Please No More Threads Claiming Hillary Is Ahead.It Just Comes Down To The Rust Belt States&Florida.

:boobies: :blahblah: :desk: :offtopic: Are we going to have our annoying members here boast about the latest national polls showing Hillary ahead by 2 or 3 points? By now all of the more intelligent and well educated USMB members already know that it is really going to come down to the rust belt, florida,and maybe even Colorado. And at this point, Trump is looking good in all of them, ,mainly cause they are either Union/Coal/or just states with a heavy "Angry White Demographic".,,no one cares about the polls in New York and California where even dead people and rodents are allowed to vote !!!:laugh2::laugh:

Who died and left you Message Board Emperor?

"Who controls the post controls the future"?
does anyone actually believe that at any point,,,,Hillary was 15 points ahead of Trump? Really? Hillary, aside from Obama, most dull person to ever run for president?
all polls are just samples.......remember how way off they were in the primaries?

Yes only when it came to Trump..

Although when you have rigged primaries on the DNC side Hilary was going to be the nominee as she agreed to in 2008 to let a half white man with zero experience be the face of the far left!

12 years actually, but that's an interesting observation from the Far Retarded Drone drooling over a half-orange man with zero experience. Meaning, not political experience but ANY experience holding any kind of position of responsibility at all.
Like, say, a job.

does anyone actually believe that at any point,,,,Hillary was 15 points ahead of Trump? Really? Hillary, aside from Obama, most dull person to ever run for president?

"Dull"? :lol:

So you want "polish"?

Well, Bernie's Polish. That work?
does anyone actually believe that at any point,,,,Hillary was 15 points ahead of Trump? Really? Hillary, aside from Obama, most dull person to ever run for president?

If a poll came out tomorrow that Trump was ahead by 15 the wingnuts would be all over it.

Clinton up by 15 was probably a long time ago when many more Republicans thought Trump wasn't serious. So, yeah, awhile back 15 sounds about right.
does anyone actually believe that at any point,,,,Hillary was 15 points ahead of Trump? Really? Hillary, aside from Obama, most dull person to ever run for president?

It doesn't matter if Hillary is ahead by 15 or Trump ahead by 35. It's June for crying out loud and what polls say today are meaningless. Reading polls is complete waste of time and energy unless you do so at the end of October or the beginning of November.
does anyone actually believe that at any point,,,,Hillary was 15 points ahead of Trump? Really? Hillary, aside from Obama, most dull person to ever run for president?

It doesn't matter if Hillary is ahead by 15 or Trump ahead by 35. It's June for crying out loud and what polls say today are meaningless. Reading polls is complete waste of time and energy unless you do so at the end of October or the beginning of November.
right, and every time a poll came out where Hillary was 7 points ahead of Trump, he declared her the winner come November while rubbing himself under that table on "The Five".
Texas is going Blue....
you mean the flood waters?
Trump already said the floods are not real just like the California drought ...all made up by "libruls"...

Rump issued a statement about that ---

"When Rump gets into orifice the floods are gonna be YUUUGE. They're gonna be the biggest in the world. Amazing, incredible floods like you've never seen before. And by the way I don't even know what you're talking about with flooding, OK? Did it rain in Texas or what? Because I don't know about floods or flood supremacists". --- John Barron.

Another Rump spokesman agreed:
"Megyn Kelly's got flood coming out of her whatever. It's disgusting". ---- John Miller

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