Planned Parenthood: ‘Media’ Has ‘Found No Evidence’ Of Our Butchery…


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This is how these liberal/left operate. PP just told you to FXXK off. Because their leftwing hate sites will ride in to circle the wagons. time to wake up. That could have been YOUR BABY body parts being sold. Everything on them is edited: but nothing about the Tea Party, Republicans, Conservatives, white people, etc etc................Ever is
leftist pukes stick together


Planned Parenthood: ‘Media’ Has ‘Found No Evidence’ Of Our Butchery…

Here’s a clue, buy it. Leftist bloggers are not the law, nor can they clear you after video caught you selling baby body parts for money.

all of it here:
Planned Parenthood Media Has Found No Evidence Of Our Butchery Weasel Zippers
Planned Parenthood is all about killing off the black race so of course the Progressive media will circle the wagons
This is how AVORN went down as well. People will go to prison. I bet the bosses are popping xanax by the fistful.
Makers of Planned Parenthood video expose brochure proving profit motive in sale of fetal body parts
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives July 16, 2015

No, Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling ‘Aborted Baby Parts’.” And how can Planned Parenthood and its media protectors make such a claim when there’s a video out that shows one of the organization’s top medical officials engaged in a three-hour discussion of how Planned Parenthood sells aborted body parts?

Nuances, you see! You keep talking about profits! Oh no. Goodness no! No one’s making any profits here! These are donations for humanitarian purposes, and they’re just getting their expenses reimbursed! That’s all! Move along! Nothing to see here!

Uh huh. As this story unfolds, I’m getting to like the Center for Medical Progress more and more. They’re the ones who made the undercover video in the first place and they obviously were smart enough to anticipate this line of defense. In response to the charge that this is not about profit, CMP has released a brochure it obtained from Stem Express. This is an organization that works with individual Planned Parenthood clinics to facilitate the sale of fetal tissue, and its work is endorsed by Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Dorothy Furgerson.

Here’s a link to the entire brochure in PDF form.

I’ll excerpt the key passages, starting with the head and subhead on the front:

Your clinic can advance biomedical research.

Financial Profitable - Easy-to-Implement Plug-In Solution - Medical Director Oversight - IBR Certified Consents

Did you get the part about it being financially profitable? It’s the first one. This is a brochure that Stem Express gives to individual Planned Parenthood clinics to tout the benefits of selling fetal tissue, and the first one they note is the profitability of doing so.

ALL of it here:
Makers of Planned Parenthood video expose brochure proving profit motive in sale of fetal body parts
Hot air has an article too but I don't know how to copy links on my phone.
Hot air has an article too but I don't know how to copy links on my phone.

This one?

Planned Parenthood’s no-good, very bad, awful week continues

It’s not been a good week if you’re Planned Parenthood. First, your senior director of medical services is busted describing how you use illegal abortions to illegally harvest the organs of unborn babies. Then your PR company tells you to admit to harvesting the organs, andCongress opens up an investigation into your practices.

It’s also been revisited that organ harvesting is abortion industry-wide, international, and probably done on born children. Additionally, a now-defunct program that shipped dead kids from Canada as “medical waste” to an incinerator to Oregon to save energy costs has made some rounds.

If you thought things couldn’t get worse for Planned Parenthood — and thus better for practically everyone else — you were wrong. My boss, LifeSiteNews Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen, did some digging and found that the fetal organ racket has gotten even more profitable since it was first reported in 1998:

For instance, today, companies such as Stem Express are selling aborted baby livers after processing and getting them down to specific types of derived cells. Whereas in 1998 the price list had aborted baby livers ranging from $125 to $150, today’s prices for a vial of aborted baby liver cells range anywhere from $488 to $24,250.

Planned Parenthood s no-good very bad awful week continues Hot Air
The activity itself is disturbing enough. The craven defense of the activity is worse. Is abortion really so sacred that we can't even bring ourselves to say this is wrong?
Hot air has an article too but I don't know how to copy links on my phone.

This one?

