Plot to behead Pamela Geller

You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........

I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.

Well...that is good for you....but what about the other atheists who thought murdering 100 million people was okay.....they were experiencing a different moral code from you .....and since they followed their conscience you must believe it was okay...right?
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........
The one that says make no graven images and if your father rejects God then God rejects the next four generations? Sure, let's go with that.

And which version of the Ten BTW? There are three different ones in the Bible: The Ten Commandments analysis of the text authors format and meaning

I'll take the basic 10.....they all work and do no harm since God is the one who will choose which will be punished.....again.....the 10 Commandments are a great moral code.....compared to the ones followed by the athiests in the 20th century......that shall follow socialism or be put in a mass grave thing was a bit much.....
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........
The one that says make no graven images and if your father rejects God then God rejects the next four generations? Sure, let's go with that.

And which version of the Ten BTW? There are three different ones in the Bible: The Ten Commandments analysis of the text authors format and meaning

I'll take the basic 10.....they all work and do no harm since God is the one who will choose which will be punished.....again.....the 10 Commandments are a great moral code.....compared to the ones followed by the athiests in the 20th century......that shall follow socialism or be put in a mass grave thing was a bit much.....

Which God? There are thousands. Horus is my personal favorite. Christianity is nothing more than a copycat religion.

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........
The one that says make no graven images and if your father rejects God then God rejects the next four generations? Sure, let's go with that.

And which version of the Ten BTW? There are three different ones in the Bible: The Ten Commandments analysis of the text authors format and meaning

I'll take the basic 10.....they all work and do no harm since God is the one who will choose which will be punished.....again.....the 10 Commandments are a great moral code.....compared to the ones followed by the athiests in the 20th century......that shall follow socialism or be put in a mass grave thing was a bit much.....
Which basic ten? Name it, Chapter and Verse.
Why are we there? Why were we there in the first place?
Keyword is NUCLEAR. 100+ nucleat warheads in Pakistan, that even Obama admits keeps him awake at night. Many more that ISIS could buy, as they get richer and richer and richer, with each passing day.
Why are we there? Why were we there in the first place?
Keyword is NUCLEAR. 100+ nucleat warheads in Pakistan, that even Obama admits keeps him awake at night. Many more that ISIS could buy, as they get richer and richer and richer, with each passing day.
What are you worried about that you'll be out in public when one goes off? Oh right, you don't go out in public.

And forget the nukes, to take out America you take out the power-grid and the banking system with it. Pure chaos in 48 hours.
Portraying as paranoia, the articulation of the very real dangers posed to The West by Islam, is meaningless. 9-11 cured most of us of that delusion.

Guy, in the time since 9/11, we've had 32,000 Americans die of gun violence every year. Your chance of being the victim of a random shooting is much higher than the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

Should we have better security? Yup. But the fastest way to end the terrorist problem is stop giving them new things to be pissed at us about.

Militant Islam was on the march long before Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They are resurrecting long-dormant aggression, inherent in their belief system.

Yeah, guy, I think the last time we had this discussion, I posted a bunch of truly vile bible verses... but even I wouldn't say violence is inherent in the Christian Belief system.

Nope. They have been on-the-march, metaphorically speaking, since coming out from under the centuries-long period of domination by European imperial powers.

Has it occurred to you that the "Imperial powers" are the problem, and not the other way around?
YOu know, we killed half a million Iraqis before 9/11 between sanctions and warfare. We've killed another half million in Bush's Vendetta against House Hussein. So who is the aggressor here, exactly?

Or, maybe we should have been (and need to, in future) forcefully engaged, but backing the Right Horse(s), rather than the Wrong One(s); specifically, those inclined to bring progress and development and more freedom to their constituencies.

Or maybe we should mind our own fucking business.
This isn't a public forum? You're just doing it from an anonymous public forum. That's not called being "considerate", Joey...that's called being "cowardly".

