Plot to behead Pamela Geller

That bitch has the freedom but if it gets her killed that is on her now. She knows the deal, unlike you apparently. Rights come with responsibilities...

No it isn't, you fucking Nazi. Murder is never the victim's fault. Furthermore, what does "on her" mean? You assholes keep using euphemism rather than stating plainly what you mean. That's because the reality is so fucking despicable that you are ashamed to utter it. You are making excuses for murder because you dislike what someone has to say. You're a piece of shit.

I think if you deliberately provoke people, you kind of deserve what you get.
what do you "deserve Joey"?

According to that logic, if Joey insults the precepts or founders or membership or other belief systems, and then he is assaulted (or worse), then he deserves what he gets. Q.E.D.
Only a small percentage of Muslims and Christians are terrorists. Therefore, Geller should only attack the terrorists.
Geller has attacked no one.
1.6 billion Muslims for starters, and their Prophet.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.
...With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.
Geller is not Muslim.

Geller is not bound by Islamic law.

Geller lives in a secularized Christian nation.

That nation observes both Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.

Muslims are entitled to speak against her, and to protest her opinions and actions.

Muslims are not entitled to do harm to her because of her exercise of those rights and freedoms.

At the very least, such violence-doers are guilty of a vastly disproportionate response.

Geller was within her rights and acted responsibly in serving-up the examples that she did, in order to call attention to this highly dangerous alien mindset in our midst.

Remember the American maxim: "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it." ?

Time to pony-up and contribute to that defense.

Can your fellow countrymen count upon you to aid in defending Geller, in accordance with that American maxim?
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She's no better than the people she is attacking.

They can say anything they want about her. As far as I'm concerned they can have cartoon drawing contests of her too. But committing violence against her for what she has said or done is out of the question and anyone who does should be prosecuted to the fullest.
Only a small percentage of Muslims and Christians are terrorists. Therefore, Geller should only attack the terrorists.
Geller has attacked no one.
1.6 billion Muslims for starters, and their Prophet.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Can your fellow countrymen count upon you to aid in defending Geller, in accordance with that American maxim?
My aid to her starts and stops with: you are within your rights you dumb bitch to do what you do but rights come with responsibility and just because you can call someone a Crazy Sand ****** doesn't mean you should. She knows that what she is doing incites violence. In the US that's known as Fighting Words, and it's not protected speech so while she is still within her rights if someone chops her head off the world will frankly be a better place and I will have no sympathy for her, she's made her own bed.

Now, that said, the fix for all of this is Liberalism. When the Muslims ignore their faith like the Christians, Graven Images are forbidden in that faith as well, this whole issue goes away. Do I have your support on that? Of course not...

"The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. It held that "insulting or 'fighting words,' those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem.""

Fighting words - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Only a small percentage of Muslims and Christians are terrorists. Therefore, Geller should only attack the terrorists.
Geller has attacked no one.
1.6 billion Muslims for starters, and their Prophet.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

Blasphemy law in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Religion and homosexuality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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She's no better than the people she is attacking.

They can say anything they want about her. As far as I'm concerned they can have cartoon drawing contests of her too. But committing violence against her for what she has said or done is out of the question and anyone who does should be prosecuted to the fullest.
As they will be but she'll be dead by then eh so that helps her not at all. She slit her own throat in this case.
Anyone who can watch what ISIS is doing and state that what we really need to worry about is the "Christian Taliban" who is just as SO out of touch with reality it's scary!
The mentalities are the same, and ISIS is over there, meaning none of our fucking business. Here people like Huckabee and the morons on this site are the problem. Lucky for us, literally.

If you believe that ISIS is only "over there", House than you're as naive as you are misinformed.
ISIS is over there. ISIS wannabes are over here. Stop intentionally insulting them here, and bombing them over there, and they will leave you alone so you can sleep at night without wetting the bed.

So if the person who cuts your head off here is only a "wannabe"...does that make you less dead? They aren't going to leave us alone if we let them do what they want over there, House. They've made that quite clear. The end game has always been the destruction of America.
Destruction of America or Islam in charge of the world? Not the same thing.

If you can't understand that radical Islam in charge of the world means the destruction of Western civilization then you haven't been paying attention to what these people are all about, House. C'mon...wake up!
Geller has attacked no one.
1.6 billion Muslims for starters, and their Prophet.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
1.6 billion Muslims for starters, and their Prophet.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?
She's no better than the people she is attacking.

