Plot to behead Pamela Geller

again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

EARTH TO JOE: Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran)

Now we live in a NUCLEAR weapon world. To defend ourselves from these deranged lunatics, we HAVE TO go to their part of the world, AND EXTERMINATE THEM, to prevent them from doing that to us. Welcome to the real world.

If we hadn't kept fucking around in their "part of the world" - this mess wouldn't be happening.
This dopey, very OLD notion was already refuted by me in this thread. Guess where ? In the post you quoted. Here it is again.>>>

Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran) They do it NO MATTER WHAT WE DO.
...If we hadn't kept fucking around in their "part of the world" - this mess wouldn't be happening.

Had you qualified it by saying "...wouldn't be happening now." - then you might have had a point.

Once Militant Islam began to re-awaken after being let-up from under the European imperialistic heel, their re-emergence as an Aggressor was a forgone conclusion.

All else is a matter of WHEN and HOW............. not IF.

Hell... without a continued Western presence (and periodic intervention) in the region, by now, 70 years after the collapse of those Euro-empires, we could have been looking at a vastly more dangerous Superpower... as we can see beginning to gel in the region Syria-Iraq even as we 'speak'.

Without that regional presence and occasional forceful intervention, we would be looking down the barrel of a Theocratic Superpower, with a martyr complex. No thank you.

One does what one must, to keep the barbarians on the other side of The Pond, and to prevent them from obtaining the power to challenge one's own people.

Self-delusion and hiding under a shell - abandoning our global interests and presence and projection of power - is a recipe for disaster. Again, no thank you.

The time for American Isolationism has come and gone... by a century or more, now.

Can't get up when a bunch of racists get their asses kicked for their bad behavior.
Agreed. Love it when those ISIS guys get vaporized, from coalition airstrikes.

Bomb Baby! Bomb!

Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.
The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.
It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.
Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.
We already know they got you programmed all the way. No need to repeat. Except that maybe you ARE "THEY".
If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
I could respond to all of these, but I'm running short on time, so I'll just take 2.

1. The Crusades was a RESPONSE to 477 years of Muslim genocide all over southern Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Only question might be what took the Crusaders to finally act against the savages ?

2. The conquistadors were not connected with religion. Their goals were gold, silver, art, and other fine things, plus political egotism. There indeed were missionaries who came to the western hemisphere. They were not conquistadors, they didn't have the protection of the soldiers, and they often wound up being tortured and killed by the aborigial American inhabitants.
If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?
It would be the mess it's started to turn into now, due to European liberal PC idiocy.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
I could respond to all of these, but I'm running short on time, so I'll just take 2.

1. The Crusades was a RESPONSE to 477 years of Muslim genocide all over southern Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Only question might be what took the Crusaders to finally act against the savages ?

2. The conquistadors were not connected with religion. Their goals were gold, silver, art, and other fine things, plus political egotism. There indeed were missionaries who came to the western hemisphere. They were not conquistadors, they didn't have the protection of the soldiers, and they often wound up being tortured and killed by the aborigial American inhabitants.

This explains the Crusades very well.

History of the Crusades
For the benefit of all those information-deprived liberals, whose media doesn't report about jihad in America, here is a list of Muslim terrorist attacks in the USA, prior to the more recent ones shown in Post # 638.

Internal US terrorist plots since 9/11 (this is an incomplete list > It omits the July 2002 LAX shooting attack and the 2002 Beltway Sniper shooting which killed 19 people)

1. Richard Reid (the Shoe Bomber)—December 2001

2. Jose Padilla—May 20023. LackawannaSix—September 2002

4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003

5. Iyman Faris—May 2003

6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003

7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003

8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003

9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004

10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004

11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004

12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005

13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005

14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005

15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006

16. Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar—March 2006

17. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006

18. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006

19. Assem Hammoud—July 2006

20. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006

21. Derrick Shareef—December 2006

22. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 200723. Fort DixPlot—May 200724. JFK AirportPlot—June 2007

25. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008

26. Christopher Paul—June 2008

27. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008

28. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 200929. Abdulhakim Mujahid MuhammadJune 2009

30. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009

31. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009

32. Maher Husein Smadi—September 2009

33. Michael Finton—September 2009

34. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009

35. Major Nidal Malik Hasan—November 2009

36. The Christmas Day (Underwear) Bomber—December 2009

37. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010

38. Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) —May 2010

39. Paul G. Rockwood Jr. and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010

40. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010

41. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010

42. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010

43. Antonio Martinez—December 2010

44. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011

45. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011

46. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011

47. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011

48. Ulugbek Kodirov—July 2011

49. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011

50. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 201151. Iranian Terror PlotOctober 201152. Jose PimentelNovember 2011

53. Sami Osmakac—January 2012

54. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012

55. AQAP Plane Bomb Plot—May 2012

56. Adel Daoud—September 2012

57. Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis—October 2012.

58. Qazi Brothers’ Plot—November 2012

59. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev—April 2013

60. Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser—April 2013
again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

EARTH TO JOE: Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran)

Now we live in a NUCLEAR weapon world. To defend ourselves from these deranged lunatics, we HAVE TO go to their part of the world, AND EXTERMINATE THEM, to prevent them from doing that to us. Welcome to the real world.

