood covers up child sex trafficking

Child Sex Trafficking Cover Up | Live Action

The average age of entry into child prostitution is 13, and some girls have been subjected to multiple abortions. An encounter with any health care worker should be an opportunity for trafficking victims to get help to escape from slavery. Live Action went undercover to find out how Planned Parenthood would respond to sex traffickers seeking services, including abortions, for their underage sex slaves

ME: Of course Planned Butcherhood covers up child sex trafficking. They also enable rapist because they tell girl as young as 11 that they don't have to tell their parents if they are getting an abortion. Planned Butcherhood is the modern Nazi Death Camp.
Democrats don't care if your daughters are raped and murdered by illegal aliens, and they don't care if they are raped and silenced. How many times do I have to say that Democrats are the embodiment of EVIL in today's America

First, prove any of this. Second, prove PP's role in this. Such partisan bullshit on your part. This is NOT partisan. There is no political party that condones child rape and/or murder.
What does this have to do with a political party?

Democrats support Planned Parenthood and abortion
Republicans are against Planned Parenthood and abortion

Thats what it has to do with a political party you half-witted imbecile

So why is support for PP any big deal? Being pro-choice or anti-choice on abortion depends on a person's religious/ideological views, not their support for a political party. Why do you present that republicans are anti-birth control and anti-choice? Is this true what the republican party represents? If this is true, I will happily vote for Democrats.
Planned Parenthood covers up child sex trafficking
Child Sex Trafficking Cover Up | Live Action

The average age of entry into child prostitution is 13, and some girls have been subjected to multiple abortions. An encounter with any health care worker should be an opportunity for trafficking victims to get help to escape from slavery. Live Action went undercover to find out how Planned Parenthood would respond to sex traffickers seeking services, including abortions, for their underage sex slaves

ME: Of course Planned Butcherhood covers up child sex trafficking. They also enable rapist because they tell girl as young as 11 that they don't have to tell their parents if they are getting an abortion. Planned Butcherhood is the modern Nazi Death Camp.
Democrats don't care if your daughters are raped and murdered by illegal aliens, and they don't care if they are raped and silenced. How many times do I have to say that Democrats are the embodiment of EVIL in today's America

This what happens when there is no Plan Parenthood

Had baby that she did not want

carried it to term, did not tell her parents or family

went to a doctor during pregnancy

Buried baby in back yard says it was still born funny

Charged with murder, acquitted of that charge by jury

Looks like a church going family, probably anti abortion

instilled that into the kid

had she had an abortion which is her choice, then

no trial

jury would not have had to find her not guilty in murder

family not put thru this public ordeal

Daughter would not talk to parents, her church , only the doctors

lives ruined

Does a woman have a choice, Yes she does and it is her choice and her decision and her life to live out

This is what happen when people run a guilt trip on her instead of supporting her free will.
This what happens when there is no Plan Parenthood
Had baby that she did not want
carried it to term, did not tell her parents or family
went to a doctor during pregnancy
Buried baby in back yard says it was still born funny
Charged with murder, acquitted of that charge by jury
Looks like a church going family, probably anti abortion
instilled that into the kid
had she had an abortion which is her choice, then
no trial
jury would not have had to find her not guilty in murder
family not put thru this public ordeal
Daughter would not talk to parents, her church , only the doctors
lives ruined
Does a woman have a choice, Yes she does and it is her choice and her decision and her life to live out
This is what happen when people run a guilt trip on her instead of supporting her free will.


Oh, so you picked out one single case where a girl had a problem. Your answer is to murder millions. In a just world, you would be strung up in the town square until your body decays.
This what happens when there is no Plan Parenthood
Had baby that she did not want
carried it to term, did not tell her parents or family
went to a doctor during pregnancy
Buried baby in back yard says it was still born funny
Charged with murder, acquitted of that charge by jury
Looks like a church going family, probably anti abortion
instilled that into the kid
had she had an abortion which is her choice, then
no trial
jury would not have had to find her not guilty in murder
family not put thru this public ordeal
Daughter would not talk to parents, her church , only the doctors
lives ruined
Does a woman have a choice, Yes she does and it is her choice and her decision and her life to live out
This is what happen when people run a guilt trip on her instead of supporting her free will.


Oh, so you picked out one single case where a girl had a problem. Your answer is to murder millions. In a just world, you would be strung up in the town square until your body decays.

So when America drop the atomic bomb on two cities and a fire bomb on tokyo that killed 100,000 men woman and children , I guess there is nothing immoral about that

Police shooting unarmed people,nothing immoral about that

unsafe abortion happens and its causes more problems than it solves

how moral is your last statement that you I should be strung up in the town square such as many people have been years ago.

Yes I can see your morality

yes I would hope that they can rebound and continue on but I am sure there are those in the community that will avoid them and talk about them
View attachment 280082

This what happens when there is no Plan Parenthood

Had baby that she did not want

carried it to term, did not tell her parents or family

went to a doctor during pregnancy

Buried baby in back yard says it was still born funny

Charged with murder, acquitted of that charge by jury

Looks like a church going family, probably anti abortion

instilled that into the kid

had she had an abortion which is her choice, then

no trial

jury would not have had to find her not guilty in murder

family not put thru this public ordeal

Daughter would not talk to parents, her church , only the doctors

lives ruined

Does a woman have a choice, Yes she does and it is her choice and her decision and her life to live out

This is what happen when people run a guilt trip on her instead of supporting her free will.

I have always thought that there is an evil motive behind the anti-abortion, anti-choice movement. They hate factual sex education and really hate birth control, and any thought of universally available birth control, which would eliminate a good number of abortions. They actually want girls and women to have unwanted pregnancies.

At the same time, they love guns and hate any thought that the law applies to them. Assault weapons: great. Authoritarianism: great. Patriarchy: great. Misogyny: great. Racism: great (but now they have to take some care to hide it). Separating kids from their parents: great. Kids going hungry in the U.S. and elsewhere: great, ain't my problem. Spreading hatred against LGBTs: great. Hating other faiths: great.

Right. Kill 'em all and let God sort them out. This is their motto. Long gone is the time when saying that someone is "church-going" automatically is an affirmation of that person's good character.
Planned Parenthood covers up child sex trafficking
Child Sex Trafficking Cover Up | Live Action

The average age of entry into child prostitution is 13, and some girls have been subjected to multiple abortions. An encounter with any health care worker should be an opportunity for trafficking victims to get help to escape from slavery. Live Action went undercover to find out how Planned Parenthood would respond to sex traffickers seeking services, including abortions, for their underage sex slaves

ME: Of course Planned Butcherhood covers up child sex trafficking. They also enable rapist because they tell girl as young as 11 that they don't have to tell their parents if they are getting an abortion. Planned Butcherhood is the modern Nazi Death Camp.
Democrats don't care if your daughters are raped and murdered by illegal aliens, and they don't care if they are raped and silenced. How many times do I have to say that Democrats are the embodiment of EVIL in today's America

Actually, Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger were a big influence on Mengele and the Nazis
obscene & dishonest lie, how people can put out this trash 2 score political points is beyond me. you can hate, dislike & not approve all you want, better watch out for that bolt of lighting.

Covering up for pedos and child trafficking. Awesome day job

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