PLEASE EXPLAIN: How will I get $4000 increase in my income if corporate taxes go down?

Conservatives have to lie about their tax plans because the math isn't there.

If they say they're going to cut taxes by $100 billion, for example, that math works for me.

Because you don't give a shit about deficits.

Obama's $9.3 trillion debt increase was a-ok with you, right?

It's not Obama's stop lying already. His policy contribution is around 1T
Some families saved more? That's hilarious!

Yes, they did. And I know you "chose not to believe that. It can't be true" because that's exactly what your doppleganger Boonstra said.

Which loopholes can a mean CEO use to not pay taxes on an extra $1,000,000? Give some examples.

Obama's $9.3 trillion debt increase was a-ok with you, right?

Considering what we got out of it, yes. But Bush's $5T debt increase was not OK because we got nothing out of it. Strangely, when Bush doubled the debt, you Conservatives were silent. How come?
How would her insurance carrier "confirm" that when it's against the law for them to release any of her personal information?

Personal information does not include premium costs.

Boonstra said Monday her new plan she dislikes is the Blue Cross Premier Gold health care plan, which caps patient responsibility for out-of-pocket costs at $5,100 a year, lower than the federal law’s maximum of $6,350 a year. It means the new plan will save her at least $1,200 compared with her former insurance plan she preferred that was ended under Obamacare’s coverage requirements.

A Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan spokesman said the insurer welcomes a chance to help members understand their benefits and alleviate concerns.

“We are here to help people like Ms. Boonstra to work their way through adjusting to the health plans we are now offering them,” the Blue’s Andy Hetzel said. “If there are questions … they should call.”

Boonstra’s old plan cost $1,100 a month in premiums or $13,200 a year, she previously told The News. It didn’t include money she spent on co-pays, prescription drugs and other out-of-pocket expenses.

By contrast, the Blues’ plan premium costs $571 a month or $6,852 for the year. Since out-of-pocket costs are capped at $5,100, including deductibles, the maximum Boonstra would pay this year for all of her cancer treatment is $11,952.

When advised of the details of her Blues’ plan, Boonstra said the idea that it would be cheaper “can’t be true.”

“I personally do not believe that,” Boonstra said.
The insurance spokesman is saying her policy is cheaper than Obamacare. He's not saying it's cheaper than it used to be because of Obamacre.

No banana.
Conservatives have to lie about their tax plans because the math isn't there.

If they say they're going to cut taxes by $100 billion, for example, that math works for me.

Because you don't give a shit about deficits.

Obama's $9.3 trillion debt increase was a-ok with you, right?

It's not Obama's stop lying already. His policy contribution is around 1T

It's not Obama's stop lying already

He wasn't president for 8 years?

His policy contribution is around 1T

Shit, his "stimulus" was nearly that.
He could have let the Bush tax cuts expire, he could have hiked taxes in 2009.
If he didn't, why do you feel the deficits from his actions and inaction is not his responsibility?
He could have cut spending, why didn't he?

The idea that he was trapped by previous Bush actions and was helpless to cut debt is moronic.
The insurance spokesman is saying her policy is cheaper than Obamacare. He's not saying it's cheaper than it used to be because of Obamacre.No banana.

Jesus fucking Christ...the policy he's talking about is one offered on the exchanges.

Fucking moron. Do you not use your head?
Trumps billionaire cabinet was like casting for a reality tv show.

ALL of those boys, Trump included, make damn sure the upper echelon earners benefit the most, first. Their Government jobs didnt change a damn thing about their view of the $$ pecking order. Anyone that believes any different is a F'n moron.

Again, idiot Progs suck ass at basic math.


You are clueless - alternate minimum tax and inheritance tax has NOTHING to do with tax-cut for the middle class and EVERYTHING to do with tax-cuts for millionaires.

Trump paid 35 million in Federal income tax on the lone page of income-tax return he "released", but if he gets his way and alternate minimum tax is taken off, he would have paid only 5 million, while people in low and middle class would have to make up that 30 million shortfall in our budget.

Jesus christ.....lets do this once.


Marginal tax rates for 2017[edit]
Marginal Tax Rate[20] Single Taxable Income Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) Taxable Income Married Filing Separately Taxable Income Head of Household Taxable Income
$0 – $9,325 $0 – $18,650 $0 – $9,325 $0 – $13,350
15% $9,326 – $37,950 $18,651 – $75,900 $9,326 – $37,950 $13,351 – $50,800
25% $37,951 – $91,900 $75,901 – $153,100 $37,951 – $76,550 $50,801 – $131,200
28% $91,901 – $191,650 $153,101 – $233,350 $76,551 – $116,675 $131,201 – $212,500
33% $191,651 – $416,700 $233,351 – $416,700 $116,676 – $208,350 $212,501 – $416,700
35% $416,701 – $418,400 $416,701 – $470,700 $208,351 – $235,350 $416,701 – $444,550
39.6% $418,401+ $470,701+ $235,351+ $444,501+

Income tax in the United States - Wikipedia


You can't be this fucking stupid.....seriously.

