Plot to behead Pamela Geller

(CNN) —Usaamah Rahim, who was fatally shot after waving a military knife at law enforcement officers in Boston, was originally plotting to behead Pamela Geller, an activist and conservative blogger, law enforcement sources told CNN on Wednesday.

But Rahim, a 26-year-old security guard who officials believe was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, decided instead to target the "boys in blue," a reference to police, according to court documents.

"I can't wait that long," he said of the original beheading plan, according to an FBI affidavit filed in federal court in Boston on Wednesday.

Geller drew national attention last month after an off-duty police officer working security thwarted an attack at her organization's contest for Prophet Mohammed drawings in Garland, Texas. She's president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which includes subsidiary programs Stop Islamization of America and Stop Islamization of Nations.

"They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily," Geller told CNN's Erin Burnett.

"This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?"

Geller said that she's had an "army of security" since last month's thwarted attack.

"This is what is required just to show a cartoon in America, 2015," she said. "It's striking. It's devastating, and people need to understand what's at stake. I mean, if we surrender on this point, what will we surrender next?"

More: Plot to kill conservative activist Geller - National News - KCCI Home

Geller should surrender to ISIS. When you poke a hornet's nest - expect to get stung.
I'm okay with them beheading Christians just don't do that to atheists
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that
So "inviting attention" by non-violently protesting against the way Islamic hard liners are putting people in jail or killing them simply for not believing in asking for it? We shouldn't point out how wrong that is? We should remain silent and pretend it isn't happening? Really, Athena?

The problem is, this woman is not making a textual criticism of Islam. I mean, you can do that, I guess, but then the same things you can say about Islam you can say about Christianity, since they both worship the same psychotic sky fairy.

No, the problem here is that Geller does something she know will piss of Muslims, just to get that one out of a million Muslims so ticked off that they might try something violent.

And she doesn't give a fuck who is caught in the crossfire.

That's what makes her contemptible.

Ah, Joe? You just called Allah a "psychotic sky fairy". That condemns you to death under the new rules of radical Islam. So why is it you're trying to "piss off" Muslims? How are you any different than Geller? Because you do it on an anonymous chat room board so that you enrage Muslims but they'll take it out on someone other than you because they don't know who you are? I guess you are different than Geller...she has so much!
Was Mohammed a ******? Sure are a lot of them going radical here in the states. But then they are libs...maybe Mo was a libtard...

He would actually be considered a social conservative. :thup:

Then why are libs the ones who are always defending him?

It doesn't matter who defends him. Would you call radical Muslim beliefs socially conservative?
I recall those videos that bin Laden published that regurgitated all the usual liberal talking points.
That's a bunch of horseshit. We didn't steal their land, and their children get bombed because they are uncivilized bloodthirsty savages who don't know how to live at peace with their neighbors.

Uh, not really. All of Iraq's neighbors said, "Don't invade Iraq". They all thought it was a bad idea.

And they were right.

It's no more "wrong" than immersing a crucifix in urine and calling it "art." Who was killed over that?

I think that's wrong, too. But the fact is, when you are fat and happy and aren't worried about someone bombing you tomorrow, you probably don't get incensed to violence when someone pissed you off.

That's pure horseshit. Even if it were true, it's no justification for murdering someone for drawing a picture of Muhammed, and condoning such behavior is even dumber.

Uh, guy, it's completely true. Before Bin Laden was a terrorist, Ronnie Reagan armed him and called him a "Freedom fighter".

Can't get up when a bunch of racists get their asses kicked for their bad behavior.

Ah, Joe? You just called Allah a "psychotic sky fairy". That condemns you to death under the new rules of radical Islam. So why is it you're trying to "piss off" Muslims? How are you any different than Geller? Because you do it on an anonymous chat room board so that you enrage Muslims but they'll take it out on someone other than you because they don't know who you are? I guess you are different than Geller...she has so much!

I'm not offering money to insult them to start with. Nor am I doing it in a public forum and endangering a lot of bystanders...

That's called "Being considerate".
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that

No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.

The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.

It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.

Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that

No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.

The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.

It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.

Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.

Shush, fool.
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that

No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.

The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.

It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.

Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.

...Guy, I know you think there's a hairy muslim hiding under your bed. But we've checked, he's not there...
Portraying as paranoia, the articulation of the very real dangers posed to The West by Islam, is meaningless. 9-11 cured most of us of that delusion.

...We have a problem with "Militant Islam" because we keep invading their part of the world...
Militant Islam was on the march long before Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They are resurrecting long-dormant aggression, inherent in their belief system.

