Playing politics with kids lives

The safety of the kids is surely the paramount issue and not trumps tanking economy.Trump wants the kids back so that their parents can get back to work and not because he is concerned about their education.

Classes would have to be halved in size to make them safe and extra staff would be needed to keep basic things like toilet facilities compliant. And of course you would need monitors to ensure that 6 year olds socially distance in a civically responsible fashion. An enhanced cleaning schedule would also be needed and at risk staff and pupils would need to be identified.

Its a huge job that our government just ignored. Looks like trumpy has the same dismal plan.

Given your open support for the child-rape gangs that infest your own shithole of a country, nobody believes that you give a damn about the safety of children. At least nobody with better than a room-temperature IQ.
Tommy Tainant supports those muslim child rape gangs? Thats fucked up. He shouldnt be allowed to have an account here.
Tommy Tainant supports those muslim child rape gangs? Thats [sic] fucked up. He shouldnt [sic] be allowed to have an account here.

I say let him speak. Evil needs to be out in the sunlight, where it can be seen and recognized and called out for what it is.
The safety of the kids is surely the paramount issue and not trumps tanking economy.Trump wants the kids back so that their parents can get back to work and not because he is concerned about their education.

Classes would have to be halved in size to make them safe and extra staff would be needed to keep basic things like toilet facilities compliant. And of course you would need monitors to ensure that 6 year olds socially distance in a civically responsible fashion. An enhanced cleaning schedule would also be needed and at risk staff and pupils would need to be identified.

Its a huge job that our government just ignored. Looks like trumpy has the same dismal plan.

Given your open support for the child-rape gangs that infest your own shithole of a country, nobody believes that you give a damn about the safety of children. At least nobody with better than a room-temperature IQ.
Every time you make this claim I ask you for evidence and you fuck off back under the rock you crawled from under. Run along you piece of shit.

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