Please- Please California. Do It - California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good luck with that..



California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington

With secession threats looming, the state of California is reportedly studying ways to suspend financial transfers to Washington after the Trump administration threatened to withhold federal money from sanctuary cities.

With California counties among the Top 10 who stand to lose tax-payer funding for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants...

KPIX5 reports that officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.

The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.

“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news.

“They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”

California is among a handful of so-called “donor states,” which pay more in taxes to the federal Treasury than they receive in government funding.

California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge

Good luck with that..



California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington

With secession threats looming, the state of California is reportedly studying ways to suspend financial transfers to Washington after the Trump administration threatened to withhold federal money from sanctuary cities.

With California counties among the Top 10 who stand to lose tax-payer funding for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants...

KPIX5 reports that officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.

The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.

“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news.

“They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”

California is among a handful of so-called “donor states,” which pay more in taxes to the federal Treasury than they receive in government funding.

California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge

Let them go ahead. We then route all shipping elsewhere, and tax everything going across the border by road, not a problem at all. A fight they will lose, and lose big!
Good luck with that..



California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington

With secession threats looming, the state of California is reportedly studying ways to suspend financial transfers to Washington after the Trump administration threatened to withhold federal money from sanctuary cities.

With California counties among the Top 10 who stand to lose tax-payer funding for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants...

KPIX5 reports that officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.

The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.

“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news.

“They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”

California is among a handful of so-called “donor states,” which pay more in taxes to the federal Treasury than they receive in government funding.

California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge

Let them go ahead. We then route all shipping elsewhere, and tax everything going across the border by road, not a problem at all. A fight they will lose, and lose big!

Well of course. Its just the liberal loons who have no thought process resulting in obvious conclusions


Good luck with that..



California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington

With secession threats looming, the state of California is reportedly studying ways to suspend financial transfers to Washington after the Trump administration threatened to withhold federal money from sanctuary cities.

With California counties among the Top 10 who stand to lose tax-payer funding for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants...

KPIX5 reports that officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.

The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.

“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news.

“They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”

California is among a handful of so-called “donor states,” which pay more in taxes to the federal Treasury than they receive in government funding.

California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge

Let them go ahead. We then route all shipping elsewhere, and tax everything going across the border by road, not a problem at all. A fight they will lose, and lose big!

It would be a good lesson for some other liberal states who might want to do the same.
Good luck with that..



California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington

With secession threats looming, the state of California is reportedly studying ways to suspend financial transfers to Washington after the Trump administration threatened to withhold federal money from sanctuary cities.

With California counties among the Top 10 who stand to lose tax-payer funding for providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants...

KPIX5 reports that officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.

The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.

“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news.

“They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”

California is among a handful of so-called “donor states,” which pay more in taxes to the federal Treasury than they receive in government funding.

California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge

Let them go ahead. We then route all shipping elsewhere, and tax everything going across the border by road, not a problem at all. A fight they will lose, and lose big!

Well of course. Its just the liberal loons who have no thought process resulting in obvious conclusions



Lefties want to make this about more than what it is! They need ask themselves a question--------->

Who is enforcing the law, and who/whom is attempting to break the law! When asked in that manner, they do not have a leg to stand on. And as they try and take the debate off that issue and weave it into racism, or poor people, or anything else they can make stick...........we as Repubs should be asking two questions.....

1. If this is so important, why weren't these laws taken off the books when the Democrats controlled all 3 branches of government?


2. After they make an excuse for number 1, why aren't their politicians pushing a bill LOUDLY for a vote in congress to change it today!

Everyone knows why number 2 isn't happening, and if they don't, they should be ashamed of their political acumen and start boning up on what REALLY is going on in politics. The answer to number 1 is more subtle! A very political answer that was used to help get Obama a 2nd essence..........the Hispanic community being pissed enough to vote for those who pretended to want amnesty, was more important than actual amnesty. Hell, when Californians voted AGAINST illegal immigrants, the left instantly threw out the vote of the people, (ironic, isn't it!) and went to court to a left leaning judge to have it over turned. So any idea that after 1 happened, they couldn't do 2 is ridiculous!

This whole constitutional crisis (and that is what it is) is a direct problem that the left has caused for political reasons. They illegally ignored the law, then did not have the political balls to even attempt to change the law they didn't like. People on the right should be incensed, as what the left is doing, is demanding that Trump do, what they did not have the balls to do, and if not, do what Obama did, and ignore the law while going against his constituency.

In political terms, if we have to pick a hill to die on, this is one of them! For if we do not, the left will know that they can do anything up to and including breaking the law, and we won't even attempt to stop them. At that time, the fight to save America will become DOA. We need stand behind Trump on this one for sure.
LMFAO. It was bad enough for just people being butt hurt.. But now an entire state?

Eh, Democrats have turned central California into a dustbowl, may as well cut off the water tap and go for Southern California as well.
Trump has released the lastest plans for a border wall:

What happened to all the RW'ers who praise things like nullification, secession, and all that 'sovereign states' stuff?

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