PLEASE Can someone tell Trump to attend Security Briefings at least.

What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here

Obama had intelligence briefings 40% of the time this year and his history has been 50%. Funny how this was never a standard to you ... until now ...

According to what? Now go ahead and say the news so we know who you turn to for facts. Thats the last response you're getting from me Kaz, you're just trolling like a child right now
well, I'm not seriously bent about it. yet. I'd agree that it's early to be running around with our hair on fire about this.

to be fair though, if he doesn't step it up here I'm going to be critical of it. I thought it was misguided with Obama, given his lack of foreign policy experience, and I've got the same problem here.

He needs to educate himself and let those trying to inform him do their jobs. National Security is serious shit, so I'm not going to be giving him a helluva lot of rope on this issue.

My guess is that he isn't big on foreign intrigue at the government level, and he's going to delegate it heavily. So far I'm confident with most of his picks across the board.

yeah, I like most of his picks also. not all of them, but I'm fine with military brass in some of these roles that have others shitting about that.

here's my problem, though. He is the decision maker at the end of the day. He has to be up on this stuff or he is left at the mercy of others that may be pulling his cords for reasons of their own.

I prefer the CIC to be the actual CIC, instead of some power behind the throne, so to speak, actually wielding that kind of power.

In any case, I'm in wait-and-see mode on a lot of stuff, this included. I like some of what he's done, but I'm not liking this so far. I can deal with cockups in many, hell most, other areas, but here dumbassery gets people dead, and I'm not OK with that, so I hope he gets his shit together here.
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here
Yeah and who would know better than you? after all you're an expert on National Security..... :rolleyes:

"The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." -- Arnold Glasow
PLEASE Can someone tell Trump to attend Security Briefings at least.
Get off your lazy ass and tell 'em yourself ; he can be reached @ 1-800-FUCK-YOU.

LMAO Good on Foxy.

Trump ain't POTUS yet so even if he knows there isn't anything he can do so why bother to attend the meetings??

Once he is POTUS and has the ability to do what he needs to do you can bet he will attend those meetings.

Douchebag is still the POTUS, The morons must have forgotten that. LOL
Trump shouldn't be expected to absorb all that information in 24 hours. Our less friendly neighbors on this planet will be testing the new administration, same as they've done every time we transition to a new President. He should come in with some basic understanding of what's going on. Unless we really are expected to let Pence and the generals make all the decisions. Maybe that's fine with you all.

Oh I think Trump will be making the decisions but right now he's not the POTUS.

Attending the security briefings bill get more important the closer we get to the 20th.

After all Obama has missed thousands of these briefings since he became POTUS.
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here
Yeah and who would know better than you? after all you're an expert on National Security..... :rolleyes:

"The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." -- Arnold Glasow

I'm saying being briefed is better than not being briefed. You're free to present your argument on why ignorance is better than knowledge. Or you can pretend this about who is a expert. I'm not so thats over.
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here

Relax, he will be briefed. He will take actions as necessary. He is not another Obama. He is an American. He will do his job to protect Americans and American interests.
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
Why do you ASSume Trump does not know what's going on? :)

Without receiving security briefings he cant know whats in the briefings by osmosis

Pence is receiving them nearly every day.... calm down, it's going to be OK.
yeah, I wasn't happy when it was reported Obama was blowing these off and I'm not happy about this either.

We saw what happened with Obama and his crappy assed foreign policy. Trump needs to step it up here.

Oh, man, Obama skipping them. So ClosedCaptioned, where are your threads on that?

And from what I understand he missed thousands of those meetings. To busy playing golf. LOL
This 2012 "news" was debunked at the time and was recently dredged up by Breitbart in response to the fact that Trump actually IS blowing off his security briefings. Obama takes the information in print form, as have Presidents before him. Bush liked it orally, it's all up to them. Obama doesn't delegate it to Biden. As for the golf,
On average, once every week and a half, he played a round of golf. Other presidents have played much more.
President Obama plays 300th round of golf as president
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here

Relax, he will be briefed. He will take actions as necessary. He is not another Obama. He is an American. He will do his job to protect Americans and American interests.

I would love to relax based on your assertions of what someone you dont know will do in the future sometime but I'm referring to like soon because its kind of a big deal
Forget all that other shit can anyone around Trump or even his supporters just mention that its kind of important to know whats happening around him? We cant deal with threats, issues etc if the POTUS doesnt know its happening. At the very least is there anyone around him who can gently tell him its kinda a big deal?
Here is how one of the resident liberals said about it when Obama didn't think it was important to attend his briefings.
Going over Daily Intelligence Briefings is top priority for every president! No wonder his foreign affairs is a failure. His top priority has been fund raisers, vacations and golf...
I'm getting a chuckle out of this thread. As if the OP and others think the briefing is some meeting the President is supposed to attend and he's ditching it. The briefing is for his benefit...they design the meetings around HIS schedule.

And now you agree with him apparently since you presenting this as exhibit a. Or maybe you dont...not sure what the point of that is really
I'm saying you liberals could care less that Obama missed most of his security briefings, but are outraged if Trump doesn't. My opinion is a president should attend his briefings, but you liberals only think that republicans should. You blind support of Obama disqualifies you being able to complain about what Trump does. Maybe he will sick the irs on you, since you agreed with the tactic under Obama. Anyway Trump isn't president yet. You can also tell me if Obama attended his security briefing this morning?
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here

Relax, he will be briefed. He will take actions as necessary. He is not another Obama. He is an American. He will do his job to protect Americans and American interests.

