Plot to behead Pamela Geller

She is a genuine hero.
A hero for evil but you being a Zionist would never understand such a thing.
Whaaaatt ?? How do you get to calling Pamela Geller "evil" ?
That is bizarre. Are you feeling OK ?
Since you yourself are also evil, you would never understand.
1. You have no basis for that idiocy.

2. You ran away from the question. You have no answer.
Evil does not understand evil. For that you'd have to know you might be evil and he, and Geller, and you can't imagine such a thing.
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
But Rahim, a 26-year-old security guard who officials believe was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, decided instead to target the "boys in blue," a reference to police, according to court documents.

ISIS isn't radicalizing anybody. They are taking help from any faithful Muslim that is willing to step up to the plate and abide by their murderous doctrines, which are as plain as day.

Yeah, sort of like how Christian abortion fanatics will take all the help they can get.

Not at all the same....Muslims who are not warring against the infidels are effectively apostate. Tis not the black and white of the Bible.
Rights and responsibilities. Adults know this, she and many others don't.

As the Pope said, you can say it but if you insult my mother expect to be punched in the nose.
What rights and responsibilities are you referring to ?
The right is free speech, the responsibility is also, free speech.
Chopping off heads and crashing planes into buildings, what is that?

I'd call it terrorism in the name of religious perversion. Much like when Christians slaughtered Native Americans in the name of their God.

Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?

There were no Christian atrocities...Christ taught peace not murder...the Koran teaches rape, torture and murder and armed conquest...
Evil does not understand evil. For that you'd have to know you might be evil and he, and Geller, and you can't imagine such a thing.

Looks like you are the one who doesn't understand evil (or where it is found)

THIS should clear up your confusion >> wife-beating (Koran 4:34), rape (4:24), pedophilia (65:4), genocidal murder (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, scores of others), severe discrimination against women (4:11, 2:282, 2:228, many others), torture/mutilation (5:33, 7:124)
She is a genuine hero.
A hero for evil but you being a Zionist would never understand such a thing.
Whaaaatt ?? How do you get to calling Pamela Geller "evil" ?
That is bizarre. Are you feeling OK ?
Since you yourself are also evil, you would never understand.
1. You have no basis for that idiocy.

2. You ran away from the question. You have no answer.
Evil does not understand evil. For that you'd have to know you might be evil and he, and Geller, and you can't imagine such a thing.
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
How ABOUT it? Which god? Anyone here know the one true religion? Muslims know, or, they can't question because they would be killed. talk about self reinforcing bullocks. Bullsh*t. A religion based on peer pressure is flawed beyond words.
The funny thing is that the liberals here whom would open up their mouths in these muslim dictatorship countries would be the first ones to be beaten and/or executed.
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should try to get Muslims to do that. Instead, THIS is what they're doing, and it hardly looks like "the will of god" >>> wife-beating (Koran 4:34), rape (4:24), pedophilia (65:4), genocidal murder (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, scores of others), severe discrimination against women (4:11, 2:282, 2:228, many others), torture/mutilation (5:33, 7:124), slavery (33:50, 23:5-6, 4:24, 24:32)
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should try to get Muslims to do that. Instead, THIS is what they're doing, and it hardly looks like "the will of god" >>> wife-beating (Koran 4:34), rape (4:24), pedophilia (65:4), genocidal murder (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, scores of others), severe discrimination against women (4:11, 2:282, 2:228, many others), torture/mutilation (5:33, 7:124), slavery (33:50, 23:5-6, 4:24, 24:32)
Their holy book tells us the will of God and you believe in Holy Books right?
The funny thing is that the liberals here whom would open up their mouths in these muslim dictatorship countries would be the first ones to be beaten and/or executed.
They, like you, hate liberals. The company you keep eh?

And liberalism is the fix for the insanity that is religion, all religion.
Chris tans excommunicate. je
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should try to get Muslims to do that. Instead, THIS is what they're doing, and it hardly looks like "the will of god" >>> wife-beating (Koran 4:34), rape (4:24), pedophilia (65:4), genocidal murder (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, scores of others), severe discrimination against women (4:11, 2:282, 2:228, many others), torture/mutilation (5:33, 7:124), slavery (
Good point. Modern islam, and the terrorism that stems from it, seems to be more about control, dominance. Totally a male thing. and ISIS, with their guns and their bombs and their violence appeals to a certain demographic that is self hating and suicidal need to dominate need to control. Fascists. Geller stands against them. So do I.
A hero for evil but you being a Zionist would never understand such a thing.
Whaaaatt ?? How do you get to calling Pamela Geller "evil" ?
That is bizarre. Are you feeling OK ?
Since you yourself are also evil, you would never understand.
1. You have no basis for that idiocy.

2. You ran away from the question. You have no answer.
Evil does not understand evil. For that you'd have to know you might be evil and he, and Geller, and you can't imagine such a thing.
Back in the seventies, women had this awakening, feminism came to the fore and bras were burned. Islam would NEVER let that happen. Burkas and male chauvinism. Gays are stoned to death under sharia law. Here in the west, we allow them to prance about and have play marriages. We allow people to love one another. Sharia law would ban free love and stone or imprison folks. Islam taxes non muslims, they do (look it up). remind me again, what is there to LIKE about islam?
I could possibly agree with their ideas about not letting dogs in taxis. That's about it.
How about submitting to the will of god?
How ABOUT it? Which god? Anyone here know the one true religion? Muslims know, or, they can't question because they would be killed. talk about self reinforcing bullocks. Bullsh*t. A religion based on peer pressure is flawed beyond words.
The Christians and the Jews also believe they have the One True Faith, hence the problem.
The Christians and the Jews also believe they have the One True Faith, hence the problem.
The Christians have a true religion based on righteousness. The Muslims have a vile, evil con job masquerading as a religion.

Religions (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.) have a "code of ethics" Islam has a code of UNethics, as I cited in Post # 489.
Rights and responsibilities. Adults know this, she and many others don't.

As the Pope said, you can say it but if you insult my mother expect to be punched in the nose.
What rights and responsibilities are you referring to ?
The right is free speech, the responsibility is also, free speech.
Chopping off heads and crashing planes into buildings, what is that?

I'd call it terrorism in the name of religious perversion. Much like when Christians slaughtered Native Americans in the name of their God.

Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?

There were no Christian atrocities...Christ taught peace not murder...the Koran teaches rape, torture and murder and armed conquest...
What Christ taught the modern Christians ignore. The older ones, they were even more murderous.
Peas in a pod, and just as bloodthirsty.

This shows a lack of knowledge. Over 1400 years, marauding Muslims have killed 270 million people (and oppressed many more). No nation, cult, religion, or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure.

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