Let's say I make $1 million and you make $50,000.

WE ARE BOTH TAXED THE SAME ON THE FIRST $50, if the rates on the first $50,000 are reduced.....WE BOTH GET TAX BREAKS.

I am not wasting any more time explaining 4th grade math to an stupid Obamonkey.
Your personal income might not increase but your 401k's will be solvent and your buying power will increase. In case lefties failed economics 101 the cost of products is tied to corporate income. How did it work out for you when Barry Hussein shipped taxpayer dollars to failing solar energy companies to give high roller democrat contributors a golden parachute?

I haven't read what is currently claimed to be on the tax bill, since the one that actually gets passed will be far different than what is claimed now, but I know of no 'economics 101' course that ties corporate income to capital gains tax rates. Can you link to a text that does?

as for 401K's, they aren't remotely likely to become 'more solvent' as a result of a mere tax bill; corps are just as at risk and corrupt as they were before the crash of 2008, and nothing has been done to force transparency in Wall Street reports and auditing standards, much less any consequences of criminal prosecutions for fraud outside of a tiny handful of show trials; the Street is still run by Lester Madoff wannabees, not honest businessmen.

It's in fact odd they haven't built a statue in his honor the size of the Statue Of Liberty, really;he's everything they hope to be and worship.

And, if there is anybody left in the U.S. who actually believes anybody ever pays the top tax rates, please, have them call me; I have hundreds of ducks that lay solid gold eggs, and I only want $1,000 apiece for them. Call while supplies last!
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Thanks, but none of those help a CEO who gets a $1,000,000 raise.

You didn't even look at what I posted, and I thought you would because it had pictures and colors. How about instead of denying things when they're presented to you, you actually accept them? Because that would mean you'd have to concede you're not as clever as you think, and your ego simply cannot handle that bruise. Because you're a weak person.
Obama's $9.3 trillion debt increase was a-ok with you, right?

Considering what we got out of it, yes. But Bush's $5T debt increase was not OK because we got nothing out of it. Strangely, when Bush doubled the debt, you Conservatives were silent. How come?

Considering what we got out of it, yes.

The weakest recovery since WWII. DERP!

Strangely, when Bush doubled the debt, you Conservatives were silent.

Bush spent wayyyyyyy too much, I wish Obama had only been as profligate as Bush.
$9.3 trillion, meh.

You've failed to actually explain the significance of the debt and why it matters so much to you when it didn't matter at all when Bush doubled it, increasing it more than anyone before him. But your hypocrisy is well known.
OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'


Yea, the RICH are not paying their "FAIR SHARE"!!

Idiot PROGS. :alcoholic:

No, you are the idiot. The Top 20% own almost 90% of the wealth and earn the bulk of the income so no damn wonder they pay the bulk of the taxes. But I agree, it's a problem and the solution is quite simple and has been around for years. RAISE THE TAXES ON THE WEALTHY, especially the top one percent. When marginal tax rates on the top one percent were north of 65% the top one percent only garnished ten percent of total national income. Now, with rates less than 40% they collect more than 20% of national income. If you want the rich to pay a lower share of total taxes you must initiate policies that results in them getting a lower share of total national income. The optimal marginal tax rate on the top one percent--well it's north of 90% as this study, that I know you won't read and couldn't possibly understand, indicates.
Conservatives have to lie about their tax plans because the math isn't there.

If they say they're going to cut taxes by $100 billion, for example, that math works for me.

Because you don't give a shit about deficits.

Obama's $9.3 trillion debt increase was a-ok with you, right?

It's not Obama's stop lying already. His policy contribution is around 1T

It's not Obama's stop lying already

He wasn't president for 8 years?

His policy contribution is around 1T

Shit, his "stimulus" was nearly that.
He could have let the Bush tax cuts expire, he could have hiked taxes in 2009.
If he didn't, why do you feel the deficits from his actions and inaction is not his responsibility?
He could have cut spending, why didn't he?

The idea that he was trapped by previous Bush actions and was helpless to cut debt is moronic.

Debt is the sum of deficits and Obama came into office with 1.2Trillion dollar deficit (excluding 200B in stimulus budget for that year, that WAS his policy). He can't just WISH away the deficits his policy did not cause.

And yes, the biggest components of deficits during Obama's 8 years is TAX CUTS POLICY YOU FULLY SUPPORT AND ADVOCATE MORE OF IN THIS VERY THREAD so you just shot yourself in the foot.

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