PLEASE Can someone tell Trump to attend Security Briefings at least.

Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

They don't want Donnie to worry his pretty little head about big stuff like security of the nation. He's got to pick out his maids of honor for the big day coming up!
Obama missed almost 1,000 of those briefings in his first six years.

I bet you're going to say this came from the news that shouldnt ever be believed

I guess we could use ABC:

Obama 'Skipping' Intelligence Briefings?

...or there is this one:

Report: Obama Has Missed over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings - Breitbart

You do realize that you link says what you claimed is made up right?
Obama missed almost 1,000 of those briefings in his first six years.

I bet you're going to say this came from the news that shouldnt ever be believed

I guess we could use ABC:

Obama 'Skipping' Intelligence Briefings?

...or there is this one:

Report: Obama Has Missed over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings - Breitbart

You do realize that you link says what you claimed is made up right?

Wrong, Obama's camp just claims staff didn't put it on the schedule sometimes. Btw, only 42.1% of the time...

You were given some wiggle room for fairness sake, not a license to lie your ass off.
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here
Yeah and who would know better than you? after all you're an expert on National Security..... :rolleyes:

"The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." -- Arnold Glasow

I'm saying being briefed is better than not being briefed.
Er..former Chief Executives would beg to disagree, apparently Presidents have figured out how to hire trusted content experts (aka "a NS Staff") that can determine when Presidential attendance makes sense and when attendance is a waste of one of the most important Presidential finite resources, time.

The explanation as to why Trump and all the Presidents/President-Elects before him haven't bothered to contact you for your opinion on whether to attend daily NS Briefings or not is: as usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are just doing yet another stupid, partisan pet trick on this question.

If anyone disagrees with knowledge is worse than ignorance I'd love to hear it. Saying someone else disagrees doesnt explain why you would disagree. People say stupid shit all the time that doesnt mean its valid simply because someone said it or you think thats what they meant
But your okay with Obama missing them?
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

He's having too much fun getting his ring kissed by the string of political whores streaming into the elevators at Trump Tower. Fuck national security, the only security he cares about is his own.
Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win

Officials involved in the Trump transition team cautioned against assigning any significance to the briefing schedule that the president-elect has set so far, noting that he has been immersed in the work of forming his administration, and has made filling key national security posts his top priority.

They don't want Donnie to worry his pretty little head about big stuff like security of the nation. He's got to pick out his maids of honor for the big day coming up!

And have the crown adjusted to fit his big, fat head.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
wow you did not have any problems when obama skipped the security briefings...did you ..hypocrite

Obama skipped most of his daily intelligence briefings - Govt Accountability Institute
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
wow you did not have any problems when obama skipped the security briefings...did you ..hypocrite

Obama skipped most of his daily intelligence briefings - Govt Accountability Institute

But you forget that Trump has told everyone he will be better at all this than Obama. He ran on that premise, remember, dandruff flake?
And your posting of Time magazine's Person of the Year cover is fascinating, since you agree with Trump that the media is lying, you dumb fuck.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

Obama told us ISIS was the JV team
yeah, I wasn't happy when it was reported Obama was blowing these off and I'm not happy about this either.

We saw what happened with Obama and his crappy assed foreign policy. Trump needs to step it up here.

Oh, man, Obama skipping them. So ClosedCaptioned, where are your threads on that?

And from what I understand he missed thousands of those meetings. To busy playing golf. LOL
This 2012 "news" was debunked at the time and was recently dredged up by Breitbart in response to the fact that Trump actually IS blowing off his security briefings. Obama takes the information in print form, as have Presidents before him. Bush liked it orally, it's all up to them. Obama doesn't delegate it to Biden. As for the golf,
On average, once every week and a half, he played a round of golf. Other presidents have played much more.
President Obama plays 300th round of golf as president

Finally, at least a liberal who actually read on the subject, at least what the media is reporting. Your idiot brethren are not.

So how do you know Trump isn't getting and reading the same reports Obama does? None of the publications like the Washington Post that defended Obama saying he gets them in writing said how they knew Trump isn't getting them
My question exactly. Since nothing has been said in a couple weeks, I'm kinda hoping that Trump is taking in the daily briefings in print form. Since the team openly admits Trump has ADD, sometimes an in-face briefing might be easier for him to tolerate, but as long as he gets it somehow. I can't imagine the steep learning curve the man has in front of him, and it's not something he can "put off" until the last minute. So I hope he isn't.
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Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
wow you did not have any problems when obama skipped the security briefings...did you ..hypocrite

Obama skipped most of his daily intelligence briefings - Govt Accountability Institute

But you forget that Trump has told everyone he will be better at all this than Obama. He ran on that premise, remember, dandruff flake?
And your posting of Time magazine's Person of the Year cover is fascinating, since you agree with Trump that the media is lying, you dumb fuck.
I have Trump in my siggy just to piss you libtard assholes quit crying buttercup...grow a pair and man up
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

Obama told us ISIS was the JV team

And he was right.

