Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.
Graven Images are forbidden in all three faiths. Learn them.

And, Piss Christ is Andres Serrano. And the Catholics smashed it with a hammer.
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Why are we there? Why were we there in the first place?
Keyword is NUCLEAR. 100+ nucleat warheads in Pakistan, that even Obama admits keeps him awake at night. Many more that ISIS could buy, as they get richer and richer and richer, with each passing day.

You sound like George W. Bush. He had umpteen changing reasons for invading Iraq.
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Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.
Graven Images are forbidden in all three faiths. Learn them.

A picture of Christ isn't a "graven image." Only Muslims kill people for drawing their prophet. There's no comparison between them and civilized people.
This explains the Crusades very well.

History of the Crusades

Yeah, if you are a retard.

Most historians see the Crusades for what they were, an absolute fucking disaster. Kind of like the Iraq War.

Heck, it probably SPED UP the Islamic invasion of Europe. Read about my personal favorite Crusade, the Fourth Crusade some time. That's the one were the Crusaders decided it would be easier to loot Constantinople than to actually go out and fight any Muslims.

It's hard to believe that so much stupidity could be concentrated in a single brain.
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.
Graven Images are forbidden in all three faiths. Learn them.

A picture of Christ isn't a "graven image." Only Muslims kill people for drawing their prophet. There's no comparison between them and civilized people.
Learn what a graven image is, dumbass.
Moot points. Only thing relevant is that the loon nutjobs are the jihadists. They are who (like their 1940s pals the Nazis) want to conquer the world. America's job # 1 is to keep nukes out of the hands of the jihadists.

Okay, guy, you know what, I heard the same kind of shit growing up about the Russians. Then we found out the "Evil Empire" was a bunch of technologically stunted basket case nations.

Here's the thing. Terrorism is a pain in the ass. It isn't an existential threat.

What we SHOULD be worried about is China, with it's ambitious military building programs and aggressive tendencies and the fact they are stealing our industry.
All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.

Uh, guy, do you have like, math problems.

Okay, let's try this.

Number of people killed in the last ten years by Muslims.

Well, we have the Iraq War
maybe 500,000. Americans killed a lot of those.
The Afghanistan War. Maybe 100,000 killed.
The Libyan War - Maybe 20,000.

Okay. So now we can list some Christian Savagery.

The 30 Years War. - estimated dead 8 million.
World War I - 30 million
World War II - 75 million, but since some of those were by the Japanese, let's just leave it at the 35 million killed in the European Theatre.
Mid Atlantic Slave Trade - About 1 million, conservative estimate.

ROFL! sorry, but the 30 years war, the Iraq war, WW I, WW II, Afghanistan and Libya don't count as "Christian savagery." We didn't fight those wars because the enemy wasn't Christian. In the case of three of them, the enemy was Christian.

You only proved that you're an imbecile.
No moron...Iran wants nukes to use them against Israel in a first the other nutjobs will be getting their own thanks to the asshole in morons thought he would be better than Bush and all he is going to do is ensure an actual nuclear exchange in the future.....

Gee, wouldn't be a problem if the Zionists went back to Europe where they belonged, would it?

Beyond that... no real evidence the Iranians would launch a first strike, as the Islamic Republic has never initiated a war with anyone.
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.
Graven Images are forbidden in all three faiths. Learn them.

A picture of Christ isn't a "graven image." Only Muslims kill people for drawing their prophet. There's no comparison between them and civilized people.
Learn what a graven image is, dumbass.

In Christianity a graven image isn't a drawing of Christ, you Nazi imbecile.
ROFL! sorry, but the 30 years war, the Iraq war, WW I, WW II, Afghanistan and Libya don't count as "Christian savagery." We didn't fight those wars because the enemy wasn't Christian. In the case of three of them, the enemy was Christian.

So when Christians kill other Christians over whether or not Jesus was made of wafers, that isn't savagery? Or who gets to control the resources of Europe?

Strikes me that those wars were pretty savage.
Also, since none of you shits would ever serve in the military like I did, I get a little tired of you picking fights that someone else is going to come back in body bags over.
1. I have 2 honorable discharges - US Army & Army National Guard.

2. The fight is HERE as well as there. Told you that already.

Uh, no, it isn't. A few guys committing a tiny fraction of the US's 16,000 annual murders is not a war.

And frankly, being a weekend warrior doesn't impress me all that much. Again, you aren't the one who is goign to be going over, it's some poor kid who just wanted to get a college degree. We owe it them to pick our fights wisely.

Getting into a fight over whose version of Islam is right in IRaq is not doing it wisely.
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.
Graven Images are forbidden in all three faiths. Learn them.

A picture of Christ isn't a "graven image." Only Muslims kill people for drawing their prophet. There's no comparison between them and civilized people.
Learn what a graven image is, dumbass.
Mapplethorpe didn't create pisschrist, that was another artist. A. Serrano. But, would Islam allow piss ALLAH? People are rather testy about a crucifix in yellow fluid. But No death threats, the pope doesn't put out death decrees. Islam? Yeah, artists fear islam the same way Sicilians fear the mafia.
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?

Yes, they are murdering savages who should be sterilized and then kept in cages until they die of old age.
You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
He insulted the faith, literally pissed on it, but you approve right? Or do you approve only when it's offensive to Muslims?

Everyone has the right to say what they believe, even a genocidal Nazi like you.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though knee-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...

Can you quote some of these "reports?"
Yep, if I cared to which I don't currently. Learn to use Google...

In other words, you can't quote any.
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.

I think what you don't get is that the problem is not the Cartoons. it's the cartoons on top of everything else.

The Cartoons are the proverbial straw that broke the back of the equally proverbial camel.

If you think our problem with the islamic world is over cartoons, you are deluded.

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