Planned Parenthood’s no-good, very bad, awful week continues

It’s not been a good week if you’re Planned Parenthood. First, your senior director of medical services is busted describing how you use illegal abortions to illegally harvest the organs of unborn babies. Then your PR company tells you to admit to harvesting the organs, andCongress opens up an investigation into your practices.

It’s also been revisited that organ harvesting is abortion industry-wide, international, and probably done on born children. Additionally, a now-defunct program that shipped dead kids from Canada as “medical waste” to an incinerator to Oregon to save energy costs has made some rounds.

If you thought things couldn’t get worse for Planned Parenthood — and thus better for practically everyone else — you were wrong. My boss, LifeSiteNews Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen, did some digging and found that the fetal organ racket has gotten even more profitable since it was first reported in 1998:

For instance, today, companies such as Stem Express are selling aborted baby livers after processing and getting them down to specific types of derived cells. Whereas in 1998 the price list had aborted baby livers ranging from $125 to $150, today’s prices for a vial of aborted baby liver cells range anywhere from $488 to $24,250.

Planned Parenthood s no-good very bad awful week continues Hot Air
That's the one. There's also yet another article about the media's compulsive defense of it...Perry pwn'd Halperin when Halperin tried to get him to itemize all the wonderful things pp does for women, when they aren't violating and endangering them.
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood’s selling of fetal body parts
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives July 15, 2015

casually discussing the harvesting for sale of fetal body parts while sipping wine and nibbling on a salad. They are the gatekeepers of all information, you see, and if they don’t cover it then it isn’t news.

That didn’t work. So now that they realize they have to say something about it, they’re trying their best to cover Planned Parenthood’s behind by selling the giant abortion gin’s own talking points. They’re not selling body parts, you see. They’re just facilitating “organ donations” and getting reimbursed for their trouble.

Typical is this passage from Robin Marty in Cosmopolitan:

But what about the allegations themselves, and the video that has GOP presidential candidates up in arms and demanding a congressional investigation? Well, that too is mostly a matter of clever wording, a few unsubstantiated allegations, and a reliance on the fact that to most people — myself included — medical practices are kind of gross.

Abortion opponents are calling the process a “harvesting” of “aborted baby body parts.” In the edited video itself, the video producers insert citations for two different laws: 42 U.S. Code § 274e (prohibition of organ purchases) and 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2 (prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue). In both cases, the laws apply to “selling” organs or tissue, not to reimbursing a medical practitioner for costs associated with the procurement and transportation of these organs and tissues. As the prohibition of organ purchases states, “The term ‘valuable consideration’ does not include the reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of a human organ…” In other words, transportation — often very rapid transportation, as anyone who has ever watched a dramatic reenactment of an organ donation has seen — can be compensated. The “human fetal tissue” law is much the same, but also adds a caveat that no tissue or organs can be obtained from a fetus that was conceived specifically for the purpose of terminating and donating.

Considering these are products of conception coming directly from abortion clinics, that is unlikely to be a factor.

ALL of it here:
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood s selling of fetal body parts
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood’s selling of fetal body parts
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives July 15, 2015

casually discussing the harvesting for sale of fetal body parts while sipping wine and nibbling on a salad. They are the gatekeepers of all information, you see, and if they don’t cover it then it isn’t news.

That didn’t work. So now that they realize they have to say something about it, they’re trying their best to cover Planned Parenthood’s behind by selling the giant abortion gin’s own talking points. They’re not selling body parts, you see. They’re just facilitating “organ donations” and getting reimbursed for their trouble.

Typical is this passage from Robin Marty in Cosmopolitan:

But what about the allegations themselves, and the video that has GOP presidential candidates up in arms and demanding a congressional investigation? Well, that too is mostly a matter of clever wording, a few unsubstantiated allegations, and a reliance on the fact that to most people — myself included — medical practices are kind of gross.

