Please move “Final Solution for Jews” to Rubber Room or Badlands

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The one where you sometimes support freedom of the individual and are sometimes violently opposed to it?

Hey, man. I'm always open to an illustration of your claim. I actually enjoy when people say stuff like what you just said because it gives me an opportunity to invite them the opportunity to demonstrate to the group just how little the loudest among us truly understand about what freedom actually means. And I'm not talking about some global dictionary definition that so many first and second generation imports try to pawn off as such in the form of a frivolous talking point. I'm talking about the historic foundation and life blood of our Republic.

It usually ends the same way. All that those types ever really illustrate is 1- how very little they actually understand of it as it pertains to the American heritage and traditional American philosophy of governance and 2 - just how absolutely afraid of it they really are. These are the people, historically, who scream from the highest mountain to expand government and to usurp the electorate in order to placate that fear, predictably. And that written intent/desire has certainly been observed here since this all started. And by the loudest among us, predictably.

Shit. Some half-wit on here called me a socialist and an Obama/Biden/Clinton supporter the other day. Just dumb, infantile shit that seems to be the standard around here these days. He thought he was a real Thomas Jeferson and turned out to be just your standard cookie-cutter Hamiltonian, like most usually do. So I took no interest in him after that brief exchange. There's was just nothing to be had by it. Ultimately he was just unimportant.

But..I'm always open to dialogue. Just know that if that's dialogue that you're interested in having in order to support your claim, I'll certainly oblige you. I will, however, speak to the matter as an American. And only as an American. I've no interest in placating anyone elses personal sense of self-importance or foreign allegiance/loyalties or otherwise social/religious attachments. They're none of my business and I'd appreciate it if they'd stop shoving their personal sense of self-importance, foreign allegiance/loyalties or otherwise social/religious attachments down my throat. It's rude.

Again...what one wants hear is almost universally contradictory to what one needs to hear. And it might sting. Might sting bad. This is, of course, a choice. Do or do not. Doesn't make a flying fuck to me either way, because I'm confident in the consistency of my own principles, and therefore don't feel like I have to prove jack squat nothing to any of you people, but I sure as shit ain't afraid to talk about this supposed contradiction since you made that claim. Nope. Huh uh. I'd be rather eager, in fact. If I get a notification the next time I pop back int othe forum, I'll check back in with you to see if you're interested in placing forth the effort to support your claim, rather than just making it. If not, I probably won't come back to this thread. It's the same old whining anyway. It's stale.

In the mean time, I'm going to bed. I need my beauty sleep. Have a good night...
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I'm now thinking that NC may be Emily. :dunno:

That was some quality Daving, tho.

But, no, I'm serious, man. I just wanted to be crystal clear about it there. I sure as shit wouldn't make a claim like that about someone unless I knew without a doubt that I could back it up, if asked and expected to do so. And thoroughly!

Shit. I stand by what I say. I don't do that flip-flopper winger stuff. I don't profess to hold certain principles and then turn around and contradict them if it feels like the popular thing to do or just because everybody else is. And I certainly don't give a flying shit about placating anyone's personal feelings or feeling of self-importance if that seems to be all that they're really about, observably. And especially if they're trying to force it on me. Pft. They can hug my nuts with that pretentious bullshit.

Like I've said before...

Natty C not giving a fuck.png
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Hey, man. I'm always open to an illustration of your claim. I actually enjoy when people say stuff like what you just said because it gives me an opportunity to invite them the opportunity to demonstrate to the group just how little the loudest among us truly understand about what freedom actually means. And I'm not talking about some global dictionary definition that so many first and second generation imports try to pawn off as such. I'm talking about the historic foundation and life blood of our Republic.

It usually ends the same way. All that those types ever really illustrate is 1- how very little they actually understand of it as it pertains to the American heritage and traditional American philosophy of governance and 2 - just how absolutely afraid of it they really are. These are the people, historically, who scream from the highest mountain to expand government and to usurp the electorate in order to placate that fear, predictably. And that written intent/desire has certainly been observed here since this all started. And by the loudest among us, predictably.

Shit. Some half-wit on here called me a socialist and an Obama/Biden/Clinton supporter the other day. Just dumb, infantile shit that seems to be the standard around here these days. He thought he was a real Thomas Jeferson and turned out to be just your standard cookie-cutter Hamiltonian, like most usually do. So I took no interest in him after that brief exchange. There's was just nothing to be had by it. Ultimately he was just unimportant.

But..I'm always open to dialogue. Just know that if that's dialogue that you're interested in having in order to support your claim, I'll certainly oblige you. I will, however, speak to the matter as an American. And only as an American. I've no interest in placating anyone elses personal sense of self-importance or foreign allegiance/loyalties or otherwise social/religious attachments. They're none of my business and I'd appreciate it if they'd stop shoving their personal sense of self-importance, foreign allegiance/loyalties or otherwise social/religious attachments down my throat. It's rude.

