please explain the advantage to the US of its support for Israel.

I usually really enjoy a toll's post

Anyone want to guess which sock puppet this is an account of? :eusa_whistle:

Sometimes reactions are as telling as the content of posts.
I'll tell you what, I give the mods/admin permission to post by location to the nearest country.
Hopefully, one will post the info so the nutty end of the posters who rely on smear tactics, can see I'm no one's sock puppet.
Please explain the advantage to the US of its support for Israel.

Not all the usual crap and non answers, an actual explanation of what the US actually gets for the billions of dollars it dishes out to Israel.


What, exactly, does the US get for all that tax money?

It proved a platform in the stand against Soviet expansion during the Cold War. Now, it has served a minor role in our fight against terror. For the expense it occurs in terms of prestige and respect around the world, not to mention our treasury, the time is quickly coming to reassess the US relationship with Israel and build just as strong a series of relationships with the other nations in the region. For a large democratic society such as the United States that professes to claim the moral high ground, there are too many abuses taking place in Israel that more and more are beginning to look like a cross between apartheid South Africa and the segregation south of the United States of many decades ago.
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"the nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God."

What about the countries that have not 'cursed the Jewish people', but have experienced the curse of God?
Perhaps 'curse' needs explaining (or 'God', or 'Jewish people').
It proved a platform in the stand against Soviet expansion during the Cold War. Now, it has served a minor role in our fight against terror. For the expense it occurs in terms of prestige and respect around the world, not to mention our treasury, the time is quickly coming to reassess the US relationship with Israel and build just as strong a series of relationships with the other nations in the region. For a large democratic society such as the United States that professes to claim the moral high ground, there are too many abuses taking place in Israel that more and more are beginning to look like a cross between apartheid South Africa and the segregation south of the United States of many decades ago.

I'd take the money given to the muslim filth nations that do nothing for the US, and give it to israel. Shit give them the whole fucking foreign aid budget, at least the money is well spent - unlike that pissed away on the muslim turds and african garbage.
Benefits to America for supporting their ally Israel - things invented in Israel: the first cell phone, Windows NT, Intel's MMX chip, the first PC antivirus software, firewall internet security software, instant messanger, the usb flash drive, the gut cam (used to locate and diagnose digestional disorders), radiation free breast cancer diagnostics, heart attack blood diagnose by phone, anti cancer vaccine, drip irrigation technology, solar energy technology. Wait till you can buy your oil and natural gas from Israel (very soon) and won't have to worry about Opec holding you over a barrel. Would you rather support these innovators, or people who prefer to fly planes filled with civilians into the World Trade Center.. seriously why are you even asking these questions?!
We don't give Israel billions of dollars. Most of the aid Israel gets is in the form of loan guarantees which is a safe bet because Israel (unlike the US) has never defaulted on a loan. We have ONE ally in the entire middle east and that's Israel.
Israel is not an "ally." The U.K. is an ally. Israel is a protectorate. And in case you don't know the difference, there are no Israeli boots on the ground in Afghanistan, nor were there any Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq.

The fact is Israel does absolutely nothing for the United States except to conduct espionage and constant spying operations against us and occasionally attack our naval vessels.

U.S. support of Israel was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack -- and if you like I will post the transcript of Usama bin Laden's assertion of that fact during a 1998 PBS interview conducted in Afghanistan.
"the nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God."

What about the countries that have not 'cursed the Jewish people', but have experienced the curse of God?
Perhaps 'curse' needs explaining (or 'God', or 'Jewish people').

You were reading my mind. Still waiting for a response on this question!
Benefits to America for supporting their ally Israel - things invented in Israel: the first cell phone, Windows NT, Intel's MMX chip, the first PC antivirus software, firewall internet security software, instant messanger, the usb flash drive, the gut cam (used to locate and diagnose digestional disorders), radiation free breast cancer diagnostics, heart attack blood diagnose by phone, anti cancer vaccine, drip irrigation technology, solar energy technology. Wait till you can buy your oil and natural gas from Israel (very soon) and won't have to worry about Opec holding you over a barrel. Would you rather support these innovators, or people who prefer to fly planes filled with civilians into the World Trade Center.. seriously why are you even asking these questions?!

Cool--does that mean we hold the patents on these inventions ?
and how much aid do we give the arabs?

post that too.....

myself....i think we should cut out all aid in the middle east..we are trying to buy a peace we will never get
20 billion to the Osama loving Pakistani animals. 2 billion each a year approx to Egypt and Jordan. Compare THAT to the 2 billion Israel gets.

When we look at what we get from these American flag burning Islamist cocksuckers....ISRAEL SHOULD BE GETTING MORE.
We don't give Israel billions of dollars. Most of the aid Israel gets is in the form of loan guarantees which is a safe bet because Israel (unlike the US) has never defaulted on a loan. We have ONE ally in the entire middle east and that's Israel.
Israel is not an "ally." The U.K. is an ally. Israel is a protectorate. And in case you don't know the difference, there are no Israeli boots on the ground in Afghanistan, nor were there any Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq.

The fact is Israel does absolutely nothing for the United States except to conduct espionage and constant spying operations against us and occasionally attack our naval vessels.

U.S. support of Israel was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack -- and if you like I will post the transcript of Usama bin Laden's assertion of that fact during a 1998 PBS interview conducted in Afghanistan.
These terrorist lovers lie like a rug.
and how much aid do we give the arabs?

post that too.....

myself....i think we should cut out all aid in the middle east..we are trying to buy a peace we will never get
20 billion to the Osama loving Pakistani animals. 2 billion each a year approx to Egypt and Jordan. Compare THAT to the 2 billion Israel gets.

