Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...
A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...

That's why we don't you goofball. And that's why no one demands that we do.... we've come a way in the last few thousand years... Islam hasn't. It's still 545 AD in their world.
If Muslims are so thin skinned why don't they crawl in a hole, for intolerance is the inability to convince one without force. The very basis as to why the Christian faith has grown and evolved into the religion it has and the Muslims faith has remained in their feudalistic state based on fear.
A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...

The objective of Christianity is to strive to follow the word of the new covenant. some thing rather foreign.
Can your fellow countrymen count upon you to aid in defending Geller, in accordance with that American maxim?
My aid to her starts and stops with: you are within your rights you dumb bitch to do what you do but rights come with responsibility and just because you can call someone a Crazy Sand ****** doesn't mean you should. She knows that what she is doing incites violence. In the US that's known as Fighting Words, and it's not protected speech so while she is still within her rights if someone chops her head off the world will frankly be a better place and I will have no sympathy for her, she's made her own bed.

Now, that said, the fix for all of this is Liberalism. When the Muslims ignore their faith like the Christians, Graven Images are forbidden in that faith as well, this whole issue goes away. Do I have your support on that? Of course not...

"The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. It held that "insulting or 'fighting words,' those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem.""

Fighting words - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
When Geller is censured by the courts for serving-up 'fighting words', be sure to let us know.

By your logic, if a Fundamentalist Christian takes offense at an atheists mocking of God, or Jesus, then that atheist is engaged in serving-up 'fighting words', and is not entitled to either sympathy nor support - having made his-or-her own bed.

That ain't gonna fly, Wilbur... back to the drawing board.

Oh, and, by the way, your refusal to take a stand alongside your fellow countrymen, in defense of Geller's rights, in favor of a dangerous alien mindset, is noted.
If Muslims are so thin skinned why don't they crawl in a hole, for intolerance is the inability to convince one without force. The very basis as to why the Christian faith has grown and evolved into the religion it has and the Muslims faith has remained in their feudalistic state based on fear.
In reality, Islam is a creation of much commoner clay than its mainstream counterparts; given over largely to external observances and shallow emotions. Its appeal erodes quickly under close scrutiny and its proselytizers and adherents anger quickly and resort to force when their foolish assertions are exposed for what they are.
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...

That's why we don't you goofball. And that's why no one demands that we do.... we've come a way in the last few thousand years... Islam hasn't. It's still 545 AD in their world.

That's true - because of our Constitution.

I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...

The objective of Christianity is to strive to follow the word of the new covenant. some thing rather foreign.

Now you've done it, these fools don't know a testament from a covenant
Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous.

Just imagine if Christian nuts literally followed the Bible...

That's why we don't you goofball. And that's why no one demands that we do.... we've come a way in the last few thousand years... Islam hasn't. It's still 545 AD in their world.

That's true - because of our Constitution.


What does Sarah Palin have to do with condemning one act that offends Islam and supporting another that offends Islam? Do try and keep up.
Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....
Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

In Her Own Words
"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
— Pam Geller On Fox Business' "Follow the Money," March 10, 2011

"Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords."
— Pam Geller,, April 13, 2010

"Hussein [meaning President Obama] is a muhammadan. He's not insane … he wants jihad to win."
— Pam Geller,, April 11, 2010

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. … I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam."
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Now do I see everything through the prism of Israel? No, I don't, but I do think it's a very good guide. It's a very good guide because, like I said, in the war between the civilized man and the savage, you side with the civilized man. … If you don't lay down and die for Islamic supremacism, then you're a racist anti-Muslim Islamophobic bigot. That's what we're really talking about."
– Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

Much More: Pamela Geller - Southern Poverty Law Center

Words have consequences.

Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.
Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

In Her Own Words
"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
— Pam Geller On Fox Business' "Follow the Money," March 10, 2011

"Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords."
— Pam Geller,, April 13, 2010

"Hussein [meaning President Obama] is a muhammadan. He's not insane … he wants jihad to win."
— Pam Geller,, April 11, 2010

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. … I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam."
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Now do I see everything through the prism of Israel? No, I don't, but I do think it's a very good guide. It's a very good guide because, like I said, in the war between the civilized man and the savage, you side with the civilized man. … If you don't lay down and die for Islamic supremacism, then you're a racist anti-Muslim Islamophobic bigot. That's what we're really talking about."
– Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

Much More: Pamela Geller - Southern Poverty Law Center

Words have consequences.

Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

True... what's your point?
Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

In Her Own Words
"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
— Pam Geller On Fox Business' "Follow the Money," March 10, 2011

"Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords."
— Pam Geller,, April 13, 2010

"Hussein [meaning President Obama] is a muhammadan. He's not insane … he wants jihad to win."
— Pam Geller,, April 11, 2010

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. … I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam."
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Now do I see everything through the prism of Israel? No, I don't, but I do think it's a very good guide. It's a very good guide because, like I said, in the war between the civilized man and the savage, you side with the civilized man. … If you don't lay down and die for Islamic supremacism, then you're a racist anti-Muslim Islamophobic bigot. That's what we're really talking about."
– Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

Much More: Pamela Geller - Southern Poverty Law Center

Words have consequences.

Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

because there was a cop there who had 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills....otherwise there would have been dead cartoonists.....

do you guys ever try to know the truth or you always have to wander into crap to try to keep your foolishness alive....
Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

In Her Own Words
"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
— Pam Geller On Fox Business' "Follow the Money," March 10, 2011

"Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords."
— Pam Geller,, April 13, 2010

"Hussein [meaning President Obama] is a muhammadan. He's not insane … he wants jihad to win."
— Pam Geller,, April 11, 2010

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. … I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam."
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Now do I see everything through the prism of Israel? No, I don't, but I do think it's a very good guide. It's a very good guide because, like I said, in the war between the civilized man and the savage, you side with the civilized man. … If you don't lay down and die for Islamic supremacism, then you're a racist anti-Muslim Islamophobic bigot. That's what we're really talking about."
– Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

Much More: Pamela Geller - Southern Poverty Law Center

Words have consequences.

Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

because there was a cop there who had 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills....otherwise there would have been dead cartoonists.....

do you guys ever try to know the truth or you always have to wander into crap to try to keep your foolishness alive....

You're confirming I'm correct. So what do you suppose would have happened if the cops hadn't killed him?

Would he have grabbed someone and dragged them behind a pickup truck until they were dead?

Would he have killed someone and hung them on a barbed wire fence?
Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

In Her Own Words
"Islam is not a race. This is an ideology. This is an extreme ideology, the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth."
— Pam Geller On Fox Business' "Follow the Money," March 10, 2011

"Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords."
— Pam Geller,, April 13, 2010

"Hussein [meaning President Obama] is a muhammadan. He's not insane … he wants jihad to win."
— Pam Geller,, April 11, 2010

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. … I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam."
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Now do I see everything through the prism of Israel? No, I don't, but I do think it's a very good guide. It's a very good guide because, like I said, in the war between the civilized man and the savage, you side with the civilized man. … If you don't lay down and die for Islamic supremacism, then you're a racist anti-Muslim Islamophobic bigot. That's what we're really talking about."
– Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

Much More: Pamela Geller - Southern Poverty Law Center

Words have consequences.

Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

True... what's your point?

Dozens of Muslims in America have been the victims of rightwing anti-Muslim terrorism. I've already posted examples.
Only if we let the muslims kill people because of words.....and submit to their demands to curb our speech because they don't like it.....screw them.....

Which Muslims?

The ones who will use rape, torture and murder and armed conquest to spread sharia.....those muslims....moron........

No American has died at the hands of any Muslim because he or she made a cartoon.

because there was a cop there who had 2 shots, 2 hits and 2 kills....otherwise there would have been dead cartoonists.....

do you guys ever try to know the truth or you always have to wander into crap to try to keep your foolishness alive....

You're confirming I'm correct. So what do you suppose would have happened if the cops hadn't killed him?

Would he have grabbed someone and dragged them behind a pickup truck until they were dead?

Would he have killed someone and hung them on a barbed wire fence?

You obviously are a fool. There is no comparison between muslim terrorists using rape, murder torture and armed conquest to spread sharia and very isolated incidents here in the states....that were not coordinated in anyway...

And Mathew Shepard was killed over drugs, not because he was gay......

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