How America is beating ISIS in Iraq and Syria - The Week
Apr 30, 2016 - How America is beating ISIS in Iraq and Syria ... personnel are also being sent to Syria to help coordinate the Sunni tribes battling ISISthere.
Iraqi forces 'take revenge on ISIS with beheadings, and mutilations ...
Mar 13, 2015 - After being shown the images, Iraqi Army spokesperson, General Saad Maan, ... Sunni homes in the battle to win back Tikrit from Islamic State hands. ...... with supportive mother Yolanda... after beatingsister Bella to Model of ...

VIDEO: Iraqi Special Forces Tear Into ISIS Fighters (GRAPHIC ...
Aug 27, 2014 - VIDEO: Iraqi Special Forces Tear Into ISIS Fighters (GRAPHIC) ... battle which shows some of their progress in beating back ISIS forces. ... million for the release of a 26-year-old American woman who is being held hostage.
The Militia Commander Beating Back ISIS in Iraq Makes the U.S. ...
Jun 2, 2016 - BAGHDAD—Behind the rise of a paramilitary force in Iraq credited with saving the country from Islamic State is an Iran-trained jihadist the U.S. ...
IRAQI Army kills several ISIS rats, one of whom apparently was ...
Aug 30, 2014 - Now if only the Syrian army can get a boost and beat back ISIS and Al .... to more good news of islumic isil muslum terrorists beingdestroyed.
U.S. Looks to Beat ISIS Before Obama's Out - The Daily Beast
Sep 1, 2016 - Which means the pressure is on to score a major win against ISIS ... and an understanding the Kurds will leave Manbij after they beat back ISIS.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
wow you did not have any problems when obama skipped the security briefings...did you ..hypocrite

Obama skipped most of his daily intelligence briefings - Govt Accountability Institute

But you forget that Trump has told everyone he will be better at all this than Obama. He ran on that premise, remember, dandruff flake?
And your posting of Time magazine's Person of the Year cover is fascinating, since you agree with Trump that the media is lying, you dumb fuck.
I have Trump in my siggy just to piss you libtard assholes quit crying buttercup...grow a pair and man up

You must trust the media, dickhead. I knew you couldn't address my points, either. You're too busy polishing Trump's little pointer.
If he doesnt know the secrets.
He cant leak the secrets.
we are much safer this way.
Besides, maybe he just doesnt want to sit in the same room as barry for that much time. I know I wouldnt want to, not sure the stink would wash off.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

Can you spare some fake outrage over this?
Report: Obama Has Missed over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings
A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.
The GAI report also included a breakdown of Obama’s PDB attendance record between terms; he attended 42.4% of his PDBs in his first term and 41.3% in his second.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

Obama told us ISIS was the JV team

And he was right.

How America is beating ISIS in Iraq and Syria - The Week
Apr 30, 2016 - How America is beating ISIS in Iraq and Syria ... personnel are also being sent to Syria to help coordinate the Sunni tribes battling ISISthere.
Iraqi forces 'take revenge on ISIS with beheadings, and mutilations ...
Mar 13, 2015 - After being shown the images, Iraqi Army spokesperson, General Saad Maan, ... Sunni homes in the battle to win back Tikrit from Islamic State hands. ...... with supportive mother Yolanda... after beatingsister Bella to Model of ...

VIDEO: Iraqi Special Forces Tear Into ISIS Fighters (GRAPHIC ...
Aug 27, 2014 - VIDEO: Iraqi Special Forces Tear Into ISIS Fighters (GRAPHIC) ... battle which shows some of their progress in beating back ISIS forces. ... million for the release of a 26-year-old American woman who is being held hostage.
The Militia Commander Beating Back ISIS in Iraq Makes the U.S. ...
Jun 2, 2016 - BAGHDAD—Behind the rise of a paramilitary force in Iraq credited with saving the country from Islamic State is an Iran-trained jihadist the U.S. ...
IRAQI Army kills several ISIS rats, one of whom apparently was ...
Aug 30, 2014 - Now if only the Syrian army can get a boost and beat back ISIS and Al .... to more good news of islumic isil muslum terrorists beingdestroyed.
U.S. Looks to Beat ISIS Before Obama's Out - The Daily Beast
Sep 1, 2016 - Which means the pressure is on to score a major win against ISIS ... and an understanding the Kurds will leave Manbij after they beat back ISIS.

We're still battling the "JV Team" 4 years later??????
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?

Can you spare some fake outrage over this?
Report: Obama Has Missed over Half His Second-Term Daily Intel Briefings
A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014.
The GAI report also included a breakdown of Obama’s PDB attendance record between terms; he attended 42.4% of his PDBs in his first term and 41.3% in his second.
there is one major difference that makes it worse for Trump to miss the briefings, and that is the fact that Donald Trump has the ability to understand what is being said while barry does not. So even if barry is there, someone might be talking about trouble in the middle east, obama is day dreaming about hole 4 at the country club.

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