Plot to behead Pamela Geller

If Muslims are so thin skinned why don't they crawl in a hole, for intolerance is the inability to convince one without force. The very basis as to why the Christian faith has grown and evolved into the religion it has and the Muslims faith has remained in their feudalistic state based on fear.

No, the reason why Christianity has grown is because Christians conquered a bunch of other countries and genocided anyone who wouldn't accept their Imaginary God Man.


Inside the Islamic world, you have Coptic Christians, Yazidis, Mandeans, Samaritans, Zoroastrians, Druze, and yes, even Jews that were allowed to flourish for centuries, at least until the Zionists and Americans started stirring up the shit.

But when was the last time you met a worshiper of Zeus? Or Odin? Or Quezacoatl? Oh, that's right, you didn't, because Christians suppressed those religions and probably executed the last poor fool who wanted to still offer sacrifices to them.
Not one in 100,000 follow Jesus, they are just like you, Christian in name only.
You are in no position to judge me. Actually, much of what I do is VERY Christian, (like feeding homeless cts every day) And more than 50% of Christians are Christian also. You are all wet.
No true Christian would ever be here, for starters.


Ok, why would "no true christian" be here?

He has no is something he overheard the voices in his head telling the mouse in his pocket.
By your logic, if a Fundamentalist Christian takes offense at an atheists mocking of God, or Jesus, then that atheist is engaged in serving-up 'fighting words', and is not entitled to either sympathy nor support - having made his-or-her own bed.

I think it would depend what that Atheist did, wouldn't it? If he went into a church and started ranting about Zombie Jesus, that would be fighting words.

There was a case when I first started posting here, where a gay kid and his partner decided to stick it to his father by showing up at the church where he was the pastor, and the congregants worked him over. ANd I got a lot of liberals upset by pointing out that he had kind of provoked the confrontation.

Geller does the most provocative thing she can, knowing that most Muslims will suck it up and take it, but when one disturbed person acts on it, she can point her finger and say,"You see, you see, that's how they are!!!"
I wouldn't call it much of a "plot"...

But if it makes that filthy bitch go into hiding, scared for her life... yeah, sure, big plan...danger, danger... run, bitch, run....
You obviously are a fool. There is no comparison between muslim terrorists using rape, murder torture and armed conquest to spread sharia and very isolated incidents here in the states....that were not coordinated in anyway...

And Mathew Shepard was killed over drugs, not because he was gay......

Right. So they tied him to a post, repeatedly beat him and then set him on fire because of drugs...

According to that logic, if Joey insults the precepts or founders or membership or other belief systems, and then he is assaulted (or worse), then he deserves what he gets. Q.E.D.

I don't walk into other people's churches and insult them, so not even a good comparison. I don't go out in front of a church with my "Zombie Jesus" posters, either.

In fact, I don't even tell a co-worker what a jackass she is when she starts preacher her Jesus nonsense around the office. Because I have to work with this cow until she get fired for some other reason.

NOw, i will discuss how the Funditards are stupid when they try to drag out their superstitions into the public square and try to make policy. That's a reasonable thing. Not that most of you are capable of civil debate about your God-man.
The question is not whether you DO serve-up insults to Religious Folk in real life.

The question is what if you DID.

I would label you a fool, but I would join any guard detail assigned to protect you for doing so.

My own issue is not with such foolishness.

My issue is with those who refuse to defend their fellow countrymen for exercising their rights within our own society.
By your logic, if a Fundamentalist Christian takes offense at an atheists mocking of God, or Jesus, then that atheist is engaged in serving-up 'fighting words', and is not entitled to either sympathy nor support - having made his-or-her own bed.

I think it would depend what that Atheist did, wouldn't it? If he went into a church and started ranting about Zombie Jesus, that would be fighting words.

There was a case when I first started posting here, where a gay kid and his partner decided to stick it to his father by showing up at the church where he was the pastor, and the congregants worked him over. ANd I got a lot of liberals upset by pointing out that he had kind of provoked the confrontation.

Geller does the most provocative thing she can, knowing that most Muslims will suck it up and take it, but when one disturbed person acts on it, she can point her finger and say,"You see, you see, that's how they are!!!"
It's not 'one disturbed person', and you damned-well know it.

How many 'one disturbed persons' amongst the Muslim community is it going to take before you spot a pattern of over-reactive violence and disproportionate response?

Geller and her type serve an extremely useful purpose in our laid-back and reasonably tolerant society.

She serves-up an in-your-face body of evidence that we are dealing with an alien, hostile, violent and dangerous mindset - Militant Islam.

Honoring our tradition of religious tolerance is vital to our continued existence as a nation of goodwill.

Allowing that tradition to blind us to the dangers of a hostile belief system which does not reciprocate our tolerance is a step along the path to cultural suicide, and the way of the coward.

Geller brings far more value to the table than she does liability.

The issue needs to be pressed, in order to awaken society at-large of the very real danger.

To quote Lincoln, drawn from another context: "Let the thing be pressed."
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The question is not whether you DO serve-up insults to Religious Folk in real life.

The question is what if you DID.

I would label you a fool, but I would join any guard detail assigned to protect you for doing so.

My own issue is not with such foolishness.

My issue is with those who refuse to defend their fellow countrymen for exercising their rights within our own society.

No, the issue is, should we defend someone from their own bad behavior.

