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Planned Parenthood: False Allegations and the Clown Car

The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.

So you care, but not enough to pay for it yourself. Typical liberal
Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.
Private funding leaves way to many things underfunded..

Government funding leads to massive waste and counter incentives. Here's the 411, Virginia, politicians and bureaucrats don't care about you, they care about your money. Shocking, isn't it?
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....
There's no evidence that a 'significant majority' of Americans oppose public funds being used for public health.

In fact, the notion is ridiculous – public funds pay for or contribute to healthcare for children and the poor, ambulance and emergency room services, public hospitals and clinics, healthcare in public schools, as well as drug and provider regulation and disease control.

That you have to keep using euphemisms shows how weak you know your argument is. At some point, maybe you'll care about this issue enough to stop bleating that someone has to do something, and you will decide to do something, with your own money. I'm in. Let's take the government out of charity and fund Planned Parenthood ourselves. They are a worthy cause
Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people
What the hell? Public funding doesn't make someone a socialist.

It's a socialist program no matter how you slice it. BTW, I have another indication you're a socialist, you know what it is?

Also, you crack me up with "I have no problem with public funds being used for public health." Was that hard for you to admit, that you "have no problem" with other people paying for your causes? LOL, can't make up the shit you people actually say.

BTW, I have no problem if you want to pay my mortgage this month...

Me neither. Or my car payment :)
Extremist rightwing disinformation manages to reach the "highest" levels of the GOP and it is interesting to note that there are zero critical thinking skills to be found amongst the entire clown car circus troop.

Then again pandering to their lackwitted base is far more important than actual facts and the truth.

I fully expect this BS to be used to drive the dullards to the polls in 2016.
What is being done at planned parenthood is morally wrong.

The fact that you can't see that makes you and those like you, evil sick twisted mentally ill bags of flesh.
For those, who still doubt that this case is evil. How do you think, what kind of person can describe this horrible method of “crushing” the life from another living being, over a glass of wine and laughing?
If PP was selling puppy organs their funding would have been cut off immediately. Or heaven forbid, lion organs from lions killed by hunters.

our society is very screwed up right now.

You and the person who thanked you for your post need to read the link. Or, you can continue to lie by inference. PP DID NOT sell body parts, of course that fact will not disabuse you and her, as proud and loud members of the echo chamber.

The truth should make you mute, sadly it never does.
You and your little article are spinning to save a failed ideology. In other words, your a liar....the video alone proves they are trafficking in human organs....

Deal with it...
Another ridiculous lie from the right – the videos are devoid of credibility and merit, used by those hostile to privacy rights to propagate the lie that Planned Parenthood was 'trafficking' in 'body parts,' when in fact the organization's practices were perfectly legal and appropriate.
You act like those on the right are interested in honesty. The right will milk this up until the election.

The Right's Platform:




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So was Dred Scott UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE made such a BIG STINK about it, as we do today with BABY KILLING!... Still nothing on your avatar, Pond scum?

Well, nothing is stopping "you the people" to adjust the laws I believe.

Why don't you change the holy constitution to outlaw abortion, gay marriage and force everybody to attend church at least once a week?

If ISIS and the Taliban can do it surely you can do it too

Huckabee/Santorum 2016!


Oh, and my avatar isn't pond scum. Care to try again?
So was Dred Scott UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE made such a BIG STINK about it, as we do today with BABY KILLING!... Still nothing on your avatar, Pond scum?

Well, nothing is stopping "you the people" to adjust the laws I believe.

Why don't you change the holy constitution to outlaw abortion, gay marriage and force everybody to attend church at least once a week?

If ISIS and the Taliban can do it surely you can do it too

Huckabee/Santorum 2016!


Oh, and my avatar isn't pond scum. Care to try again?

2 good men that won't make the cut...simply because they AREN'T MAD ENOUGH!

We are trying baby killer, we simply need a president & Congress with balls to slap down scum like you...still haven't explained your avatar.... hateful atheist.... and that coming from an agnostic!
Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.
They are selling freaking body parts harvested from aborted babies and the useful idiot clown faces on the left are talking about "consultations with experts". Ever wonder how the Nazis got away with the Holocaust?
Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.

So you care, but not enough to pay for it yourself. Typical liberal

You have no idea whatsoever what I support or don't support.
It's in everyone's interest to track, treat and prevents disease just as roads, bridges and schools are. It's a public good.

I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.

More falsehood from the leftist media! Teach girls to STOP FUCKING WITHOUT thinking, and as mit was decades ago,

I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.

More falsehoods of the liberal media, and leftist activists. How about teaching that girls must take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and STOP celebrating the demise of another human when they don't! Yes, moral, ethic, principles, something that hasn't been taught for a long time now! And this from an agnostic, so your next rant about religious nut falls on deaf ears!
I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.

More falsehood from the leftist media! Teach girls to STOP FUCKING WITHOUT thinking, and as mit was decades ago,

I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.