...Yes, when you steal their land and bomb their children, Muslims tend to get militant. So do CHristians, Atheists, and just about everyone else...
Militant Islam was on the march long before Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They are resurrecting long-dormant aggression, inherent in their belief system.

Your opinion of my articulation of that danger is immaterial.

...So you agree that drawing insulting pictures of reverred figures in other religions is wrong, then?...
Yep. Ethically. But not at-law. And we brook no violence in reaction to such behaviors.

...again- only have a problem with that "belief system" because we keep sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest...
Nope. They have been on-the-march, metaphorically speaking, since coming out from under the centuries-long period of domination by European imperial powers.

...That's when we aren't specifically nurturing a bigger, meaner hornet that turns around and stings us...
Our strategies and tactics in deflecting this re-awakening threat have been very largely erroneous and ineffective. Nolo contendere.

...Saddam, Bin Laden, the rebels in Libya, these are all bigger hornets we helped and then they turned on us. Maybe we need to stop sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest. That's a kooky idea...
Or, maybe we should have been (and need to, in future) forcefully engaged, but backing the Right Horse(s), rather than the Wrong One(s); specifically, those inclined to bring progress and development and more freedom to their constituencies.

...But, no, it's because their belief in a magic sky pixie is worse than YOUR belief in a magic sky fairy.
Your simplistic faux equivalency simply doesn't hold up under a closer scrutiny.
What's hilarious is these left loons defend the Muzzie savages and those very same savages would chop their heads off in a New York minute. You ca't get much dumber than that

No, dumb is going over to their countries and giving them a REASON to want to behead you.

The problem is you think this is about religion. It isn't.

It's about our policies of supporting the Zionists, who stole their land, propping up dictators who make their lives fairly miserable, and waging wars to keep the flow of oil going.

Again- we stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and wonder why we get stung.


Pokiehontas would be wise to brush up on history, the savages have been waging war long before the US ever existed
It started long before present day. Left loons are ridiculous

What The Founders Thought About Islam, In Their Own Words

President Obama has continually asserted that Islam was “woven into the fabric” of the United States since its founding. Obama claims that Muslims have made significant contributions to building of this nation. The claim is laughable to anyone who has studied US history. Historian David Barton spoke to Glenn Beck and tore the president’s claims apart.

Barton found the first real contribution any Muslim made was in 1856 (80 years after the founding) when then Secretary of War Jefferson Davis hired one Muslim to help train camels in Arizona. Not exactly a resounding contribution, since the plan to fight Native Americans via camelback was soon dismissed.

But Muslims did have an influence on early America, and that influence was one of a foe. After winning its independence from England, American vessels no longer enjoyed British protection. France, dismayed that the US would not aid it in its war against England, also ceased protection of American ships. The result led to American vessels being raided and plundered by Muslim pirates from the Barbary Coast.

After agreeing to pay 10% of the new nations dismal GDP in exchange for passage, attacks continued. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin were sent as representatives to mediate the problem. It was there that they discovered that the Islamic law the pirates followed made it their duty to attack non-Muslims.

“The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulmanwho should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise,” Jefferson wrote to Secretary of State John Jay, explaining peace was not possible.

Obama Claims Islam Part Of Founding What Our Founders Wrote The Federalist Papers






That's what YOU are, evidently, and I don't need large letters to say it..

Now here's your CORRECTIONS >

They are SUB-humans.

They like to kill and mistreat.

The Palestinians elected Hamas a few years ago, and sent 3800 rockets into Israel last year, and got their asses kicked hard for it. Serves them right.

The Palestians don't HAVE a land, The Jews were there long before them.

The US did not "slaughter" anybody, and there were not "millions" of any group who died. The "US" didn't create a power vacuum. Obama did that, with the help of Iraq's leaders.

You're a propaganda-sponge idiot.
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Ah, Joe? You just called Allah a "psychotic sky fairy". That condemns you to death under the new rules of radical Islam. So why is it you're trying to "piss off" Muslims? How are you any different than Geller? Because you do it on an anonymous chat room board so that you enrage Muslims but they'll take it out on someone other than you because they don't know who you are? I guess you are different than Geller...she has so much!

I'm not offering money to insult them to start with. Nor am I doing it in a public forum and endangering a lot of bystanders...

That's called "Being considerate".

This isn't a public forum? You're just doing it from an anonymous public forum. That's not called being "considerate", Joey...that's called being "cowardly".
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Nah. It means you're one more know-nothing Islamapologist airhead. You're just a little more narcissist than the others, that's all.

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