Please arrest Trump…what would energize ‘the base’ and legit fence-sitters more than an arrest?

I pray to God that he’s arrested on national television….it will be epic, the climax to the endless witch-hunts….there’s just no way an arrest won’t mobilize everybody even half legit.

Robert Rogers’ Standing Orders of the 75th Ranger Regiment​

2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder ball and be ready to march at a minute’s warning.

Robert Rogers’ Standing Orders of the 75th Ranger Regiment​

2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder ball and be ready to march at a minute’s warning.

Those orders have been updated to "600 rounds." But I'm not marching, that much ammunition is pretty heavy.

I am hoping we have enough fire power to put him away for a couple of years. I can't imagine him winning from inside of prison.
Yep... why wear out good shoe leather when the fools will come right to your door - once, at least :Boom2:

I'm too old to be humping ammo through the boonies. I'd rather dig in, hunker down, and pick them off one at a time at 500 yards with a scoped .308.
If the legal situation warrants it, he will be arrested. I am sure there will be those who protest, but not like the size it would have been 2 years ago.

Quit changing your avatar. Now I no longer know who the hell you are.
I pray to God that he’s arrested on national television….it will be epic, the climax to the endless witch-hunts….there’s just no way an arrest won’t mobilize everybody even half legit.

It would be epic. To all the millions upon millions who for years have found all of the claims and failed, dead-end witch hunts growing increasingly suspicious year by year that the actual evidence and published facts given them simply doesn't fit the constant drone of hysteria and panic of the left about Trump, his arrest going into a new election over anything less than Donald being literally caught bare-handed a la the level of an Aldrich Ames or Benedict Arnold selling out his country, this would be the final selling point proving to all but the most virulently partisan that his persecution is merely that of an enemy of the hopelessly corrupt state no better than communist china that he's tried to warn everyone of for years and years, making him the ultimate martyr to finally overthrow this communist regime infiltrating and trying to seize control of this country.
If the legal situation warrants it, he will be arrested. I am sure there will be those who protest, but not like the size it would have been 2 years ago.

I am hoping we have enough fire power to put him away for a couple of years. I can't imagine him winning from inside of prison.
Don’t you want him to win….weren’t you kicking ass on his watch from 20016-2020?
I pray to God that he’s arrested on national television….it will be epic, the climax to the endless witch-hunts….there’s just no way an arrest won’t mobilize everybody even half legit.

Not "legit fence sitters" since legit fence sitters are not in a cult.

And you losers are a minority.
Does the left really want to see Trump as President for life? Because arresting him is how they're going to get Trump as President for life.

Apparently they're too stupid to notice how things go in other countries.
Not "legit fence sitters" since legit fence sitters are not in a cult.

And you losers are a minority.
Legit fence-sitters have a genuine interest in bettering the nation…they all kicked ass under Trump. Like all sane people….It’s not about personal feelings for them.
legit fence sitters are not in a cult.
Of course they are a cult. A cult of the indifferent, ambivalent, and perennially undecided, so you add the "legit" adjective as a lever so as to excuse them politically as needed.

And you losers are a minority.
Say again, Petunia?


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