They can say anything they want about her. As far as I'm concerned they can have cartoon drawing contests of her too. But committing violence against her for what she has said or done is out of the question and anyone who does should be prosecuted to the fullest.
As they will be but she'll be dead by then eh so that helps her not at all. She slit her own throat in this case.

Freedom is a sword that can cut both ways.
How did Geller attack them?
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.

And why do you condemn religion? I don't condemn atheists, nor do most all Christians. Seems you are just the type of person you are railing against... you are no better.... matter of fact, you are that person.
The mentalities are the same, and ISIS is over there, meaning none of our fucking business. Here people like Huckabee and the morons on this site are the problem. Lucky for us, literally.

If you believe that ISIS is only "over there", House than you're as naive as you are misinformed.
ISIS is over there. ISIS wannabes are over here. Stop intentionally insulting them here, and bombing them over there, and they will leave you alone so you can sleep at night without wetting the bed.

So if the person who cuts your head off here is only a "wannabe"...does that make you less dead? They aren't going to leave us alone if we let them do what they want over there, House. They've made that quite clear. The end game has always been the destruction of America.
Destruction of America or Islam in charge of the world? Not the same thing.

If you can't understand that radical Islam in charge of the world means the destruction of Western civilization then you haven't been paying attention to what these people are all about, House. C'mon...wake up!
I'm wide awake, thank you very much, which is why I know that humanity is a disease, period. Religion is just an obvious example of such a thing.

If we banned every religion that didn't want to take over the world, the only ones left no one would have heard of...
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.
With Graven Images. They are forbidden in Islam, and in Judaism and Christianity as well, but the Christians ignore that even though it's a fucking commandment.

Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.
That's because you can't think for shit. You might as well ask me to support banning bacon and alcohol, also not allowed in Muslim culture. That's only something an idiot would do. What Geller does is intentionally insult the Muslims and incite violence. That and being a homosexual is nothing alike.
Well, then you should be calling for an end to homosexuality because in case you don't know this, that is an offense against Allah and punishable by death.

But no, you fret over cartoons.

Good luck finding a religion that isn't against homosexuals, and it's not the cartoons, it doesn't matter what the Graven Image is, it's Blaspheme, something that also used to be illegal here. There are still blaspheme laws on our books, we just no longer enforce them.

Homosexuality is also punishable by death in Judaism, therefore Christianity if read that way. Jesus didn't come to undo the law, remember?

A. Islam is the only religion today or in recent memory that has/does execute homosexuals.
B. Your point was things that offend Islam should not be done, I pointed out that homosexuality is an offense to Islam.

Why don't you condemn homosexuality? Why draw the line at cartoon drawing?
I condemn all religions but I also condemn people like Geller who are making a buck doing what is entirely unnecessary just because she's a hateful ****.

And this is plenty bad enough: Addicting Info American Pastor Who Helped Uganda Create Kill The Gays Law Will Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

Now, if you want to sign up for protecting everything the Muslims want, you just let me know eh?

Nice deflection but again, it is only Islam killing gays because they find it offensive. Why do you support one act that offends Islam but condemn another? Pretty hypocritical of you there PMH.


Many Christian NaziCons would also like to execute gays.

Oh yes, many.... :lol: Call me when the actually do it. Islam actually does it, and routinely. Anyway, you like PMH are deflecting, he's condemning one act that offends Islam while supporting another. That' called hypocrisy.... and frankly, it is disingenuous and my point. Frankly, anyone that thinks homosexuality should be punishable by death is a reprehensible nutjob.
Once upon a time we the people had the ability and rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, of which the Supreme Court upheld that expressions such as burning flags and spitting on members of the armed services constituted as an extension and acceptable conduct within the context of freedom of speech. Political and social cartoons are nothing more than an extension of this right. Now we have the liberal interpretation which attempts to silence and restrict these very rights when they are objectionable to their position or out of fear of reprisal from the sand jockeys and their Islamic brand of fascism. Apparently those on the left are in fact cowards and have no stomach for defending the rights and freedoms so many have sacrificed their lives for in its defense. Ironic that this collective that demands those freedoms of expression are unwilling to defend them. Some people are better served in meeting their aspirations and life style by migrating to a country that fits their pathetic lifestyle.

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