Please God no, but if it happens...

People like you are giving me no reason whatsoever to vote Republican.

This seems to be a common theme among people who agree with most Republican policies, but have been brainwashed into believing most Republicans are racist devils. Time to wake up!

You have trump and the members of this message board to thank.

It is not possible to think you guys are not evil racists after reading some of the posts.

At one time I was under the impression that the views expressed here were greatly exaggerated.

I’ve been convinced otherwise.

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.

Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!

MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.

Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.

“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!

Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare. She does that well. However, normal to most humans she is dumber than a door knob.

The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?

Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'

Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.

I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.

Valerie Jarrett....Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)

One of the weirdest things is when Negros have "beards" that contain less hair than an Italian woman's nipple or an Irish girl's vagina. It is like some scraggly under arm hair shit that they have on their face as if it looks good. Why? As the saying goes "expect the unexpected" and have your firearm ready if you are in the proximity of such savages.

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Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

Ever notice how the right on this forum claim that are not racist, but notice how quiet they are while racist shit is being posted.

I hate all pieces of shit of all skin color and I use the word NI@@ER to describe all of them...I may use the word most often when talking about white guilt whackos, white LefTards, and white trash...Where do you go with that?

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

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trump won.jpg
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!
You idiots are doing everything possible to hand him another victory.
There was no stolen election. You morons ran a detestable career candidate who chose demonizing Americans over an argument on policy.
A failing strategy that you still continue. You will lose running negative against Trump and supporters rather than positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans.
Enjoy another 4 years. God doesn't help the godless.

or helpless.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

First reply and the Obama card is played.
Thats gotta be a record.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You realize that he was the 1st president previous to President Trump, yes?
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

Ever notice how the right on this forum claim that are not racist, but notice how quiet they are while racist shit is being posted.

everyone is racist.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!
You idiots are doing everything possible to hand him another victory.
There was no stolen election. You morons ran a detestable career candidate who chose demonizing Americans over an argument on policy.
A failing strategy that you still continue. You will lose running negative against Trump and supporters rather than positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans.
Enjoy another 4 years. God doesn't help the godless.
As a caller to Rush’s show put it a week or so ago, dimocrats are already banging the drum about interference in the 2020 American voters!!!
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

Ever notice how the right on this forum claim that are not racist, but notice how quiet they are while racist shit is being posted.

everyone is racist.

Especially folks who make racist remarks.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!
Maybe the true traitors will take your advice DEMOCRATS.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

Ever notice how the right on this forum claim that are not racist, but notice how quiet they are while racist shit is being posted.

everyone is racist.

Especially folks who make racist remarks.

Or have race baiting screen names.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

Ever notice how the right on this forum claim that are not racist, but notice how quiet they are while racist shit is being posted.

everyone is racist.

Especially folks who make racist remarks.

Or have race baiting screen names.

Race baiting screen name, who has that?
As a caller to Rush’s show put it a week or so ago, dimocrats are already banging the drum about interference in the 2020 American voters!!!

Yeah, the wrong kind of Americans are going to vote for the wrong candidates -- that's interference, to Dems.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

First reply and the Obama card is played.
Thats gotta be a record.

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You ignorant, twisted, lowlife degenerate pukes have to learn that you have ZERO credibility on matters such as these...You disgusting fucks forget that credibility is established in your historical data. Prove your credibility or STFU.

My vote counts just as much as yours.
THAT is what really matters.
People like you are giving me no reason whatsoever to vote Republican.

Change my mind.

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The mind you have is obviously defective. We should be able to change it with a 5 year-old girl and no one will notice.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

First reply and the Obama card is played.
Thats gotta be a record.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You realize that he was the 1st president previous to President Trump, yes?

You realize that has nothing to do with this thread, yes?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

First reply and the Obama card is played.
Thats gotta be a record.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You realize that he was the 1st president previous to President Trump, yes?

You realize that has nothing to do with this thread, yes?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why is it impossible for you guys to understand - The Compare and Contrast thing?
Is there a part of the progressive brain that is missing.
I ask because every one of you can not comprehend how that works.
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!

The Kenyan Super Nig wrote his own immigration policy...I’m sure you cried like a bitch and condemned him when he did...right?

First reply and the Obama card is played.
Thats gotta be a record.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You realize that he was the 1st president previous to President Trump, yes?

You realize that has nothing to do with this thread, yes?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why is it impossible for you guys to understand - The Compare and Contrast thing?
Is there a part of the progressive brain that is missing.
I ask because every one of you can not comprehend how that works.

Why is it impossible for you to understand what staying on topic means?

All he did was turn a defense of trump into an attack on Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heaven forbid if Trump manages to steal another election, but if he does, his swearing in should be to a new oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the parts of the Constitution of the United States that I agree with."

That should serve to keep the media and liberals off his back for good!
You idiots are doing everything possible to hand him another victory.
There was no stolen election. You morons ran a detestable career candidate who chose demonizing Americans over an argument on policy.
A failing strategy that you still continue. You will lose running negative against Trump and supporters rather than positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans.
Enjoy another 4 years. God doesn't help the godless.
Without Vladimir's help it is unlikely he will win.

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