Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Your cut and paste paranoia is nothing more than an example of your serious mental illness, the same as that which forces you to stay locked inside your home.

You think you're the first one who has ever tossed that very small "cut and paste" challenge to me. o MR QUIZ ZERO. As i told you I spent 14 years studyin gthis subject in 25 books and thousandsof their footnote reports. And I can prove that that;s is where I created the Quiz from by referring to the exact books (with page #s) for the items on the Quiz.

Examples :

1. Susan Douglas - from They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel (pg. 92-93)

2. Khalid Latif - from Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer (pg. 213-214)
Chapter and verse, and tell us, oh one who hides from strangers even at home, how is McDonalds turning the USA Muslim?
1. Where did "one who hides from strangers even at home" arise from ? WHAT did it arise from ? What the hell is it ?

2. Regarding McDonald's did someone tell you they were "turning the USA Muslim?" Where did that arise from ? WHAT did it arise from ?
McDonalds in in your list you damn fool. Along with KFC, Outback Steakhouse, and Pizza Hut. You, my good shut-in, are a total fucking loon.
ROFL! So you believe we should allow people to be murdered because you don't like what they have to say? How about if we let people off the hook when they get murdered because they have a "Hillary" bumper sticker on their car? That certainly pisses me off.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an idiot and a uncivilized barbarian who belongs in a cage, not walking the streets?

Guy, you are the one who loses his shit here on a regular basis.

I'm just the one who doesn't feel like bailing Geller out of fights SHE starts.

I have no idea what "loses his shit" is supposed to mean. I simply point out that you're an imbecile and a fucking Nazi.
If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.

All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though knee-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
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If ISIS and domestic terrorists really wanted to hurt Americans they'd just shoot us.

Oh look, terrorists have guns and are killing Americans with guns. Maybe it's time for some gun control? :)
Oh they want gun control alright, for others that is. They don't deserve the protection, which is what guns are for right, protection? That's what they always say.

And there's a whole lot of "protection" over there, and over here. Don't you feel "protected"?
Face it, one fucking idiot kills another, then probably gets shot by the nearest cop for doing it.

The world becomes a slightly better place.

I'm finding it hard to see a problem here.
The problem is you being an idiot, for calling Pamela Geller an idiot. However this would concern just you. Not My Problem.

I should not have suggested she was an idiot, you're correct.
She a bigoted idiot.
Her death, along with whichever bigoted idiot killed her, would be good for the world.
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
Face it, one fucking idiot kills another, then probably gets shot by the nearest cop for doing it.

The world becomes a slightly better place.

I'm finding it hard to see a problem here.
The problem is you being an idiot, for calling Pamela Geller an idiot. However this would concern just you. Not My Problem.

I should not have suggested she was an idiot, you're correct.
She a bigoted idiot.
Her death, along with whichever bigoted idiot killed her, would be good for the world.

Don't you have a goat to cuddle?
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.
again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

EARTH TO JOE: Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran)

Now we live in a NUCLEAR weapon world. To defend ourselves from these deranged lunatics, we HAVE TO go to their part of the world, AND EXTERMINATE THEM, to prevent them from doing that to us. Welcome to the real world.

If we hadn't kept fucking around in their "part of the world" - this mess wouldn't be happening.

Sorry.....they have been screwing around with other people since they began their religion...remember...they invaded Spain, they invaded France, tried to invade the rest of Europe and they were stopped...fucked with our shipping when Thomas Jefferson was President....and haven't stopped.....they started it a long time ago and will not stop.....morons...
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing?
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........
The one that says make no graven images and if your father rejects God then God rejects the next four generations? Sure, let's go with that.

And which version of the Ten BTW? There are three different ones in the Bible: The Ten Commandments analysis of the text authors format and meaning
...I love the spin. Spend some time reading of the reports sent back to the Popes of the Glorious Slaughters they praised God for, after trowing infants into the air to slash them in two or baptizing them before smashing their heads in on rocks. They reported walking though keen-deep piles of bodies so they could enter a holy site and give thanks to their god...
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........

I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.
You're absolutely correct.

Trouble is...

Christianity did that many centuries ago... Islam is still doing it today... and, given current technology and communications... it is far too dangerous to allow a backwards religion that has yet to experience any sort of meaningful Reformation, and whose charter documents are dripping in bloodlust... to behave now as Christians did back then.
The solution is not hard, it's liberalism, and all religions are backwards, all of them.

You could always come home and let them fight it out eh, since we are on the other side of the damn planet.

Except for the atheists....and when they murdered 100 million people...sadly, they live over here too......

Atheists? Are you suggesting that having NO religion is a bad thing? the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........

I'm an Atheist - and I don't need the 10 Commandments to know right from wrong. The Constitution and my conscience take care of that.

You claim to know right from wrong but yet condone someone getting killed for stating their beliefs and exercising their Constitutional rights? Yeah OK....

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