And my thought is- no, we don't. And if their reckless behavior endangers others, someone needs to bitchslap them for it.
The question is not whether you DO serve-up insults to Religious Folk in real life.

The question is what if you DID.

I would label you a fool, but I would join any guard detail assigned to protect you for doing so.

My own issue is not with such foolishness.

My issue is with those who refuse to defend their fellow countrymen for exercising their rights within our own society.

No, the issue is, should we defend someone from their own bad behavior.

And my thought is- no, we don't. And if their reckless behavior endangers others, someone needs to bitchslap them for it.
We disagree about defending fellow countrymen for exercising their right to criticize another religious belief system and to demonstrate its present-day underlying violent nature.

In the long run, Geller seems to be engaged in the performance of a public service - opening people's eyes to the dangers inherent in Islam - radical or otherwise.
It's not 'one disturbed person', and you damned-well know it.

How many 'one disturbed persons' amongst the Muslim community is it going to take before you spot a pattern of over-reactive violence and disproportionate response?

Geller and her type serve an extremely useful purpose in our laid-back and reasonably tolerant society.

She serves-up an in-your-face body of evidence that we are dealing with an alien, hostile, violent and dangerous mindset - Militant Islam.

Guy, I know you think there's a hairy muslim hiding under your bed. But we've checked, he's not there.

We have a problem with "Militant Islam" because we keep invading their part of the world. Yes, when you steal their land and bomb their children, Muslims tend to get militant. So do CHristians, Atheists, and just about everyone else. Dumbass.

Honoring our tradition of religious tolerance is vital to our continued existence as a nation of goodwill.

So you agree that drawing insulting pictures of reverred figures in other religions is wrong, then?

Allowing that tradition to blind us to the dangers of a hostile belief system which does not reciprocate our tolerance is a step along the path to cultural suicide, and the way of the coward.

again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.
The question is not whether you DO serve-up insults to Religious Folk in real life.

The question is what if you DID.

I would label you a fool, but I would join any guard detail assigned to protect you for doing so.

My own issue is not with such foolishness.

My issue is with those who refuse to defend their fellow countrymen for exercising their rights within our own society.

No, the issue is, should we defend someone from their own bad behavior.

And my thought is- no, we don't. And if their reckless behavior endangers others, someone needs to bitchslap them for it.
ROFL! So you believe we should allow people to be murdered because you don't like what they have to say? How about if we let people off the hook when they get murdered because they have a "Hillary" bumper sticker on their car? That certainly pisses me off.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an idiot and a uncivilized barbarian who belongs in a cage, not walking the streets?
We disagree about defending fellow countrymen for exercising their right to criticize another religious belief system and to demonstrate its present-day underlying violent nature.

In the long run, Geller seems to be engaged in the performance of a public service - opening people's eyes to the dangers inherent in Islam - radical or otherwise.

Actualy, Geller will probably get killed. We just hope she doesn't take anyone else down with her.

Most of us have figured out that the Zionists and Oil Companies are stirring up that shit.

But again, if you feel so strongly about it, you and Geller and Bill Krystol and the rest of you should form your own volunteer brigade to go over and fight the mean old Muslim.

Instead of just promising some working class kid a college education that never happens to do it..
ROFL! So you believe we should allow people to be murdered because you don't like what they have to say? How about if we let people off the hook when they get murdered because they have a "Hillary" bumper sticker on their car? That certainly pisses me off.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an idiot and a uncivilized barbarian who belongs in a cage, not walking the streets?

Guy, you are the one who loses his shit here on a regular basis.

I'm just the one who doesn't feel like bailing Geller out of fights SHE starts.
It's not 'one disturbed person', and you damned-well know it.

How many 'one disturbed persons' amongst the Muslim community is it going to take before you spot a pattern of over-reactive violence and disproportionate response?

Geller and her type serve an extremely useful purpose in our laid-back and reasonably tolerant society.

She serves-up an in-your-face body of evidence that we are dealing with an alien, hostile, violent and dangerous mindset - Militant Islam.

Guy, I know you think there's a hairy muslim hiding under your bed. But we've checked, he's not there.

We have a problem with "Militant Islam" because we keep invading their part of the world. Yes, when you steal their land and bomb their children, Muslims tend to get militant. So do CHristians, Atheists, and just about everyone else. Dumbass.

That's a bunch of horseshit. We didn't steal their land, and their children get bombed because they are uncivilized bloodthirsty savages who don't know how to live at peace with their neighbors.

So you agree that drawing insulting pictures of reverred figures in other religions is wrong, then?

It's no more "wrong" than immersing a crucifix in urine and calling it "art." Who was killed over that?

again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us. Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea.

But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.

That's pure horseshit. Even if it were true, it's no justification for murdering someone for drawing a picture of Muhammed, and condoning such behavior is even dumber.
ROFL! So you believe we should allow people to be murdered because you don't like what they have to say? How about if we let people off the hook when they get murdered because they have a "Hillary" bumper sticker on their car? That certainly pisses me off.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an idiot and a uncivilized barbarian who belongs in a cage, not walking the streets?

Guy, you are the one who loses his shit here on a regular basis.

I'm just the one who doesn't feel like bailing Geller out of fights SHE starts.

You mean you don't believe in enforcing the law because you're an ignorant savage.

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