Please Post Reasons Why You Want Obama to Raise Taxes Here. Thanks!

Raising taxes during uncertain economic times is perhaps the worse thing which could be done. Even John Maynard Keynes, the original 'vodoo' economist would not support raising taxes in our current situation if the goal is promoting economic growth. The truth is that Obama and his administration have proven time and time again they have no interest in recovery. Their interest is in control. The financial regulation bill signed yesterday is proof of that.

Yea moron, let's allow the banks to trash our economy again...

What is it with you right wing pea brains? Is it a Monica Lewinsky worship of the wealthy? THEY are the ones that fucked us...maybe you like being fucked...
Of course leave it up to liberals to attack symantics....

Let me rephraise for the liberals who can't understand the question..... Why do you want Obama to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire?????
Please help us Conservatives understand this. Thanks.

The Tax Tsunami On The Horizon - IBD -


Being that the budget comes from Congress and the Republicans had control of Congress during the Clinton years Thanks for making my point!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Raising taxes loses jobs. If a business owner pays more in taxes he has less topay his help. If a business owner has to pay more taxes he has to charge more for his goods and services.
If government has more revenue they expand and hire more people that need more $ that demand more tases that need more people that need more taxes that need more people that need more taxes thagt need more people that need more taxes.
People, not corporations, pay taxes. All a corporation EVER does is collect the taxes in increased prices. success and entrepreneurship is dependent on government? If the mean old government raises the taxes on the wealthy, they will pout, have a hissy fit and refuse to be successful and not hire people...

Maybe they didn't get your memo...HOW did Bush's tax cuts stimulate jobs pea brain???

The main and only reason PAY for everything that Bush didn't during the last 8 years.

And Bush did not pay for those things becuase the people did not expect him to or want him to.
....Primarily, those folks who PUT-him-in-Office!!!!

"His business career was marked by mediocrity or failure which nonetheless resulted in him getting lots of money from his father's political allies. And his political career has been handed to him on a platter by his famous name, and by his dad's cronies."

He was an INVE$TMENT!

His Daddy PIMPED him to Corporate America....he did what he was TOLD....and, now he's stumbling-around, pickin'-up dogshit....insisting he's got some kind o' personal(?)-legacy, to anyone who might listen. :rolleyes:

Daddy Bush was DESPERATE to put-together his own Kennedy-style Clan...


.....and, BLEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Being that the budget comes from Congress and the Republicans had control of Congress during the Clinton years Thanks for making my point!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

The Budget of the United States Government is the President's proposal to the U.S. Congress which recommends funding levels for the next fiscal year, beginning October 1.
Please help us Conservatives understand this. Thanks.

The Tax Tsunami On The Horizon - IBD -

Please post why you hate your fellow Americans. You ask a ridiculous question, you get a ridiculous response.

I have seen way more success stories by those that have done for themselves than I have by those that have things done for them.
Have you ever SEEN one o' Lil' Dumbya's PEN$ION-CHECK$??????

Please post why you hate your fellow Americans. You ask a ridiculous question, you get a ridiculous response.

I have seen way more success stories by those that have done for themselves than I have by those that have things done for them.
Have you ever SEEN one o' Lil' Dumbya's PEN$ION-CHECK$??????


As a result of his employment.. just as all other Presidents have received.. and just as other retired governmental employees get

Now take your troll ass back to the rock you crawled out from under
I support raising taxes on all of those who pay no federal income tax... and I would support a raise as in a flat tax to ensure others paying lower rates would pay the same exact rate on every last dollar earned.
.....With the same-tax-rates on Capital Gain$ well??!!!!

Raising taxes loses jobs. If a business owner pays more in taxes he has less topay his help. If a business owner has to pay more taxes he has to charge more for his goods and services.
If government has more revenue they expand and hire more people that need more $ that demand more tases that need more people that need more taxes that need more people that need more taxes thagt need more people that need more taxes.
People, not corporations, pay taxes. All a corporation EVER does is collect the taxes in increased prices. success and entrepreneurship is dependent on government? If the mean old government raises the taxes on the wealthy, they will pout, have a hissy fit and refuse to be successful and not hire people...

Maybe they didn't get your memo...HOW did Bush's tax cuts stimulate jobs pea brain???


Gee...I wonder how many of those jobs Clinton is creditied with were jobs in the industry.

