Please move “Final Solution for Jews” to Rubber Room or Badlands

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You are repeating the inflammatory words, you GD antisemite. The Jews are not the problem and thus don’t require a solution.
Those words have no meaning to me. Listen, you already insulted me and to be honest, I started to hate Jews but a user told me all about you and your games.
I forgive you, truly, I do.

So what does drag queens have to do with it?

Purposely obscuring your trail?

Now he’s trying to backtrack. The title said ”Final Solution for the Jews,” and, after he pretended not to know what that phrase means and I explained it was Hitler’s plan to genocide the Jews, he doubled down and said we need a Final Solution, and we need to implement it soon.
Now he’s trying to backtrack. The title said ”Final Solution for the Jews,” and, after he pretended not to know what that phrase means and I explained it was Hitler’s plan to genocide the Jews, he doubled down and said we need a Final Solution, and we need to implement it soon.

I'm just going to assume that there's a reason that this is not a good time to have a conversation with him.

Those words have no meaning to me. Listen, you already insulted me and to be honest, I started to hate Jews but a user told me all about you and your games.
I forgive you, truly, I do.
You don’t like ME, so you started to hate all Jews?

And P.S. Telling a Jew we need a Final Solution, and soon, is beyond insulting.
You don’t like ME, so you started to hate all Jews?

And P.S. Telling a Jew we need a Final Solution, and soon, is beyond insulting.
I did like you until you insulted me. I tolerate you. That is as good as it will ever get.
One user showed me that YOU are a problem and I should not judge all Jews based on YOU

We need a final solution whatever it is ASAP to end this crap in the middle east.
Now he’s trying to backtrack. The title said ”Final Solution for the Jews,” and, after he pretended not to know what that phrase means and I explained it was Hitler’s plan to genocide the Jews, he doubled down and said we need a Final Solution, and we need to implement it soon.
we do need a Final Solution, whatever that is, whatever it entails, devise a Final Solution and implement it.
Is this a problem? You are acting like you are an endangered or protected species. You are nothing special in my book.
I think it's laughable that some people are of the strict view that they are entitled to have their feelings addressed. By rule, no less...
I think it's laughable that some people are of the strict view that they are entitled to have their feelings addressed. By rule, no less...
Huh? I pointed out that a mod put a thread in Badlands because the title used inflammatory language, and the mod said it violated rules. So why then is “The Final Solution for Jews” allowed to stand?!

You can’t get much more inflammatory than that.

Your attitude shows an alarming tolerance for antisemitism, and a pleasure in mocking the descendants of Holocaust survivors.
And take your designated victim status card and shove it straight up your ass. I, for one, certainly will not be placating it. Or anyone elses, for that matter. I'm probably gonna say precisely what I want to say whether you or anyone else likes it.

How do you like them apples, sunshine?

Welcome to America...
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