Planned Parenthood Prez: Videos Exposing Us Selling Aborted Babies are an Attack on Women

Once again you ignore reality.

Free trade, although negotiated by many presidents it took CLINTON to get it done. You are a hypocrite if you don't hate CLINTON for doing so.

What is it that you think Republicans get absolved of bad ideas and policy because they maybe got a Democrat to agree, kind of.

Yes or no, was Free Trade a bad idea? But it was the 1%ers who pushed for it.

Low tax Pay more no one is stopping you.

I pay my fair share. The rich should pay theirs.

Bust the Unions. Care to tell us how anyone, other then the unions themselves, busted them. Trumka supporting Obama while Obama is shutting down coal has killed the unions.

Are you just retarded? I honestly have to ask you this, because it seems like you ate paint chips as a child.

Deregulation, the democrats have had 8 years to do what they want. One of those years they could have done anything they wanted. Wall Street reform was passed I think you are tilting at windmills.

Wait, what 8 years were those? They only had TWO YEARS of having both houses of congress and the presidency.. And while they did some good things in that time, it's not nearly enough.

It was the housing market collapse that was the major reason. Which party thinks it's only fair that everyone owns a house? Even if they cannot afford it.

Guy, the housing market didn't bust because a few poor people bo ught houses.

It busted because middle class people bought McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them in a few years.
If only right wingers would show as much concern about children who go to bed hungry at night as they do for how PP disposes of its medical waste.
You stupid dip shit, conservatives want to educate Americans so they can support their family. Liberals want to indoctrinate Americans so we have the society we have today.

Guy, we have airline pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps.

please don't tell me that you want us all to become rich through "education".

YOu are a tool of the 1%, whether you realize it or not. They took away your middle class lifestyle by distracting you on bullshit like this.

"Hey, why is my good paying job going to China?"

"Look out, that woman is getting an abortion!!!"

"Gosh durn, Cleetus, that makes me so mad!"

Correct, clinton and his "free" trade agreements ruined the middle class, and lower class, just as Perot predicted.
Clinton's free trade agreement started by Reagan and fostered by GW Bush? Can you ever see the forest for the trees? Or do you get paid to push a myopic ideology?
If only right wingers would show as much concern about children who go to bed hungry at night as they do for how PP disposes of its medical waste.
You stupid dip shit, conservatives want to educate Americans so they can support their family. Liberals want to indoctrinate Americans so we have the society we have today.

Guy, we have airline pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps.

please don't tell me that you want us all to become rich through "education".

YOu are a tool of the 1%, whether you realize it or not. They took away your middle class lifestyle by distracting you on bullshit like this.

"Hey, why is my good paying job going to China?"

"Look out, that woman is getting an abortion!!!"

"Gosh durn, Cleetus, that makes me so mad!"

Correct, clinton and his "free" trade agreements ruined the middle class, and lower class, just as Perot predicted.
Clinton's free trade agreement started by Reagan and fostered by GW Bush? Can you ever see the forest for the trees? Or do you get paid to push a myopic ideology?

Actually it is you and RWer that is having the problem. I realize that Republicans have pushed for free trade agreements. To that there is not doubt. But they have said nothing else. They didn't say they opposed such things then voted for them. AND I don't absolve them of anything but I am not like you and RW. The president who signed the damn things should get the brunt of the blame. Clinton signed them, it was predicted what would happen if he did, and that indeed has come true.

You and RW can ignore the very central role that Clinton played but you are only burying your head in the sand to protect Clinton and the democrats.
Oh crap once again the left wing deflects and I get caught up in it, my bad.
Killin' babies is very profitable. Planned Parenthood made over $90 million in profit last year.

Of course, that doesn't count the cash they made from selling the baby body parts out the back door. :thup:

It's just medical waste!!
If only right wingers would show as much concern about children who go to bed hungry at night as they do for how PP disposes of its medical waste.
Hasn't your welfare state taken care of that? Food stamps, free breakfasts and lunches at school, and all that hasn't solved the problem of child hunge? Are you admitting that the War on Poverty has failed?
Poor people shoudn't even exist now, if the Democrat war on poverty had succeeded.
Hasn't your welfare state taken care of that? Food stamps, free breakfasts and lunches at school, and all that hasn't solved the problem of child hunge? Are you admitting that the War on Poverty has failed?

I'm stating that the War on Poverty hasn't kept up with the War on the Middle Class. But this would be something you Cleetus types wouldn't understand, voting Republican from your Double Wide while your good paying job goes to China
Wow she sounds like a few people on here. How callous . she says why not use them, they would just be thrown in the garbage anyway. We have become a sick society. Do you ever hear a pregnant woman go around telling people: she is going to have a clump of cells? They cared more for monkey that was used for medical research

Rebecca Watson: ‘Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Baby Parts, You F*cking Idiots’
What are they...chicken parts?
by Megan Fox
July 31, 2015 - 7:28 pm

An unknown (not for long) blogger by the name of “SkepChick” (or Rebecca Watson) has written a profanity-laced screed titled “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You F*cking Idiots,” accompanied by a snarky video to defend the scavenging of aborted baby organs by Planned Parenthood that by now, we have all seen on undercover video.

Chunky hipster glasses aside, her explanation for what you have seen is one of the ugliest yet. This is the classic “You didn’t see what you thought you saw so forget you saw it and believe me instead” explanation of the Left.

They have done this successfully so many times that they think it’s going to work again. It’s not. Here are the reasons this article and Watson’s crappy lie-filled defense are going to flop…spectacularly.

1. Baby parts are not necessary for medical advancement.
Rebecca begins:

90% of [abortions] are in the first trimester when it’s about size of a kidney bean, so they do see some pieces of fetal tissue. Which are just going to be thrown away in the garbage, but which the patient can instead choose to donate to important medical research.

First, thank you, Rebecca, for pointing out that countless babies are tossed out like garbage. If you think that makes Planned Parenthood look good, please keep it coming. What kind of medical research is she talking about? The kind that yields no results. From Breitbart [emphasis mine]:

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPEDS), actually goes one step further.

“Let’s be clear: selling organs of aborted babies for fetal tissue research is unnecessary and prolongs human suffering…Fetal tissue research, like embryonic stem cell research, has failed to produce a single successful treatment for human disease, and both have been associated with significant side-effects including overgrowth of cells and the need for immunosuppressive chemotherapy

Adult stem cell research, in contrast, has yielded treatments for 73 different diseases including several forms of cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, cardiac disease, autoimmune illnesses and more. Adult stem cells do not overgrow or require immunosuppression, and most importantly, they do not require the killing of innocent human life.”

Rebecca Watson Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts You F cking Idiots PJ Lifestyle

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