And I wonder how many of those dot com jobs lost, that never should have been to begin with, were put into Bush's column.
The main and only reason PAY for everything that Bush didn't during the last 8 years.

And Bush did not pay for those things becuase the people did not expect him to or want him to.
Personal responsibility.


You can sit around every day waiting for things to happen and complain when they dont come knocking on your door with your chicken for your pot.

Get with the program. It is easier to do for yourself than to wait for others to do it for you.


It is WAY more rewarding.
Sacrilege! Outcast unclean! :eek:
I support raising taxes on all of those who pay no federal income tax... and I would support a raise as in a flat tax to ensure others paying lower rates would pay the same exact rate on every last dollar earned.
.....With the same-tax-rates on Capital Gain$ well??!!!!


I stated.. same tax rate on every dollar earned from every last citizen... no exceptions... I don't care if you make $10 or $10MIL
Jarhead...your post makes no sense.

Bush failed. Plain and simple. He shoved all the bills under the rug and shoveled the whole thing to the next administration.

Well its time to pay the piper, and you Neo-Cons are squealing like pigs talking about "Stop da spendin'" and "Raisin' arr deficits."
You DARE suggest CONSISTENCY from Corporate America's TORIES??!!!! :eek:


Jarhead...your post makes no sense.

Bush failed. Plain and simple. He shoved all the bills under the rug and shoveled the whole thing to the next administration.

Well its time to pay the piper, and you Neo-Cons are squealing like pigs talking about "Stop da spendin'" and "Raisin' arr deficits."

A day late and a dollar short.

Wise up!

And Obama's approach to correcting that has been to dig the hole even deeper. You should wake up as well.

Yeah.....let's just keep makin' the Minimal-Monthly-Payments on Lil' Dumbya's credit-card-balance.


Great-strategy, there, Rockefeller.

We've been living way beyond our means for the last 30 years or so and now the bill has come due.

We either bite the bullet and pay it off now or pass it along to the next genertation.

Except it is not a 'we' pay that the left wants... it is to all be payed by some who they wish to demonize......
Yeah.....that's what it's called: demonize.

Last edited:
I have seen way more success stories by those that have done for themselves than I have by those that have things done for them.
Have you ever SEEN one o' Lil' Dumbya's PEN$ION-CHECK$??????


As a result of his employment.. just as all other Presidents have received.. and just as other retired governmental employees get

Now take your troll ass back to the rock you crawled out from under

Ooo, somebody needs a NAP..
Raising taxes loses jobs. If a business owner pays more in taxes he has less topay his help. If a business owner has to pay more taxes he has to charge more for his goods and services.
If government has more revenue they expand and hire more people that need more $ that demand more tases that need more people that need more taxes that need more people that need more taxes thagt need more people that need more taxes.
People, not corporations, pay taxes. All a corporation EVER does is collect the taxes in increased prices. success and entrepreneurship is dependent on government? If the mean old government raises the taxes on the wealthy, they will pout, have a hissy fit and refuse to be successful and not hire people...

Maybe they didn't get your memo...HOW did Bush's tax cuts stimulate jobs pea brain???


Gee...I wonder how many of those jobs Clinton is creditied with were jobs in the industry.

And I wonder how many of those dot com jobs lost, that never should have been to begin with, were put into Bush's column.


Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton’s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Here’s a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.

Because the size of the economy and labor force varies, we also calculate in percentage terms how much the total payroll count expanded under each president. The current President Bush, once taking account how long he’s been in office, shows the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ
payroll-expansion-by-presdient.png success and entrepreneurship is dependent on government? If the mean old government raises the taxes on the wealthy, they will pout, have a hissy fit and refuse to be successful and not hire people...

Maybe they didn't get your memo...HOW did Bush's tax cuts stimulate jobs pea brain???


Gee...I wonder how many of those jobs Clinton is creditied with were jobs in the industry.

And I wonder how many of those dot com jobs lost, that never should have been to begin with, were put into Bush's column.


Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton’s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Here’s a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.

Because the size of the economy and labor force varies, we also calculate in percentage terms how much the total payroll count expanded under each president. The current President Bush, once taking account how long he’s been in office, shows the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ


SO I was correct with my assumption.

Clinton was "credited" with the jobs gained due to the dot com craze that did nothing for the GDP and Bush was "credited" with the loss of those jobs when reality set in.

You do realize that, no?

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