Please Congress, Act: Border Patrol chief says: migrants exploiting children to get across border

How can we tear Congress away from other matters to help with Border Needs?

  • Yes, I want Congress to do their job and help these people

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • No: Congress is too busy with more important matters than migrants, leave them alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not interested in helping migrants

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters
Congress needs to act by passing comprehensive immigration reform – with provisions to accommodate migrants and asylum seekers where they’re not subject to criminal prosecution to indeed seek asylum.
As long as provisions are made to immediately deport those determined to have no legitimate claim for asylum and those who "migrate" here without following our laws governing immigration.
Lindsey Graham spoke earlier today: Laying out a plan to combat southern border crisis
Upgrade Ellis Island.
Right after you pay out of your own pocket transportation expenses for the one million wannabe Americans clustered at the border this year looking for six months of living the life of riley at taxpayer expense. :rolleyes: It's only about a 4,000 mile round trip, or four billion dollars for that one item.
Upgrade Ellis Island.
Right after you pay out of your own pocket transportation expenses for the one million wannabe Americans clustered at the border this year looking for six months of living the life of riley at taxpayer expense. :rolleyes: It's only about a 4,000 mile round trip, or four billion dollars for that one item.
lol. Ellis Island is closed.

They used to go through Ellis Island and we didn't have this pressure on our southern border.
You suggested upgrading Ellis Island to receive them, without realizing they're not starving masses. They're plump, well-rounded, and high as a kite on illegal substances they will crave in addition to all the freebies they're counting on the American taxpayer to furnish them.

And the majority of my ancestors including the native American Indians did not go through Ellis Island, and neither did the Pilgrims. Even so, I have walked through the corridors of Ellis Island the same day my family visited the Statue of Liberty and observed ships and the sights, and even read the inscription inscribed in concrete, by poet Emma Lazarus, "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

That was when Britain was incarcerating children for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their brothers and sisters, and sending administrators from Royal lines who were unappreciated by current Royal higher-ups and their exclusion was worked to the mercenary advantage of the powers that be in all parts of Europe, and wherever a boat shipped out to and landed on these shores. We also got our share of proud dissenters, who with hard work, became well-off enough to dissent at a level in which their voices could be heard in a Continental Congress that was discouraged with the Crown's antics and snubbery of colonists as lesser human beings.

But you know all that blab. :blahblah: It's past my bedtime. Nighters. :sleep:
You suggested upgrading Ellis Island to receive them, without realizing they're not starving masses. They're plump, well-rounded, and high as a kite on illegal substances they will crave in addition to all the freebies they're counting on the American taxpayer to furnish them.

And the majority of my ancestors including the native American Indians did not go through Ellis Island, and neither did the Pilgrims. Even so, I have walked through the corridors of Ellis Island the same day my family visited the Statue of Liberty and observed ships and the sights, and even read the inscription inscribed in concrete, by poet Emma Lazarus, "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

That was when Britain was incarcerating children for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their brothers and sisters, and sending administrators from Royal lines who were unappreciated by current Royal higher-ups and their exclusion was worked to the mercenary advantage of the powers that be in all parts of Europe, and wherever a boat shipped out to and landed on these shores. We also got our share of proud dissenters, who with hard work, became well-off enough to dissent at a level in which their voices could be heard in a Continental Congress that was discouraged with the Crown's antics and snubbery of colonists as lesser human beings.

But you know all that blab. :blahblah: It's past my bedtime. Nighters. :sleep:
special pleading and appealing to ignorance is what the right wing does best.

it is our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that is destabilizing foreign nations and creating more refugees.

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