Planned Parenthood Settles $2 Million Case After Botched Abortion

Planned Parenthood Settles $2 Million Case After Botched Abortion

The system works then. Let's close the thread, please.

The system is flawed, the lawsuit is one aspect, the bigger issue is the laws that allow these baby killer shops to escape regulations and inspections that we ask other clinics and hospitals that do surgical procedures to follow. We need the same laws and regs for all.

Sorry if you find the death and abortion uncomfortable, but to ignore the issues is not benefitting anyone.
Planned Parenthood Settles $2 Million Case After Botched Abortion

The system works then. Let's close the thread, please.

Out of sight, out of mind. That's the liberal way...Sorry that's how Gosnell got away with his butchery for so long. Planned Parenthood makes lots of money off of their baby killing business. They love killing babies, it's big money:evil:
Normally, liberals are all for regulating the shit out of companies. Planned Parenthood is given tax dollars each year, despite making billions. Not only that, but the left refuses to regulate them and have fought against any oversight of the clinics even though they regularly perform surgeries. Yes, abortion is a surgery. Some proposed regulations would have mandated that clinics were within a certain distance from hospitals in the event something went wrong, as it did in the case posted here. Liberals don't want any inspections of clinics or standards like the average medical clinic would be subject to. They even want to train non-physicians to perform abortions to ensure that even more abortions can be performed. This case is an example of why there should be higher standards in abortion clinics. The left will come and say it's rare, so it shouldn't be a concern. Of course, those would be the same liberals who would like to take guns from people, with the argument that if even one life was saved that it would be worth it.

We don't know the statistics for how many women suffered serious consequences from abortions. Clearly, any clinic that does surgeries, however routine, should meet the same standards as any other clinic. I had to have stitches in my leg once and the standards for that minor procedure are far greater than any standards an abortion clinic would have to meet. Now tell me that makes sense.
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Democrats and Liberals in Texas are willing to let this happen every day.. At least the ones that support Wendy do.
Woman dies after Planned Parenthood botched abortion and delayed calling 911

Another Kermit Gosnell moment.
Woman dies after Planned Parenthood botched abortion and delayed calling 911

Another Kermit Gosnell moment.

This was a botched operation. It happens thousands of times a year in every country in the world. Comparing it to a man driving scissors through a late-term baby's neck to sever their spinal cords is ridiculous.
If it happened in Texas, the award would have been limited to $250K

if it happened in Texas she'd probably still be alive

Probably not, since most of the restrictions they placed on abortion clinics wouldn't have prevented this problem.

They also found Northwestern Hospital liable, and they didn't perform or have anything to do with the abortion.

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