More falsehoods of the liberal media, and leftist activists. How about teaching that girls must take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions, and STOP celebrating the demise of another human when they don't! Yes, moral, ethic, principles, something that hasn't been taught for a long time now! And this from an agnostic, so your next rant about religious nut falls on deaf ears!

Your dream of morality preventing unintended pregnancy will never overcome human nature. Grow up and let's get to the very real job of eliminating unintended pregnancy and by extension , abortion through practical means. Not your moral fantasy.

Thanks for providing a timely example of my statement you quoted.
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So was Dred Scott UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE made such a BIG STINK about it, as we do today with BABY KILLING!... Still nothing on your avatar, Pond scum?

Well, nothing is stopping "you the people" to adjust the laws I believe.

Why don't you change the holy constitution to outlaw abortion, gay marriage and force everybody to attend church at least once a week?

If ISIS and the Taliban can do it surely you can do it too

Huckabee/Santorum 2016!


Oh, and my avatar isn't pond scum. Care to try again?

2 good men that won't make the cut...simply because they AREN'T MAD ENOUGH!

We are trying baby killer, we simply need a president & Congress with balls to slap down scum like you...still haven't explained your avatar.... hateful atheist.... and that coming from an agnostic!

You had the H. or Rep., the Senate and the White House, as well as a majority of the Supreme Court under GWB, funny thing being there was no call for ending abortion in America at that time

Do you know why?

Abortion and guns are wedge issues, by pretending to oppose abortion for ethical reasons the GOP candidates did nothing when they had the power to do so. Ya'll keep on voting for Republicans, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result seems to be the mind of the Republican voter.

Democrats in general are pragmatic, provide education and contracepties for free, and there will be less abortions. It's really quite simple.
So was Dred Scott UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE made such a BIG STINK about it, as we do today with BABY KILLING!... Still nothing on your avatar, Pond scum?

Well, nothing is stopping "you the people" to adjust the laws I believe.

Why don't you change the holy constitution to outlaw abortion, gay marriage and force everybody to attend church at least once a week?

If ISIS and the Taliban can do it surely you can do it too

Huckabee/Santorum 2016!


Oh, and my avatar isn't pond scum. Care to try again?

2 good men that won't make the cut...simply because they AREN'T MAD ENOUGH!

We are trying baby killer, we simply need a president & Congress with balls to slap down scum like you...still haven't explained your avatar.... hateful atheist.... and that coming from an agnostic!

You had the H. or Rep., the Senate and the White House, as well as a majority of the Supreme Court under GWB, funny thing being there was no call for ending abortion in America at that time

Do you know why?

Abortion and guns are wedge issues, by pretending to oppose abortion for ethical reasons the GOP candidates did nothing when they had the power to do so. Ya'll keep on voting for Republicans, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result seems to be the mind of the Republican voter.

Democrats in general are pragmatic, provide education and contracepties for free, and there will be less abortions. It's really quite simple.

WRONG, the Republican's, as they are today, are FECKLESS... That is why MANY of us want to DEPORT many of them to retirement! PP is made UNWANTED by ObumaCare... have you checked you policy for the FINE PRINT?
The idea of funding the causes you support just isn't part of your world. BTW, I'm in with contributing to planned parenthood rather than tax dollars doing it, but that's because like you I support their cause and unlike you I believe I should do something, not someone should do something

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

cite? proof?
2 good men that won't make the cut...simply because they AREN'T MAD ENOUGH!

We are trying baby killer, we simply need a president & Congress with balls to slap down scum like you...still haven't explained your avatar.... hateful atheist.... and that coming from an agnostic!

Huckabee and Santorum aren't mad enough? They're totally insane, what more do you want?

Well, you could ask mullah Omar but maybe he's really dead this time and the new guy is supposed to be a moderate so that's probably not an option either.

But the real problem is that you cultists are a minority, the good old days of the inquisition and absolute rule of the church are gone and they aren't coming back. Maybe it's time to accept that and move on.

And what's the obsession with my avatar, you haven't explained yours either?

Good on you. It is still a public health concern.


I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.

Of course not, you're a socialist. Using your own money for what you believe in is inconceivable to you.

And they aren't "public funds," they were earned by someone and they aren't given to the public, they are given to specific people

Public funds are public funds. I'm pretty sure that there are enough taxpaying supporters to cover it. It's in everyone's interest to track , treat and prevent the spread of disease, especially among the most vulnerable populations. There are obvious holes in the system that can only be filled with public funding. It's a dream to think what is currently being accomplished can be done solely through private funding, if it were possible it would already be happening.
Private funding leaves way to many things underfunded..

Does the government owe every citizen free healthcare? yes or no.

I have no problem with public funds being used for public health.
A significant majority do.....

A " significant majority" is too ignorant to understand that PP prevents more abortions than it performs.

Um...how do you figure that?

Most objections to PP are over their abortion services without understanding that they prevent more abortions than provide.

still waiting for you to prove that claim.

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