Uh, no, guy. Here's the thing. We have a few muslim posters here and none of them have any problem with me. They know I'm an atheist and they know my view on God. SO not so much.
Has there ever been a group of people who have waged war more cheaply and effectively against a superpower than al Qaeda and ISIS? Although I don't approve of their agenda - it's fucking ingenious how they're doing it. From the hijacked planes on 9/11 to the stolen U.S. weapons left in Iraq to the ass-kicking terror on the battlefield to the Internet recruiting. It's fucking ingenious. We have George W. Bush to thank for this clusterfuck. However, America has been meddling in the Middle East long before Bush - but he finally broke it. Colin Powell tried to warn him.
Bush was right to go into Iraq. Both Bushes were. The US simply can't be away from the Middle East. Not in a nuclear age. The situation now is more dangerous to us in America than at anytime in our history. At the very first sign of jihad against us, US troops should have been in every Middle Eastern country, helping allies to fight off jihad loons, and keeping countries under control from harming us.

We should have huge numbers of troops in Iran taking over the country entirely, and scouring every square foot of it for nuclear weapon material. the current negotiations are idiocy. The Iranians wont allow inspections. We should be inspecting it totally, by force, and eliminating the threat or nuclear annihilation. Anything short of that, is allowing the threat to exist, and that is crazy.
If we had done this with Pakistan a few decades ago, they would not have nuclear weapons now, which is our # 1 threat in the world.
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OFF TOPIC. The thread is about Islam, not Christianity. And you aren't very good at analogies. Rather than comparing how you might treat Muslims to how you might treat Christians, how you treat Muslims to how you might treat Nazis in 1941, might be more appropriate.

The Nazis were Christian, guy. THe Nazis did what they did and the Pope didn't say shit about it.
OFF TOPIC. The thread is about Islam, not Christianity. And you aren't very good at analogies. Rather than comparing how you might treat Muslims to how you might treat Christians, how you treat Muslims to how you might treat Nazis in 1941, might be more appropriate.

The Nazis were Christian, guy. THe Nazis did what they did and the Pope didn't say shit about it.

Wrong, the Nazis thought the State was the religion and what could the Pope do? It was the matter of survival
That's not the idea, or the message. You're clueless. Do you know what the word ISLAMIZATION means ?

yeah, it's one off those things you think are happening when it really isn't.

Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"

Uh, no. Let's review Christian Savagery, shall we.

How about.

The Salem Witch Trials.
The Holocaust
Witch Trials in General.
The 30 years war - entirely fought over religion.
The St. Bartholomew's day massacre
The Crusades (some of which weren't even fought against Muslims)
The Albigisinian Crusade- Famous for the line "Kill them all and Let God Sort them Out!"

And that's not even getting into the slave trade, the colonization of the Americas and Australia, and the World Wars, all fought by- CHRISTIANS.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
I could respond to all of these, but I'm running short on time, so I'll just take 2.

1. The Crusades was a RESPONSE to 477 years of Muslim genocide all over southern Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Only question might be what took the Crusaders to finally act against the savages ?

2. The conquistadors were not connected with religion. Their goals were gold, silver, art, and other fine things, plus political egotism. There indeed were missionaries who came to the western hemisphere. They were not conquistadors, they didn't have the protection of the soldiers, and they often wound up being tortured and killed by the aborigial American inhabitants.
The point being, that there was more accuracy than inaccuracy in his macro-level observation.

Christendom does, indeed, have blood-soaked hands.

The trouble with these faux analogies is pretty much the way I described those differences, plus or minus a detail or two.

When was the last time that Christendom at-large engaged in religiously-focused warfare?

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

That is the point, on the macro level.
I have told that to these guys 1000 times, yet they keep harping about Christianity, and pretending it can even begin to be equated with the abomination of Islam.
If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?

Actually, the Islamic World was more technologically and culturally advanced than the Christian World in the Middle Ages.

It wasn't until the Renascence that the Christian world stopped being savage.

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