Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Islam, my least favorite fairy tale. In fact, I wonder if islam wasn't the inspiration for another made up nemesis, the Borg from Star Trek. The need to absorb and dominate, remove individuality and replace it with mass conformity under pain of extermination...
But here's the problem with that philosophy. The reason why the Middle East is seeking nuclear weapons is because all their enemies have them. The Pakistanis want nukes because India has them and has since the 1970's.

The Iranians want nukes because the Zionists have them.
Moot points. Only thing relevant is that the loon nutjobs are the jihadists. They are who (like their 1940s pals the Nazis) want to conquer the world. America's job # 1 is to keep nukes out of the hands of the jihadists.
Also, since none of you shits would ever serve in the military like I did, I get a little tired of you picking fights that someone else is going to come back in body bags over.
1. I have 2 honorable discharges - US Army & Army National Guard.

2. The fight is HERE as well as there. Told you that already.
EARTH TO JOE: Islam is the prime doer of slavery for all of its history and pre-Islamic Arabs engaged in it for centuries before the 7th century. And it still goes on now in Africa, marking Black Africans for slaves, perpetrated by, of course, Muslims. Here's another one of the books I've read that you obviously need to read >. Escape From Slavery by Francis Bok.

Meh, not really. Point was, the reason why there was a slave trade was because European Christians created a market.

The rest of your post is a joke as well. We have already told you here that the Crusades were a REACTION to 477 years of Muslims killing rampantly across Asia Minor, southern Europe and Northern Africa. Only question is why did the Christians wait so long to crack down on these uncivilized, barbaric savages ?

Except by the time the Crusades happened, those places had been converted a long time ago and no one cared anymore.

No, the Crusades happened because a lousy Pope, Urban II, called them because he was in a battle with the Holy Roman Emperor and his Anti-Pope and he was trying to re-establish his street cred.

The Crusades were just plain stupid. Especially the Fourth Crusade, which pretty much destroyed teh Byzantine Empire.
Arabs created everything about the slave trade. It is an Arab thing, and always has been. In no other language (other than Arabic) is the word for black the same as the word slave (abeed)

Abeed - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Also, since none of you shits would ever serve in the military like I did, I get a little tired of you picking fights that someone else is going to come back in body bags over.
I have 2 honorable discharges - US Army & Army National Guard.

Thank you for your service. I'm a Navy brat, my Dad had 27 years
You're welcome.

Hey do you believe Joe (or Mohammed, or whatever his name is) that he is a military veteran ? Or maybe that's just more of his Muslim taqiyya (lying)

Maybe fought for al Qaeda in Iraq, with Zarqawi, against US troops, a few years back. Or maybe he's with ISIS, right now. He didn't say which military he fought with.
Bush was right to go into Iraq. Both Bushes were. The US simply can't be away from the Middle East. Not in a nuclear age. The situation now is more dangerous to us in America than at anytime in our history. At the very first sign of jihad against us, US troops should have been in every Middle Eastern country, helping allies to fight off jihad loons, and keeping countries under control from harming us.

But here's the problem with that philosophy. The reason why the Middle East is seeking nuclear weapons is because all their enemies have them. The Pakistanis want nukes because India has them and has since the 1970's.

The Iranians want nukes because the Zionists have them.

No moron...Iran wants nukes to use them against Israel in a first the other nutjobs will be getting their own thanks to the asshole in morons thought he would be better than Bush and all he is going to do is ensure an actual nuclear exchange in the future.....
Doonesbury cartoonist used to portray GWB as asterisk with a feather floating above. Gave me a similar idea, how to portray allah. An "?" with a turban floating overhead. With lightning bolts and exclamation marks shooting out. Allah an empty meaningless nothing demanding absolute devotion. Muslims , what a bunch of twits.
EARTH TO JOE: Islam is the prime doer of slavery for all of its history and pre-Islamic Arabs engaged in it for centuries before the 7th century. And it still goes on now in Africa, marking Black Africans for slaves, perpetrated by, of course, Muslims. Here's another one of the books I've read that you obviously need to read >. Escape From Slavery by Francis Bok.

Meh, not really. Point was, the reason why there was a slave trade was because European Christians created a market.

The rest of your post is a joke as well. We have already told you here that the Crusades were a REACTION to 477 years of Muslims killing rampantly across Asia Minor, southern Europe and Northern Africa. Only question is why did the Christians wait so long to crack down on these uncivilized, barbaric savages ?

Except by the time the Crusades happened, those places had been converted a long time ago and no one cared anymore.

No, the Crusades happened because a lousy Pope, Urban II, called them because he was in a battle with the Holy Roman Emperor and his Anti-Pope and he was trying to re-establish his street cred.

The Crusades were just plain stupid. Especially the Fourth Crusade, which pretty much destroyed teh Byzantine Empire.

moron....the muslims were trading slave with each other long before they knew about Europe.......
Wrong, the Nazis thought the State was the religion and what could the Pope do? It was the matter of survival

Ah, the No True Scotsman Fallacy.

First and foremost, the Nazis and Fascists had a pretty darned good relationship with the Church. In fact, German Troops wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mit Uns" (God's with us!)


Secondly, Pius the XII collaborating with the Axis is INEXCUSABLE.

He should have been happy to die a martyr's death by denouncing Nazism. All he had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "Hitler and Mussolini are excommunicated! All Catholics are ordered to lay down their arms!"

But shit, he never did that.

hitler and the nazi party leadership were atheists and pagans.....moron....they were the ones giving the orders..the atheists and pagans ordered the death of millions.....the atheists in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Korea........they murdered close to 80 million people.........

So become a Christian...stop the atheists slaughter of innocents......
You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though knee-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...

Can you quote some of these "reports?"
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.

All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.
You are a true moron, who can't do math.

Show us the math, Nazi.
Face it, one fucking idiot kills another, then probably gets shot by the nearest cop for doing it.

The world becomes a slightly better place.

I'm finding it hard to see a problem here.
The problem is you being an idiot, for calling Pamela Geller an idiot. However this would concern just you. Not My Problem.

I should not have suggested she was an idiot, you're correct.
She a bigoted idiot.
Her death, along with whichever bigoted idiot killed her, would be good for the world.

ROFL! So an imbecile who calls himself a "liberal" is endorsing murder because he doesn't like what someone has to say?

You realize, of course, that you are a despicable hypocritical piece of shit, right?
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?

Palestinians should consider themselves lucky that they aren't all in cages.
Just animals, who deserve nothing right my little infant?
You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

So what was the point of immersing a crucifix in urine?

You guys just can't seem to be consistent in your attacks, can you?
He insulted the faith, literally pissed on it, but you approve right? Or do you approve only when it's offensive to Muslims?
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though knee-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...

Can you quote some of these "reports?"
Yep, if I cared to which I don't currently. Learn to use Google...
Nobody killed the artist that created "Pisscrist".Mapplethorpe died from AIDs. Christians didn't kill him, his lifestyle did. Why are muslims afraid of truth, and art? Islam is all about control and dominance. Coming from a bunch of Kool-Aid drinking conformists that believe in the cosmic equivalent of the tooth fairy, I am not liking them much. That started after 9/11, went down hill from there.

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