Please, please cancel the election

Originally posted by freeandfun1
where has ANYBODY said to cancel the elections?

as i clearly stated, Bush asked the DoJ to provide him with legal briefs on what they believe the constitution would dictate. you have remember, there is no "Federal" election as in reality, each state has their own election laws. Therefore, Bush needs to know what, AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL, should be done IF ANYTHING.

If you read the thread, I was saying the same thing a few posts back.

I guess there has been some talk here and there...all bullshit.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
I thought mongo was the bull riding fat ass flatulating neaderthal on blazing saddles?

Ugh - Me Mongo

Now that you mention it, in addition to being a character in Heathcliff and Blazing Saddles, Mongo is many things to many people.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Now that you mention it, in addition to being a character in Heathcliff and Blazing Saddles, Mongo is many things to many people.

My god you are right! Still Karas in blazing saddles was just too funny.

The campfire scene, the bean pot?

The fight when he hit the horse?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Mongo are you mailing in your US Presidential vote this year?

Lol Biker in another thread this guy advocated cutting ALL the forests down, said the hunting would be better, WTF!?????
Originally posted by HGROKIT
My god you are right! Still Karas in blazing saddles was just too funny.

The campfire scene, the bean pot?

The fight when he hit the horse?

He-he, yeah I remember now.
That movie is definitely top 10 for comedy in my book!
Originally posted by nycflasher
Agreed. I don't understand these posts re: canceling the elections, however.

Is there anyone of importance actually suggesting this?
I doubt it and have heard nil on the matter myself.

Tom Ridge suggested it may occur. But I've heard no one from the president's cabinent suggest this.

But of course the election should not be postponed. I mean, there is going to be an election in Afghanistan around the same time. What kind of signal does it send to a burgeoning representative government if we chickened out because of some threat. These guys have terror attacks on a near daily basis but they are sill going ahead with an election.

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