Please arrest Trump…what would energize ‘the base’ and legit fence-sitters more than an arrest?

Guess that must be why recent polls show his popularity soaring over all the other prospects for '24! :lmao:
Of course Trump is popular, look at how everything has turned to shit under Biden and Democrats. Dems don't get it, nobody likes them.
I pray to God that he’s arrested on national television….it will be epic, the climax to the endless witch-hunts….there’s just no way an arrest won’t mobilize everybody even half legit.
Accompanied by his lawyers and secret service agents, he'll turn himself in, and be back out in a couple of hours or less.

That's not going to mobilize you. You're a talker, not a doer.
I pray to God that he’s arrested on national television….it will be epic, the climax to the endless witch-hunts….there’s just no way an arrest won’t mobilize everybody even half legit.
I think it is so funny (not really) that they are going to arrest Trump for campaign finance violations for paying off a stripper when many others have paid off affairs and many others have violated campaign finance laws, all without being arrested. Bill Clinton paid off numerous women. I don't remember him ever having been arrested. And Obama had one of the largest ever campaign finance law violations. I don't remember him ever having been arrested either. We've also got AOC who violated campaign finance laws. Is the state of New York going to arrest her to?
This country is becoming like one of those unnamed South American banana republics in an 80s Chuck Norris movie.

It already has.

What I said was not based on the civility of republicans, but on the fact that fewer and fewer republicans believe Trumps lies.
As opposed to Biden's obvious fabrications?

I think the reason the left wanted to act like they were counting Trump's lies was to make everyone think that lying by the president was not only acceptable in Biden's case but something to be ignored.
What better way to create confusion than to flood the media with one lie after another.
weren’t you kicking ass on his watch from 20016-2020?

I was kicking ass prior to 2016 and I am kicking ass now. I pity people like you that have to rely on who is sitting in the White House for such things.
Does the left really want to see Trump as President for life? Because arresting him is how they're going to get Trump as President for life.

Apparently they're too stupid to notice how things go in other countries.
Shhh! Quit tipping our hand!
Golfing Gator speaks like a true blue shithole elitist….so long as he and his wife are kicking ass he can’t give two-shits about how executive policy impacts the peasants beneath him.

And you, on the other hand, have shown such compassion and concern for your fellow citizens.
I agree that Trump being arrested would guarantee his nomination.

My question is must he wait to be arrested, or would his flying to New York to turn himself in have the same effect?

The Democrats will be desperate for his arrest not to be public. A money shot of Trump doing the perp walk would appeal to many on here, but would guarantee a Republican majority in both houses and Trump in the White House in 24.

He needs cameramen working in shifts 24/7 to catch the moment when Merrick's Sturmtruppen make their raid. Preferably two to surround the goons and get it from multiple angles.
Trump will be acquitted. Then he will go on the campaign trail in 2024 and remind the voters why he was elected in 2016. America goes down hill every time another person from a shit hole country crosses the border and enters our country. Elect Trump in 2024 and let him finish the border wall.
Those orders have been updated to "600 rounds." But I'm not marching, that much ammunition is pretty heavy.


I always tell my boys that I'd be happy to fight to the death to keep the Republic. But, I can't hump a pack anymore, I'd need to be like a door gunner or whatnot.
I’m all about ALL legitimate, real, core American CITIZENS….I always have been.

Yeah, the ones you select. Other than straight, Christian, white men, who do you include in the "...legitimate, real, core American citizens"?

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