PLEASE EXPLAIN: How will I get $4000 increase in my income if corporate taxes go down?

And who was the president the last 8 years? The same guy who made the RICH, RICHER and made the middle class, much POORER. And he added 10 trillion to the national debt over 8 years, what President Trump proposes could raise it by 1.5 trillion over 10 years. You are quite a stupid bunch of people.

1. Incomes for workers rose faster during Obama than during Bush the Dumber.
2. Why do you care about the debt so much?
3. Tax cuts do not, have not, and will never pay for themselves.
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'


Yea, the RICH are not paying their "FAIR SHARE"!!

Idiot PROGS. :alcoholic:

Do you know what it takes to make it into the top 20% of income earners? A whopping $110,000 a year for a household. If you think that a household making $110,000 a year is part of the "rich" then you are a bigger idiot than I suspected.
Where is the $2500 a year I was supposed to save on my insurance again?

If you qualified for subsidies, then you would have, on average, saved that much. In fact, that's almost exactly the amount Julie Boonstra saved. You remember her, right? She was the fat, stupid, disgusting, lying, putrid, ugly, diseased sow the Koch brothers put in a commercial who whined about how her insurance costs went up. Only that wasn't true, and she was lying. Her insurance carrier confirmed that she saved $2,400 thanks to Obamacare. When confronted with the reality, Boonstra's response was just that of any Conservative; "I choose to not believe that".

So that's where we're at with Conservatives; they make a claim that isn't true, then chooses to not believe facts. Every. Single. Conservative is like that. There are no exceptions. Conservatives treat belief with more importance than facts.

What are the corporations going to do with all the money they save?

Pay it back to themselves in the forms of stock buy-backs and/or increase executive compensation. One thing they don't do is increase worker wages.

If you qualified for subsidies, then you would have, on average, saved that much

That's not what Obama said, he said every family.
Was he lying?

Pay it back to themselves in the forms of stock buy-backs and/or increase executive compensation.

That's awful! They're going to make my stock go up and then pay extra taxes on their compensation?

Awful, just awful!
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'


Yea, the RICH are not paying their "FAIR SHARE"!!

Idiot PROGS. :alcoholic:

Bullshit rightwing propaganda.

This is what no-bullshit tax burden distribution looks like:

Can any explain Trump's claim that a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost incomes of U.S. workers by at least $4,000 a year?

The White House Council of Economic Advisers put out a paper this week that says:

"Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually."

I suppose that if you average all of the households in America, and include the millions of dollars that the CEOs from corporations will get as well as the $0 that everyone else gets, it might average out to $4,000.

But I don't see any way that my household income will increase by $4,000.

At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.
Lol! You are seriously deranged. Why would you ask someone here to explain something that they cannot possible explain?
How would her insurance carrier "confirm" that when it's against the law for them to release any of her personal information?

Personal information does not include premium costs.

Boonstra said Monday her new plan she dislikes is the Blue Cross Premier Gold health care plan, which caps patient responsibility for out-of-pocket costs at $5,100 a year, lower than the federal law’s maximum of $6,350 a year. It means the new plan will save her at least $1,200 compared with her former insurance plan she preferred that was ended under Obamacare’s coverage requirements.

A Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan spokesman said the insurer welcomes a chance to help members understand their benefits and alleviate concerns.

“We are here to help people like Ms. Boonstra to work their way through adjusting to the health plans we are now offering them,” the Blue’s Andy Hetzel said. “If there are questions … they should call.”

Boonstra’s old plan cost $1,100 a month in premiums or $13,200 a year, she previously told The News. It didn’t include money she spent on co-pays, prescription drugs and other out-of-pocket expenses.

By contrast, the Blues’ plan premium costs $571 a month or $6,852 for the year. Since out-of-pocket costs are capped at $5,100, including deductibles, the maximum Boonstra would pay this year for all of her cancer treatment is $11,952.

When advised of the details of her Blues’ plan, Boonstra said the idea that it would be cheaper “can’t be true.”

“I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said.
Where is the $2500 a year I was supposed to save on my insurance again?

If you qualified for subsidies, then you would have, on average, saved that much. In fact, that's almost exactly the amount Julie Boonstra saved. You remember her, right? She was the fat, stupid, disgusting, lying, putrid, ugly, diseased sow the Koch brothers put in a commercial who whined about how her insurance costs went up. Only that wasn't true, and she was lying. Her insurance carrier confirmed that she saved $2,400 thanks to Obamacare. When confronted with the reality, Boonstra's response was just that of any Conservative; "I choose to not believe that".

