Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

False. She is in the anti-Islam camp that believes the religion itself is unacceptable.

only because it refuses to give up jihad and sharia...


Islam....or has there been some great reformation i've not heard about....?

lol, retard, right after you claim that Geller doesn't hate Islam you concede that she hates Islam.
I wouldn't lift a finger to defend that crazy Jew bitch.
So you're not only a jihadist sympathizer, you're also a anti-Jewish BIGOT. Well that fits right in with your Muslim ass-kisser persona. And what in the world is crazy about Americans defending ourselves against the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization jihad ?

Do you have a grain of knowledge of this subject that Geller has extensive knowledge of, or are you just mouthing off, without any clue ?
Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

False. She is in the anti-Islam camp that believes the religion itself is unacceptable.

only because it refuses to give up jihad and sharia...


Islam....or has there been some great reformation i've not heard about....?

lol, retard, right after you claim that Geller doesn't hate Islam you concede that she hates Islam.

she hates jihad and anti-American sharia.....don't you...?
Can your fellow countrymen count upon you to aid in defending Geller, in accordance with that American maxim?
My aid to her starts and stops with: you are within your rights you dumb bitch to do what you do but rights come with responsibility and just because you can call someone a Crazy Sand ****** doesn't mean you should. She knows that what she is doing incites violence. In the US that's known as Fighting Words, and it's not protected speech so while she is still within her rights if someone chops her head off the world will frankly be a better place and I will have no sympathy for her, she's made her own bed.

Now, that said, the fix for all of this is Liberalism. When the Muslims ignore their faith like the Christians, Graven Images are forbidden in that faith as well, this whole issue goes away. Do I have your support on that? Of course not...

"The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. It held that "insulting or 'fighting words,' those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem.""

Fighting words - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
When Geller is censured by the courts for serving-up 'fighting words', be sure to let us know.

By your logic, if a Fundamentalist Christian takes offense at an atheists mocking of God, or Jesus, then that atheist is engaged in serving-up 'fighting words', and is not entitled to either sympathy nor support - having made his-or-her own bed.

That ain't gonna fly, Wilbur... back to the drawing board.

Oh, and, by the way, your refusal to take a stand alongside your fellow countrymen, in defense of Geller's rights, in favor of a dangerous alien mindset, is noted.
I gave her all the defense that she is worthy of...
I wouldn't lift a finger to defend that crazy Jew bitch.
So you're not only a jihadist sympathizer, you're also a anti-Jewish BIGOT. Well that fits right in with your Muslim ass-kisser persona. And what in the world is crazy about Americans defending ourselves against the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization jihad ?

Do you have a grain of knowledge of this subject that Geller has extensive knowledge of, or are you just mouthing off, without any clue ?

Actually, Geller does NOT have extensive knowledge of this subject. She just spews her hate and relies on Spencer to fill in some details.
I wouldn't lift a finger to defend that crazy Jew bitch.
So you're not only a jihadist sympathizer, you're also a anti-Jewish BIGOT. Well that fits right in with your Muslim ass-kisser persona. And what in the world is crazy about Americans defending ourselves against the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization jihad ?

Do you have a grain of knowledge of this subject that Geller has extensive knowledge of, or are you just mouthing off, without any clue ?

Actually, Geller does NOT have extensive knowledge of this subject. She just spews her hate and relies on Spencer to fill in some details.

Prove she doesn't, don't just spew it, prove it
Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?
Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

True... what's your point?

Dozens of Muslims in America have been the victims of rightwing anti-Muslim terrorism. I've already posted examples.

No, what does that have to do with condemning one act that offends Islam but not condemning another?
I gave her all the defense that she is worthy of...
Her defense is the American people's defense. So it looks like you gave all the defense that you think the American people are worthy of.
Rights and responsibilities. Adults know this, she and many others don't.

As the Pope said, you can say it but if you insult my mother expect to be punched in the nose.
I wouldn't lift a finger to defend that crazy Jew bitch.
So you're not only a jihadist sympathizer, you're also a anti-Jewish BIGOT. Well that fits right in with your Muslim ass-kisser persona. And what in the world is crazy about Americans defending ourselves against the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamization jihad ?

Do you have a grain of knowledge of this subject that Geller has extensive knowledge of, or are you just mouthing off, without any clue ?

Actually, Geller does NOT have extensive knowledge of this subject. She just spews her hate and relies on Spencer to fill in some details.
one thing Geller does know.....Muslims intend to impose sharia wherever they go....jihad is not only violent, it is non-violent too.......Islam means submission.....and that means everybody including you....but you're already half way there....

I think she's sexy:)
I wonder what she looked like before plastic surgery, she's 57 years old.

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