If we hadn't kept fucking around in their "part of the world" - this mess wouldn't be happening.
This dopey, very OLD notion was already refuted by me in this thread. Guess where ? In the post you quoted. Here it is again.>>>

Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran) They do it NO MATTER WHAT WE DO.

Why are we there? Why were we there in the first place?
Has there ever been a group of people who have waged war more cheaply and effectively against a superpower than al Qaeda and ISIS? Although I don't approve of their agenda - it's fucking ingenious how they're doing it. From the hijacked planes on 9/11 to the stolen U.S. weapons left in Iraq to the ass-kicking terror on the battlefield to the Internet recruiting. It's fucking ingenious. We have George W. Bush to thank for this clusterfuck. However, America has been meddling in the Middle East long before Bush - but he finally broke it. Colin Powell tried to warn him.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
I could respond to all of these, but I'm running short on time, so I'll just take 2.

1. The Crusades was a RESPONSE to 477 years of Muslim genocide all over southern Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Only question might be what took the Crusaders to finally act against the savages ?

2. The conquistadors were not connected with religion. Their goals were gold, silver, art, and other fine things, plus political egotism. There indeed were missionaries who came to the western hemisphere. They were not conquistadors, they didn't have the protection of the soldiers, and they often wound up being tortured and killed by the aborigial American inhabitants.
The point being, that there was more accuracy than inaccuracy in his macro-level observation.

Christendom does, indeed, have blood-soaked hands.

The trouble with these faux analogies is pretty much the way I described those differences, plus or minus a detail or two.

When was the last time that Christendom at-large engaged in religiously-focused warfare?

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

That is the point, on the macro level.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"
No, actually, our resident Muslim Apologist (Joe) is correct, in large part...

Christianity has a long, bloody and savage history associated with it, stretching back into Late Roman Imperial times, once Christianity had been allowed to come out into the light of day by Constantine in the 300s...

As Christians began shutting down pagan and Jewish worship-places and schools and communities, and, in later centuries, after the Fall of the Western Empire, as European warlords began using the excuse of converting local populations to Christianity, as an excuse to make war on their neighbor tribes and early feudal polities...

And, later, as Christendom rallied against Islamic aggression to launch the Crusades, and then, of course, the sheer madness of the Reformation Wars (the Thirty Years War and similar catastrophes)...

As well as some of the early Conquistador activity in the New World, and in penetrating the Indian and Chinese and Arabian territories, in order to carve-out Euro-Imperial holdings.

The trouble with the comparison is, that when Christian-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them in violation of the core teachings of Jesus of Nazareth (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, etc.) - inventing juicy rationalizations like 'Just War' as smokescreens, to sucker their populations into supporting them.

When Muslim-leaning warlords and leaders and nations did such things, they did them IN COMPLIANCE WITH and IN ACCORDANCE WITH the core teachings of Muhammed ( "Slay the Polytheists" and "Smite the Unbelievers" and "Kill the Infidel", etc) - requiring no juicy rationalizations but their Holy Scripture, which imposes such things upon them.

And, of course, Christianity has not been subverted and intentionally misinterpreted and rationalized in order to conjure-up such mischief in a very great many years.

Islam - requiring no subversion or misinterpretation or rationalizations in order to conjure-up such mischief, is doing it as we speak, and has been, for quite some years now.

So, I give Ol' Joe props for the accuracy of his observation...

While throwing rocks at his position for omitting such important distinguishing background and history and context, as a highly partisan and pertinent omission of fact.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
I could respond to all of these, but I'm running short on time, so I'll just take 2.

1. The Crusades was a RESPONSE to 477 years of Muslim genocide all over southern Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Only question might be what took the Crusaders to finally act against the savages ?

2. The conquistadors were not connected with religion. Their goals were gold, silver, art, and other fine things, plus political egotism. There indeed were missionaries who came to the western hemisphere. They were not conquistadors, they didn't have the protection of the soldiers, and they often wound up being tortured and killed by the aborigial American inhabitants.

This explains the Crusades very well.

History of the Crusades
The real history? Yes, we already have that, it's called........................................wait for it..............................................history. And in that history the Christians got down on their knees to thank their God, for his help in the slaughter of men, women, children, and infants they just committed. Just the Children of God hard at work, slaughtering other Children of God.
You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?
As bad as it was during the Dark Ages you mean? When the Muslims were the keepers of all the knowledge up to that point that mattered?

When religion runs the world you get insanity. None is better than the other.
You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

Actually, inciting a riot is against the law. Someone needs to lock Geller up.

Drawing a picture of Muhammed doesn't qualify as "inciting a riot," any more than a bunch of black people waking down the streets of Selma Alabama in 1960 doesn't qualify. If pissing a bunch of imbecile savages off by spouting ideas they don't like qualified as a justification for rioting or murdering people, then it would be legal for me to run around shooting people who support Obama or Hillary because that sure pisses me off.
And what is the point of making a Graven Image? Oh right, to insult the religion of 1.6 billion people since there is absolutely no other reason for doing so.

Hey mommy, that stupid violent ****** hit me, when I called him a stupid violent ******. Life is so unfair right my little infant?

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