Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Your cut and paste paranoia is nothing more than an example of your serious mental illness, the same as that which forces you to stay locked inside your home.

You think you're the first one who has ever tossed that very small "cut and paste" challenge to me. o MR QUIZ ZERO. As i told you I spent 14 years studyin gthis subject in 25 books and thousandsof their footnote reports. And I can prove that that;s is where I created the Quiz from by referring to the exact books (with page #s) for the items on the Quiz.

Examples :

1. Susan Douglas - from They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel (pg. 92-93)

2. Khalid Latif - from Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer (pg. 213-214)
Chapter and verse, and tell us, oh one who hides from strangers even at home, how is McDonalds turning the USA Muslim?
1. Where did "one who hides from strangers even at home" arise from ? WHAT did it arise from ? What the hell is it ?

2. Regarding McDonald's did someone tell you they were "turning the USA Muslim?" Where did that arise from ? WHAT did it arise from ?
How I wish that were true, but ISIS is very human, unfortunately, and it's doing exactly as expected for something made up of the Children of God, slaughtering other Children of God.
Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist ?
Face it, one fucking idiot kills another, then probably gets shot by the nearest cop for doing it.

The world becomes a slightly better place.

I'm finding it hard to see a problem here.
The problem is you being an idiot, for calling Pamela Geller an idiot. However this would concern just you. Not My Problem.
We disagree about defending fellow countrymen for exercising their right to criticize another religious belief system and to demonstrate its present-day underlying violent nature.

In the long run, Geller seems to be engaged in the performance of a public service - opening people's eyes to the dangers inherent in Islam - radical or otherwise.

Actualy, Geller will probably get killed. We just hope she doesn't take anyone else down with her.

Most of us have figured out that the Zionists and Oil Companies are stirring up that shit.

But again, if you feel so strongly about it, you and Geller and Bill Krystol and the rest of you should form your own volunteer brigade to go over and fight the mean old Muslim.

Instead of just promising some working class kid a college education that never happens to do it..
Joey wants Geller dead, he also dreams about a day when 6 million Jews in Israel are dead. He has that in common with the islamonazis :cuckoo:
The problem is, this woman is not making a textual criticism of Islam. I mean, you can do that, I guess, but then the same things you can say about Islam you can say about Christianity, since they both worship the same psychotic sky fairy.

No, the problem here is that Geller does something she know will piss of Muslims, just to get that one out of a million Muslims so ticked off that they might try something violent.

And she doesn't give a fuck who is caught in the crossfire.

That's what makes her contemptible.

NO. The things you can say about Islam, you CANNOT say about Christianity. Christianity does not accept lying, murder/genocide, wife-beating, rape, pedophilia, slavery, torture/mutilation, political supremacy, animal cruelty, sex discrimination, et al vile things that Islam does. Few statements could be more wrong than equating Christianity with Islam.

And Geller's goal is not to pis off Muslims. It is to educate clueless people like you, about Islamization. I do disagree with her about putting AFDI signs on buses, because that does put people at risk (in the crossfire), but that doesn't change the rest of what I said.
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that

No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.

The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.

It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.

Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.
Who's land? Joey supports the caliphate:uhoh3:
I don't walk into other people's churches and insult them, so not even a good comparison. I don't go out in front of a church with my "Zombie Jesus" posters, either.
In fact, I don't even tell a co-worker what a jackass she is when she starts preacher her Jesus nonsense around the office. Because I have to work with this cow until she get fired for some other reason.
NOw, i will discuss how the Funditards are stupid when they try to drag out their superstitions into the public square and try to make policy. That's a reasonable thing. Not that most of you are capable of civil debate about your God-man.
OFF TOPIC. The thread is about Islam, not Christianity. And you aren't very good at analogies. Rather than comparing how you might treat Muslims to how you might treat Christians, how you treat Muslims to how you might treat Nazis in 1941, might be more appropriate.
No, the reason why Christianity has grown is because Christians conquered a bunch of other countries and genocided anyone who wouldn't accept their Imaginary God Man.

Inside the Islamic world, you have Coptic Christians, Yazidis, Mandeans, Samaritans, Zoroastrians, Druze, and yes, even Jews that were allowed to flourish for centuries, at least until the Zionists and Americans started stirring up the shit.

But when was the last time you met a worshiper of Zeus? Or Odin? Or Quezacoatl? Oh, that's right, you didn't, because Christians suppressed those religions and probably executed the last poor fool who wanted to still offer sacrifices to them.

Ridiculous, idiotic BULLSHIT!!! "Christians" have not conquered anyone, anywhere. What you just said about Christians, is an exact description of MUSLIMS. And Muslims allowed non-Muslims to flourish ? HA HA HA.
I can see Muslim Brotherhood has got YOU programmed all right.

Muslims have killed 270 million people (mostly non-Muslims) over 1400 years. No religion, nation, cult, or ideology even comes close to that horrific figure. You know what you can do with your absurd propaganda, Mr. Christian-hater.

PS - Coptic Christians have been getting slaughtered by Muslims and having their churches burned to the ground. And Christians are being slaughtered by ISIS and other jihad lunatics right now, by the thousands.