Abortion opponents are calling the process a “harvesting” of “aborted baby body parts.” In the edited video itself, the video producers insert citations for two different laws: 42 U.S. Code § 274e (prohibition of organ purchases) and 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2 (prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue). In both cases, the laws apply to “selling” organs or tissue, not to reimbursing a medical practitioner for costs associated with the procurement and transportation of these organs and tissues. As the prohibition of organ purchases states, “The term ‘valuable consideration’ does not include the reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of a human organ…” In other words, transportation — often very rapid transportation, as anyone who has ever watched a dramatic reenactment of an organ donation has seen — can be compensated. The “human fetal tissue” law is much the same, but also adds a caveat that no tissue or organs can be obtained from a fetus that was conceived specifically for the purpose of terminating and donating.

Considering these are products of conception coming directly from abortion clinics, that is unlikely to be a factor.

ALL of it here:
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood s selling of fetal body parts
Yeah they're going to have a hard time explaining the divergent rates, and the fact that the doktor talked about how nice it was to make a little profit.
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood’s selling of fetal body parts
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives July 15, 2015

casually discussing the harvesting for sale of fetal body parts while sipping wine and nibbling on a salad. They are the gatekeepers of all information, you see, and if they don’t cover it then it isn’t news.

That didn’t work. So now that they realize they have to say something about it, they’re trying their best to cover Planned Parenthood’s behind by selling the giant abortion gin’s own talking points. They’re not selling body parts, you see. They’re just facilitating “organ donations” and getting reimbursed for their trouble.

Typical is this passage from Robin Marty in Cosmopolitan:

But what about the allegations themselves, and the video that has GOP presidential candidates up in arms and demanding a congressional investigation? Well, that too is mostly a matter of clever wording, a few unsubstantiated allegations, and a reliance on the fact that to most people — myself included — medical practices are kind of gross.

Abortion opponents are calling the process a “harvesting” of “aborted baby body parts.” In the edited video itself, the video producers insert citations for two different laws: 42 U.S. Code § 274e (prohibition of organ purchases) and 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2 (prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue). In both cases, the laws apply to “selling” organs or tissue, not to reimbursing a medical practitioner for costs associated with the procurement and transportation of these organs and tissues. As the prohibition of organ purchases states, “The term ‘valuable consideration’ does not include the reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of a human organ…” In other words, transportation — often very rapid transportation, as anyone who has ever watched a dramatic reenactment of an organ donation has seen — can be compensated. The “human fetal tissue” law is much the same, but also adds a caveat that no tissue or organs can be obtained from a fetus that was conceived specifically for the purpose of terminating and donating.

Considering these are products of conception coming directly from abortion clinics, that is unlikely to be a factor.

ALL of it here:
Media trying pretty hard to excuse Planned Parenthood s selling of fetal body parts
Yeah they're going to have a hard time explaining the divergent rates, and the fact that the doktor talked about how nice it was to make a little profit.

this LAMEstream medias have become an ENEMY to us people in this country. Especially when there is a Progressive/commie/dem in as President . people need to wake up to it
My point on how this leftist MEDIAS operate

Covering up EVIL: Washington Post changes Planned Parenthood headline from ‘organ harvesting’ to ‘research’
on Jul 16, 2015 at 10:05 PM in Politics

The horrifying story of the Planned Parenthood expose has gotten abortion-advocates bitterly angry but their left-leaning comrades in the media have swooped in to make sure that the American public knows as little as possible about their organ harvesting.

One of the best examples is the Washington Post, who white-washed their headline in order to assuage the evil of the story. This was how they originally headlined the story:

Notice that they correctly call it “organ harvesting” which would horrify any decent person with a moral conscience.

So that just wouldn’t do.

They changed it to this:

all of it here:
Covering up EVIL Washington Post changes Planned Parenthood headline from organ harvesting to research The Right Scoop -

Read more:
Megan Kelly had a Kali lizard-eye with a John Edwards blow-dry do last night screaming the tape is a fake, Fox news, war on women, blah blah blah.....interrupted her other guest to the point the whole segment was junk....The are FREAKED :eek-52: about this tape! :thup:

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