Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Peas in a pod, and just as bloodthirsty.

This shows a lack of knowledge. Over 1400 years, marauding Muslims have killed 270 million people (and oppressed many more). No nation, cult, religion, or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure.
The faith that told Jews, Muslims, and the rest to convert or die has no room to talk.
Not one in 100,000 follow Jesus, they are just like you, Christian in name only.
You are in no position to judge me. Actually, much of what I do is VERY Christian, (like feeding homeless cats every day) And more than 50% of Christians are Christian also. You are all wet.

I'm confused. So a radical Islamist openly attempting to murder someone, and you attack the person he wanted to murder.

Imagine if someone had a 'draw Jesus' contest, and a 'christian' nutcase plotted to murder the atheist who setup the draw jesus contest.... would you attack the atheist?

Doesn't this prove what I've been saying for years, that leftists openly support murderers and criminals?
Not one in 100,000 follow Jesus, they are just like you, Christian in name only.
You are in no position to judge me. Actually, much of what I do is VERY Christian, (like feeding homeless cts every day) And more than 50% of Christians are Christian also. You are all wet.
No true Christian would ever be here, for starters.
What rights and responsibilities are you referring to ?
The right is free speech, the responsibility is also, free speech.
Chopping off heads and crashing planes into buildings, what is that?

I'd call it terrorism in the name of religious perversion. Much like when Christians slaughtered Native Americans in the name of their God.

Pam Geller doesn't hate Islam.....just the jihad and sharia parts of Islam....

any true American should agree....

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?

There were no Christian atrocities...Christ taught peace not murder...the Koran teaches rape, torture and murder and armed conquest...
What Christ taught the modern Christians ignore. The older ones, they were even more murderous.
So were they the ones that got fed to the lions in the roman circus, or crucified by the romans. Picking up on this? A cycle of violence? Islamic terrorism, totally a modern thing. Male dominance coupled with a need for the security of an eternal life gives them an excuse to do anything they want. You are either a muslim , or you are an infidel. In other words, there are NO innocent non muslims. And that is islam for ya. Self absorbed and self righteous.
Just your statements on this thread show how you are nothing like a Christian.
FALSE! My statement show I am very much like a Christian, but now you are going off topic and into personal verbal abuse. The thread is not about ME. (One more and I'll have to report).
The right is free speech, the responsibility is also, free speech.
Chopping off heads and crashing planes into buildings, what is that?

I'd call it terrorism in the name of religious perversion. Much like when Christians slaughtered Native Americans in the name of their God.

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?

There were no Christian atrocities...Christ taught peace not murder...the Koran teaches rape, torture and murder and armed conquest...
What Christ taught the modern Christians ignore. The older ones, they were even more murderous.
So were they the ones that got fed to the lions in the roman circus, or crucified by the romans. Picking up on this? A cycle of violence? Islamic terrorism, totally a modern thing. Male dominance coupled with a need for the security of an eternal life gives them an excuse to do anything they want. You are either a muslim , or you are an infidel. In other words, there are NO innocent non muslims. And that is islam for ya. Self absorbed and self righteous.

Sounds a lot like leftists on this forum.

You are either a leftist like them, or a you are a greedy, racist, fat white, homophobic male. Isn't that exactly what they say all the time?
No true Christian would ever be here, for starters.
Sure they would. No reason not to.
No one is saving souls or doing the work of God here. No one, especially not you.

You fools are the American version of the Taliban, and just as dangerous and destructive, not to mention being total pussies like the posts above.
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Geller might be a little more blue that I, but no biggie. Muslims are totally red, as in blood they spill every day. Burning down churches with people in them, oh, burning that Syrian pilot alive, that brit solider hacked to death in south London, the Mumbai attack or 9/11 or..the list goes on and on. What is the GOOD coming out of tolerating these people? Islam is a hate cult bent on domination. Are we in the west deluding ourselves here by allowing islam to be treated with equity with ALL other religions? islam needs to be held under DEEP scrutiny until otherwise it proves itself to be trustworthy.
The right is free speech, the responsibility is also, free speech.
Chopping off heads and crashing planes into buildings, what is that?

I'd call it terrorism in the name of religious perversion. Much like when Christians slaughtered Native Americans in the name of their God.

Then why is she attacking Muhammad instead of the terrorists?

Muhammad was the original terrorist....he promoted jihad by actually leading dozens of attacks on other tribes and he made up alot of the sharia rules as he went along....

That's funny. Can you defend the Old Testament and all the Christian atrocities that followed?

There were no Christian atrocities...Christ taught peace not murder...the Koran teaches rape, torture and murder and armed conquest...
What Christ taught the modern Christians ignore. The older ones, they were even more murderous.
So were they the ones that got fed to the lions in the roman circus, or crucified by the romans. Picking up on this? A cycle of violence? Islamic terrorism, totally a modern thing. Male dominance coupled with a need for the security of an eternal life gives them an excuse to do anything they want. You are either a muslim , or you are an infidel. In other words, there are NO innocent non muslims. And that is islam for ya. Self absorbed and self righteous.
They hate me more than they hate you, you just have the wrong gods, three of them.
Geller might be a little more blue that I, but no biggie. Muslims are totally red, as in blood they spill every day. Burning down churches with people in them, oh, burning that Syrian pilot alive, that brit solider hacked to death in south London, the Mumbai attack or 9/11 or..the list goes on and on. What is the GOOD coming out of tolerating these people? Islam is a hate cult bent on domination. Are we in the west deluding ourselves here by allowing islam to be treated with equity with ALL other religions? islam needs to be held under DEEP scrutiny until otherwise it proves itself to be trustworthy.
When Islam is ignored by the Muslims the way Christianity is ignored by the Christians we will have no serious issues.

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