Churches Burned in Egypt as Muslim Brotherhood Targets Coptic Christians Amid Widespread Unrest VIDEO

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
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Geller does the most provocative thing she can, knowing that most Muslims will suck it up and take it, but when one disturbed person acts on it, she can point her finger and say,"You see, you see, that's how they are!!!"
That's not the idea, or the message. You're clueless. Do you know what the word ISLAMIZATION means ?
I wouldn't call it much of a "plot"...

But if it makes that filthy bitch go into hiding, scared for her life... yeah, sure, big plan...danger, danger... run, bitch, run....
Why even read a post by someone who combines homosexuality with the Islamic crescent. Talk about clueless. Wow!
It's not 'one disturbed person', and you damned-well know it.

How many 'one disturbed persons' amongst the Muslim community is it going to take before you spot a pattern of over-reactive violence and disproportionate response?

Geller and her type serve an extremely useful purpose in our laid-back and reasonably tolerant society.

She serves-up an in-your-face body of evidence that we are dealing with an alien, hostile, violent and dangerous mindset - Militant Islam.

Honoring our tradition of religious tolerance is vital to our continued existence as a nation of goodwill.

Allowing that tradition to blind us to the dangers of a hostile belief system which does not reciprocate our tolerance is a step along the path to cultural suicide, and the way of the coward.

Geller brings far more value to the table than she does liability.

The issue needs to be pressed, in order to awaken society at-large of the very real danger.

To quote Lincoln, drawn from another context: "Let the thing be pressed."
This is one of the BEST POSTS I've seen in a long time. Too bad it will fall on deaf ears of Islamapologists who are too brainwashed to think rationally.
No, the issue is, should we defend someone from their own bad behavior.

And my thought is- no, we don't. And if their reckless behavior endangers others, someone needs to bitchslap them for it.
So then, go out and bitch slap them. You can start with CAIR. Then ISNA. Then MSA. Then MAYA. etc
again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

EARTH TO JOE: Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran)

Now we live in a NUCLEAR weapon world. To defend ourselves from these deranged lunatics, we HAVE TO go to their part of the world, AND EXTERMINATE THEM, to prevent them from doing that to us. Welcome to the real world.
again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

EARTH TO JOE: Muslim loons have been sticking their swords into peaceful non-Muslims' backs for 1400 years, killing 270 million of them. It's what they do. Get it ? it comes from their nasty book of hate (the Koran)

Now we live in a NUCLEAR weapon world. To defend ourselves from these deranged lunatics, we HAVE TO go to their part of the world, AND EXTERMINATE THEM, to prevent them from doing that to us. Welcome to the real world.

If we hadn't kept fucking around in their "part of the world" - this mess wouldn't be happening.
Actualy, Geller will probably get killed. We just hope she doesn't take anyone else down with her.

Most of us have figured out that the Zionists and Oil Companies are stirring up that shit.

But again, if you feel so strongly about it, you and Geller and Bill Krystol and the rest of you should form your own volunteer brigade to go over and fight the mean old Muslim.

Instead of just promising some working class kid a college education that never happens to do it..
I suppose your liberal media hasn't told you, but one doesn't have to GO anywhere to fight the international jihad. It is here in America, and has been killing Americans by the dozens, ever since 9-11. Haven't got the reports ?
Gee MSNBC slipped up on those, huh ? No problem. I'll fill you in >>


13 US soldiers massacred in Fort Hood, TX - 2009



Christopher Lee Cornell (AKA Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah) - The plan: Set off pipe bombs at the US Capitol, to put lawmakers and employees in panicked flight and then gun them down with an assault rifle as they ran across his path and that of an accomplice



Muslim nutjob Alton Nolen, beheads a woman at a workplace in Moore, Oklahoma. (September 2014).



Ali Muhammad Brown kills 3 in Seattle, WA, and one more in New Jersey.


A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death (3/6/2014), and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.



Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops, 'spent months visiting jihadist websites, and stalked officers for hours.



TORONTO – A slickly produced video released on Sunday Dec. 6, 2014, urged Muslims to launch indiscriminate attacks against Canadians, similar to those carried out in October in Ottawa and Montreal.



Apr 15, 2013:Three people killed, hundreds injured in Boston Marathon bombing
In addition, a University police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his car by the same Muslim jihad dirtbags who set off the bomb at the marathon.

Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia



In Ashtabula, OH, A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah (3/24/2013)


In Buena Vista, NJ A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants. (2/7/2013)


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ROFL! So you believe we should allow people to be murdered because you don't like what they have to say? How about if we let people off the hook when they get murdered because they have a "Hillary" bumper sticker on their car? That certainly pisses me off.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an idiot and a uncivilized barbarian who belongs in a cage, not walking the streets?

Guy, you are the one who loses his shit here on a regular basis.

I'm just the one who doesn't feel like bailing Geller out of fights SHE starts.
No you're not "just" that at all, Mohammmed (or whatever your real name is). What you are is a Muslim jihadist, probably member of one of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups, using this forum to spread your propaganda bullshit.
Yes, Joe, we realize that you hate Christianity, and make excuses for Islam... we get it.

Naw, man, I just find it hilarious that you guys want to paint Islam as savage while ignoring 2000 years of Christian Savagery.
Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"

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