Please help me...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
....I seem to have something...

 my eye!

I got one in my foot once. I thought that was bad.
My brother shot one into his leg attaching the muscle to another bone with his leg bent, he couldn't get it out and was on a three story roof at the time. At the ER they finally had to call the janitor up with vice grips or something.
I got one in my foot once. I thought that was bad.
My brother shot one into his leg attaching the muscle to another bone with his leg bent, he couldn't get it out and was on a three story roof at the time. At the ER they finally had to call the janitor up with vice grips or something.

:eek: Ouch!

This is one painful thread.
Yeah? I took one between the legs once, too.


...still walk with a slight limp.

(I just LOVE when the bull wins!)

That looks worse than when Andy Bernard did a split on his keys and ripped his scrotum open!!!
...and I doubt that hurt as much as...

...this did.

afgahnistan video by jimstrucking - Photobucket

Whoa! :eek: LOL??? I don't know whether to laugh or be shocked, can I do both? What a great shot! :cool:

Gosh I am confused
That looks worse than when Andy Bernard did a split on his keys and ripped his scrotum open!!!
...and I doubt that hurt as much as...

...this did.

afgahnistan video by jimstrucking - Photobucket

Whoa! :eek: LOL??? I don't know whether to laugh or be shocked, can I do both? What a great shot! :cool:

Gosh I am confused
Well, it's really no laughing matter. Not shocking either considering the skills of the marksmen and the quality of the weapons...and it was actually several great shots. But you can do both if you like.

Very kill. The distances were great as you can tell by the time between the firings and the hits. The spotter's camera was beside the sniper...the marks were far away...and they never heard the incoming round. They just sort of...went to pieces.
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i had one stick in my leg once.....
Yeah? I took one between the legs once, too.


...still walk with a slight limp.

(I just LOVE when the bull wins!)

I always root for the bull.. I hope he took that guys nuts off before he died. assholes.
Yes...and Hemingway was a pussy for glorifying bullfighting. Boxing is a much more noble sport. Somewhere, there should be full sized bronze statues of bulls that kill pussy matadors.

"Many bullfighters have met their deaths on the horns of a bull, including one of the most celebrated of all time, Manolete, who was killed by a bull named Islero, raised by Miura, and Paquirri, who was killed by a bull named Avispado."--Wiki

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