Why even waste oxygen on these ridiculous dodges? As if Obama's napkin-math statements have ANYTHING to do with these $4000 claims. Both can be wrong just fine.
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'


Yea, the RICH are not paying their "FAIR SHARE"!!

Idiot PROGS. :alcoholic:

Bullshit rightwing propaganda.

This is what no-bullshit tax burden distribution looks like:


Looks like those blue states are taxing us too much, eh?

No idiot, it doesn't look like that because the graph doesn't break down state/local taxes.

What it shows is that as a % of income American taxation is not even all that progressive and American middle class pays about same effective rates as millionaires.

How about you post an honest argument for ONCE in your life?

Again, idiot Progs suck ass at basic math.

That's not what Obama said, he said every family.Was he lying?

No, you are. Because what Obama actually said was the average family will save $2,500. So just like with Pelosi and the "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy", you're a Conservative omitting key parts of a sentence in order to make it look like someone said something they didn't. The irony is that when you do that, all you're doing is proving what Pelosi said to be true; that you people are deliberately lying to everyone.

I can do it with your posts too:

That's ... what Obama said

That's awful! They're going to make my stock go up and then pay extra taxes on their compensation?/QUOTE]

No, they don't because they use tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes on it. Loopholes they paid representatives to craft. You know this, of course, and are just being a sophist because you need the attention.
Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.

This is the closest that anyone has come to a logical explaination of Trump's claim.

Most of the rest of you are just being bitch-ass motherfuckers.

If households are truly NOT going to be getting $4,000 WAGE INCREASE (not tax savings) as Trump as advertised, then Trump is a LIAR.
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'


Yea, the RICH are not paying their "FAIR SHARE"!!

Idiot PROGS. :alcoholic:

Bullshit rightwing propaganda.

This is what no-bullshit tax burden distribution looks like:


Looks like those blue states are taxing us too much, eh?

No idiot, it doesn't look like that because the graph doesn't break down state/local taxes.

What it shows is that as a % of income American taxation is not even all that progressive.

How about you post an honest argument for ONCE in your life?

So it's the blue cities as well.
Again, "THE RICH" can pay whatever they want to pay.


Maybe the Clinton's should pay their "FAIR SHARE" directly to the TREASURY IMMEDIATELY!!
That's not what Obama said, he said every family.Was he lying?

No, you are. Because what Obama actually said was the average family will save $2,500. So just like with Pelosi and the "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy", you're a Conservative omitting key parts of a sentence in order to make it look like someone said something they didn't. The irony is that when you do that, all you're doing is proving what Pelosi said to be true; that you people are deliberately lying to everyone.

I can do it with your posts too:

That's ... what Obama said

That's awful! They're going to make my stock go up and then pay extra taxes on their compensation?/QUOTE]

No, they don't because they use tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes on it. Loopholes they paid representatives to craft. You know this, of course, and are just being a sophist because you need the attention.

Because what Obama actually said was the average family will save $2,500.

Some families saved more? That's hilarious!

No, they don't because they use tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes on it.

Which loopholes can a mean CEO use to not pay taxes on an extra $1,000,000?
Give some examples.

Again, idiot Progs suck ass at basic math.


You are clueless - alternate minimum tax and inheritance tax has NOTHING to do with tax-cut for the middle class and EVERYTHING to do with tax-cuts for millionaires.

Trump paid 35 million in Federal income tax on the lone page of income-tax return he "released", but if he gets his way and alternate minimum tax is taken off, he would have paid only 5 million, while people in low and middle class would have to make up that 30 million shortfall in our budget.
Can any explain Trump's claim that a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost incomes of U.S. workers by at least $4,000 a year?

The White House Council of Economic Advisers put out a paper this week that says:

"Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually."

I suppose that if you average all of the households in America, and include the millions of dollars that the CEOs from corporations will get as well as the $0 that everyone else gets, it might average out to $4,000.

But I don't see any way that my household income will increase by $4,000.

At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.
If you have to ask then you are liberal who doesn't want to hear the answer.
When you find out that you actually do get more money in your take home pay, if you aren't a welfare queen, then you will know where it came from.
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So you don't have a rational answer. Just more "Believe us" right wing crap.

Imagine that, the right wing "Believe us" crap sure seems a lot more believable than the left wing "Believe us" crap.

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