I would love to relax based on your assertions of what someone you dont know will do in the future sometime but I'm referring to like soon because its kind of a big deal

As I said, relax. Its in good hands-------------------finally. Everything will be in place by inauguration day. We survived 8 years of foreign policy incompetence, we can survive until Trump takes over.
Until he takes office and replaces these security agencies it's a waste of time to attend briefings. Democrats have already instructed the briefings to lie.

It's almost as if you have no clue at all what you're talking about. Almost...
I'm saying you liberals could care less that Obama missed most of his security briefings, but are outraged if Trump doesn't.

I didnt even know about it. That has nothing to do with your defense on why missing briefings is now the bees knees. Are you saying it was a bad thing when Obama didnt attend but its ok that Trump doesnt. What are you saying and where are you getting this info that Obama missed all these briefings?

The news?
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here
Yeah and who would know better than you? after all you're an expert on National Security..... :rolleyes:

"The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." -- Arnold Glasow

I'm saying being briefed is better than not being briefed.
Er..former Chief Executives would beg to disagree, apparently Presidents have figured out how to hire trusted content experts (aka "a NS Staff") that can determine when Presidential attendance makes sense and when attendance is a waste of one of the most important Presidential finite resources, time.

The explanation as to why Trump and all the Presidents/President-Elects before him haven't bothered to contact you for your opinion on whether to attend daily NS Briefings or not is: as usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are just doing yet another stupid, partisan pet trick on this question.
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here

Relax, he will be briefed. He will take actions as necessary. He is not another Obama. He is an American. He will do his job to protect Americans and American interests.

I would love to relax based on your assertions of what someone you dont know will do in the future sometime but I'm referring to like soon because its kind of a big deal

As I said, relax. Its in good hands-------------------finally. Everything will be in place by inauguration day. We survived 8 years of foreign policy incompetence, we can survive until Trump takes over.

I'm not saying things wont be in place inauguration day I'm just saying that having those briefings are kind of important. Not a month from really soon because things are happening in real time.

I'm not suggesting we'll all die between now and then but the world is still turning while you saying just wait for no reason
yeah, I wasn't happy when it was reported Obama was blowing these off and I'm not happy about this either.

We saw what happened with Obama and his crappy assed foreign policy. Trump needs to step it up here.

Oh, man, Obama skipping them. So ClosedCaptioned, where are your threads on that?

And from what I understand he missed thousands of those meetings. To busy playing golf. LOL

You dont understand that at all. You just said it happened so that makes it ok to be like Obama or something

No, dumb ass, the point is your hypocrisy. This was never a standard to you until you came up with that raging case of Trump butt hurt
Being informed and making fact based decisions is like kryptonite to Trump and anyone that supports him.

Why would he want to attend these briefings when he already "knows more than the generals do".
I'm saying you liberals could care less that Obama missed most of his security briefings, but are outraged if Trump doesn't.

I didnt even know about it. That has nothing to do with your defense on why missing briefings is now the bees knees. Are you saying it was a bad thing when Obama didnt attend but its ok that Trump doesnt. What are you saying and where are you getting this info that Obama missed all these briefings?

The news?
Like I said I think all presidents should attend them. So since you tried to start trying to make Trump look bad not knowing your guy only averaged about 40% of attendance to his. So you agree Obama was a slack president?
yeah, I wasn't happy when it was reported Obama was blowing these off and I'm not happy about this either.

We saw what happened with Obama and his crappy assed foreign policy. Trump needs to step it up here.

Oh, man, Obama skipping them. So ClosedCaptioned, where are your threads on that?

And from what I understand he missed thousands of those meetings. To busy playing golf. LOL

You dont understand that at all. You just said it happened so that makes it ok to be like Obama or something

No, dumb ass, the point is your hypocrisy. This was never a standard to you until you came up with that raging case of Trump butt hurt
He didn't know that Obama only attended about 40% of his. Proves he blindly follows Obama
What the hell kind of security briefings were going on when Obama was eating pizza while the U.S. ambassador to Libya was being murdered? Did the security briefings really include some obscure you tube video as the cause of the Benghazi debacle? What kind of security briefing did the FBI get before the Marathon bombings and why the hell did they drop the investigation against the maniac who shot up a Florida bar? Did the A.G. give a security briefing where she threatened Americans with arrest if they insulted a Muslem? Once Trump's cabinet is in place and the current A.G. has been fired as well as the incompetent drones in the FBI and the CIA the "security briefings" might be a bit different.

I'm just saying that being briefed would be better than not being briefed. I seriously dont see a downside here
Yeah and who would know better than you? after all you're an expert on National Security..... :rolleyes:

"The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion." -- Arnold Glasow

I'm saying being briefed is better than not being briefed.
Er..former Chief Executives would beg to disagree, apparently Presidents have figured out how to hire trusted content experts (aka "a NS Staff") that can determine when Presidential attendance makes sense and when attendance is a waste of one of the most important Presidential finite resources, time.

The explanation as to why Trump and all the Presidents/President-Elects before him haven't bothered to contact you for your opinion on whether to attend daily NS Briefings or not is: as usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are just doing yet another stupid, partisan pet trick on this question.

If anyone disagrees with knowledge is worse than ignorance I'd love to hear it. Saying someone else disagrees doesnt explain why you would disagree. People say stupid shit all the time that doesnt mean its valid simply because someone said it or you think thats what they meant

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