When we look at what we get from these American flag burning Islamist cocksuckers....ISRAEL SHOULD BE GETTING MORE.

20 billion to Pakistan
2 billion to Egypt
2 billion to Jordan
2 billion to Israel

Cut it all, and save 26 Billion dollars a year, which could be used for Social Security.
Money much better spent on our own people.
Israel is the only real democracy in the ME.:eusa_angel:
Israel is not a democracy. Israel is a theocracy. Its national standard is a religious symbol.

If you are a Jew you can migrate to Israel and are automatically a citizen. I can't. How democratic is that?
We don't give Israel billions of dollars. Most of the aid Israel gets is in the form of loan guarantees which is a safe bet because Israel (unlike the US) has never defaulted on a loan. We have ONE ally in the entire middle east and that's Israel.
Israel is not an "ally." The U.K. is an ally. Israel is a protectorate. And in case you don't know the difference, there are no Israeli boots on the ground in Afghanistan, nor were there any Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq.

The fact is Israel does absolutely nothing for the United States except to conduct espionage and constant spying operations against us and occasionally attack our naval vessels.

U.S. support of Israel was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack -- and if you like I will post the transcript of Usama bin Laden's assertion of that fact during a 1998 PBS interview conducted in Afghanistan.
These terrorist lovers lie like a rug.

The following is just a tiny excerpt from John Miller's PBS interview with bin Laden in 1998. Read the entire transcript and there will be no doubt in your mind that bin Laden was warning us that continued support of Israel will bring retaliation.


Our mothers and daughters and sons are slaughtered every day with the approval of America and its support. And, while America blocks the entry of weapons into Islamic countries, it provides the Israelis with a continuous supply of arms allowing them thus to kill and massacre more Muslims. Your religion does not forbid you from committing such acts, so you have no right to object to any response or retaliation that reciprocates your own actions


Read the full transcript at:

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
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and how much aid do we give the arabs?

post that too.....

myself....i think we should cut out all aid in the middle east..we are trying to buy a peace we will never get
20 billion to the Osama loving Pakistani animals. 2 billion each a year approx to Egypt and Jordan. Compare THAT to the 2 billion Israel gets.

When we look at what we get from these American flag burning Islamist cocksuckers....ISRAEL SHOULD BE GETTING MORE.
The money we give to Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan are bribes to discourage those Islamic nations from forming an active anti-Israel alliance, which Iran is eager to foment.
Israel is the only real democracy in the ME.:eusa_angel:
Israel is not a democracy. Israel is a theocracy. Its national standard is a religious symbol.

If you are a Jew you can migrate to Israel and are automatically a citizen. I can't. How democratic is that? you by any chance pull your "facts" from URANUS?

Israeli system of government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Israeli system of government is based on parliamentary democracy.[1] The Prime Minister of Israel is the head of government and leader of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the Knesset. The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. The political system of the State of Israel and its main principles are set out in 11 Basic Laws.
and how much aid do we give the arabs?

post that too.....

myself....i think we should cut out all aid in the middle east..we are trying to buy a peace we will never get
20 billion to the Osama loving Pakistani animals. 2 billion each a year approx to Egypt and Jordan. Compare THAT to the 2 billion Israel gets.

When we look at what we get from these American flag burning Islamist cocksuckers....ISRAEL SHOULD BE GETTING MORE.
The money we give to Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan are bribes to discourage those Islamic nations from forming an active anti-Israel alliance, which Iran is eager to foment.
We give money to Pakistan to not form an "alliance" against Israel?! Where do these imbeciles come from?
Israel is not an "ally." The U.K. is an ally. Israel is a protectorate. And in case you don't know the difference, there are no Israeli boots on the ground in Afghanistan, nor were there any Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq.

The fact is Israel does absolutely nothing for the United States except to conduct espionage and constant spying operations against us and occasionally attack our naval vessels.

U.S. support of Israel was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack -- and if you like I will post the transcript of Usama bin Laden's assertion of that fact during a 1998 PBS interview conducted in Afghanistan.
These terrorist lovers lie like a rug.

The following is just a tiny excerpt from John Miller's PBS interview with bin Laden in 1998. Read the entire transcript and there will be no doubt in your mind that bin Laden was warning us that continued support of Israel will bring retaliation.


Our mothers and daughters and sons are slaughtered every day with the approval of America and its support. And, while America blocks the entry of weapons into Islamic countries, it provides the Israelis with a continuous supply of arms allowing them thus to kill and massacre more Muslims. Your religion does not forbid you from committing such acts, so you have no right to object to any response or retaliation that reciprocates your own actions


Read the full transcript at:

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
Bin Laden was another Moooslime terrorist mass murdering motherfucker that will rot in hell and apparently, your hero.
These terrorist lovers lie like a rug.

The following is just a tiny excerpt from John Miller's PBS interview with bin Laden in 1998. Read the entire transcript and there will be no doubt in your mind that bin Laden was warning us that continued support of Israel will bring retaliation.


Our mothers and daughters and sons are slaughtered every day with the approval of America and its support. And, while America blocks the entry of weapons into Islamic countries, it provides the Israelis with a continuous supply of arms allowing them thus to kill and massacre more Muslims. Your religion does not forbid you from committing such acts, so you have no right to object to any response or retaliation that reciprocates your own actions


Read the full transcript at:

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS
Bin Laden was another Moooslime terrorist mass murdering motherfucker that will rot in hell and apparently, your hero.
Additionally, this nation has never allowed terrorists to form national policy based on threats to our security.

And he has paid the price for carrying out his threat militarily.

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