Again...what one wants hear is almost universally contradictory to what one needs to hear. And it might sting. Might sting bad. This is, of course, a choice. Do or do not. Doesn't make a flying fuck to me either way, because I'm confident in the consistency of my own principles, and therefore don't feel like I have to prove jack squat nothing to any of you people, but I sure as shit ain't afraid to talk about this supposed contradiction since you made that claim. Nope. Huh uh. I'd be rather eager, in fact. If I get a notification the next time I pop back int othe forum, I'll check back in with you to see if you're interested in placing forth the effort to support your claim, rather than just making it. If not, I probably won't come back to this thread. It's the same old whining anyway. It's stale.

In the mean time, I'm going to bed. I need my beauty sleep. Have a good night...
I have never needed any beauty sleep, myself.

.....because, ...........well, .............just look at me.
That was some quality Daving, tho.

But, no, I'm serious, man. I just wanted to be crystal clear about it there.

Shit. I stand by what I say. I don't do that flip-flopper winger stuff.
That's better, but you can do it in two lines or less.

'It'... being 'express yourself'. ;)
It’s gotten pretty bad, with one antisemite advocating for a new Final Solution, using those words, and saying we need to implement it soon.

P.S. I stopped engaging in the threads as a result of how bad it got, but I now have a new way to fight Jew-hate.
Lisa freedom of speech is respected here. There are tons of people making comments about Black people, Jews, Muslims. So deal with it and respond to it agree or disagree.

I’m a Catholic and I’ve seen tons of people say the most abhorrent things about Catholicism and the pope, and I could just go ahead and agree or disagree with it.
Let’s be serious. There is not one chance in the universe that the word choice was anything less than deliberately chosen to be as miserably offensive as possible.
I’m getting tired of you acting like a BLM person. Learn how to deal with free speech. You of all people complaining and asking for censorship. Get out of here….. I cannot believe that a few Trump supporters like you who also support Israel have turned into the biggest crybabies around.

I’m a Catholic and I’ve seen other posters make the most offensive comments about Catholics …. let them say whatever they want because guess what I can disagree with them. Long live the Catholic Church which brought us civilization and glory.
I’m getting tired of you acting like a BLM person. Learn how to deal with free speech. You of all people complaining and asking for censorship. Get out of here….. I cannot believe that a few Trump supporters like you who also support Israel have turned into the biggest crybabies around.

I’m a Catholic and I’ve seen other posters make the most offensive comments about Catholics …. let them say whatever they want because guess what I can disagree with them. Long live the Catholic Church which brought us civilization and glory.
You sure do want people to believe you are a Christian while promoting Islamist interests quite exclusively.
Lisa freedom of speech is respected here. There are tons of people making comments about Black people, Jews, Muslims. So deal with it and respond to it agree or disagree.

I’m a Catholic and I’ve seen tons of people say the most abhorrent things about Catholicism and the pope, and I could just go ahead and agree or disagree with it.
Did I call for the deletion of the thread entitled “The Final Solution for the Jews”? NO. I said that the same rules that send threads with inflammatory titles to the Rubber Room should apply to the one with the Hitler title.

Do you think titles hinting at a genocide of Jews should be tolerated more than other reprehensible titles simply because the contempt and hate is for Jews?

P.S. You used to be a decent person, and, as if it were planned, did a 180 after the horrific torture of innocent Jews by Muslim barbarians.
P.S. You used to be a decent person, and, as if it were planned, did a 180 after the horrific torture of innocent Jews by Muslim barbarians.
No, people are who they are. You're just now getting a better glimpse into the soul of people. People are being revealed
That being said? Coyote needs a lot of beauty sleep.

The rumor is that even her animals won't look at her... unless she brings food.

We desperately need a board in which moderators are forbidden from posting.

Whining your opinion in the same venue where you get to punish those who disagree with you is pussy-ville.

Pure chicken-shit world.

We see it happening here all the time.

No, people are who they are. You're just now getting a better glimpse into the soul of people. People are being revealed
It seems impossible that people have done such a 180. I and others have noticed it with a number of posters. The raging antisemites littering this forum in November 2023 seem like totally different people than they were in August 2023. Just hard to wrap my head around it.

We desperately need a board in which moderators are forbidden from posting.

Whining your opinion in the same venue where you get to punish those who disagree with you is pussy-ville.

Pure chicken-shit world.

We see it happening here all the time.

Exactly. What type of fair debate can there be when ONE of the debaters can delete or thread ban the other?

At the minImum, I’d like to see moderators forbidden from moderating the threads in which they are attacking other posters.
It seems impossible that people have done such a 180. I and others have noticed it with a number of posters. The raging antisemites littering this forum in November 2023 seem like totally different people than they were in August 2023. Just hard to wrap my head around it.
Chaos. They spread it. To divert away from?

Ukraine has been quiet lately sweep sweep
It seems impossible that people have done such a 180. I and others have noticed it with a number of posters. The raging antisemites littering this forum in November 2023 seem like totally different people than they were in August 2023. Just hard to wrap my head around it.

All I can imagine is the possibility of financial corruption.

The attack happened after money deals were going on in Iran.

Possible they needed another War. Israel versus Pali stirs shit up.
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