Plot to behead Pamela Geller

If it were not for Christians Europe would most likely be totally Muslim today. The Crusades drove them out. Gawd can you imagine how backwards Europe would be?

Actually, the Islamic World was more technologically and culturally advanced than the Christian World in the Middle Ages.

It wasn't until the Renascence that the Christian world stopped being savage.

And the Islamos are still the way the 270 million killed by Jihad is correct. You're lousy at this :)
This explains the Crusades very well.

History of the Crusades

Yeah, if you are a retard.

Most historians see the Crusades for what they were, an absolute fucking disaster. Kind of like the Iraq War.

Heck, it probably SPED UP the Islamic invasion of Europe. Read about my personal favorite Crusade, the Fourth Crusade some time. That's the one were the Crusaders decided it would be easier to loot Constantinople than to actually go out and fight any Muslims.
This explains the Crusades very well.

History of the Crusades

Yeah, if you are a retard.

Most historians see the Crusades for what they were, an absolute fucking disaster. Kind of like the Iraq War.

Heck, it probably SPED UP the Islamic invasion of Europe. Read about my personal favorite Crusade, the Fourth Crusade some time. That's the one were the Crusaders decided it would be easier to loot Constantinople than to actually go out and fight any Muslims.

You're one clueless bastard, Joey. You get smacked around, blabber some and then think you won, dumb ass
All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.

Uh, guy, do you have like, math problems.

Okay, let's try this.

Number of people killed in the last ten years by Muslims.

Well, we have the Iraq War
maybe 500,000. Americans killed a lot of those.
The Afghanistan War. Maybe 100,000 killed.
The Libyan War - Maybe 20,000.

Okay. So now we can list some Christian Savagery.

The 30 Years War. - estimated dead 8 million.
World War I - 30 million
World War II - 75 million, but since some of those were by the Japanese, let's just leave it at the 35 million killed in the European Theatre.
Mid Atlantic Slave Trade - About 1 million, conservative estimate.
All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.

Uh, guy, do you have like, math problems.

Okay, let's try this.

Number of people killed in the last ten years by Muslims.

Well, we have the Iraq War
maybe 500,000. Americans killed a lot of those.
The Afghanistan War. Maybe 100,000 killed.
The Libyan War - Maybe 20,000.

Okay. So now we can list some Christian Savagery.

The 30 Years War. - estimated dead 8 million.
World War I - 30 million
World War II - 75 million, but since some of those were by the Japanese, let's just leave it at the 35 million killed in the European Theatre.
Mid Atlantic Slave Trade - About 1 million, conservative estimate.

You need to provide links, you lie so much nobody believes you the 20th century showed with all the mass graves.......if people were Christians we would all get along better...hard to find a better moral code than the 10 Commandments...........

Uh, not really. Frankly, besides the fact the ACTUAL Ten Commandments are a different set of rules, including not boiling a kid in it's mother's milk, the one you guys commonly ascribe to, the Sky Pixie spends four of his rules talking about how you have to kiss his ass.

Really, Yahweh comes off as pretty insecure in the bible for an omnipotent being.
Bush was right to go into Iraq. Both Bushes were. The US simply can't be away from the Middle East. Not in a nuclear age. The situation now is more dangerous to us in America than at anytime in our history. At the very first sign of jihad against us, US troops should have been in every Middle Eastern country, helping allies to fight off jihad loons, and keeping countries under control from harming us.

But here's the problem with that philosophy. The reason why the Middle East is seeking nuclear weapons is because all their enemies have them. The Pakistanis want nukes because India has them and has since the 1970's.

The Iranians want nukes because the Zionists have them.
Wrong, the Nazis thought the State was the religion and what could the Pope do? It was the matter of survival

Ah, the No True Scotsman Fallacy.

First and foremost, the Nazis and Fascists had a pretty darned good relationship with the Church. In fact, German Troops wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mit Uns" (God's with us!)


Secondly, Pius the XII collaborating with the Axis is INEXCUSABLE.

He should have been happy to die a martyr's death by denouncing Nazism. All he had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "Hitler and Mussolini are excommunicated! All Catholics are ordered to lay down their arms!"

But shit, he never did that.
You need to provide links, you lie so much nobody believes you

Not my job to correct your vast ignorance of history.

So far I'm 2-0 against your nonsense, old man. Blabbering away isn't proof of anything :)

Uh, not really. in fact, you aren't even debating anything. You are just making assertations no credible historian would endorse.

LOL You blabber and expect to be believed, again you lie too much for that to happen. See're a nothing. Learn it...then live it, old man
That's not the idea, or the message. You're clueless. Do you know what the word ISLAMIZATION means ?

yeah, it's one off those things you think are happening when it really isn't.

Nice try Mohammed, but there wasn't even ONE year of Christian savagery. The only part that maybe could be called that was the Spanish Inquistion, and that was a small group of loose-brained fanatics, not "Christianity"

Uh, no. Let's review Christian Savagery, shall we.

How about.

The Salem Witch Trials.
The Holocaust
Witch Trials in General.
The 30 years war - entirely fought over religion.
The St. Bartholomew's day massacre
The Crusades (some of which weren't even fought against Muslims)
The Albigisinian Crusade- Famous for the line "Kill them all and Let God Sort them Out!"

And that's not even getting into the slave trade, the colonization of the Americas and Australia, and the World Wars, all fought by- CHRISTIANS.
HA HA HA. You must have been listeningto liberal media. Sounds like the idiotic things they say.

EARTH TO JOE: Islam is the prime doer of slavery for all of its history and pre-Islamic Arabs engaged in it for centuries before the 7th century. And it still goes on now in Africa, marking Black Africans for slaves, perpetrated by, of course, Muslims. Here's another one of the books I've read that you obviously need to read >. Escape From Slavery by Francis Bok.

In fact slavery is so entrenched in the Islamic world that the word Black in Arabic is the same word as the word slave" >> abed or abeed.

The rest of your post is a joke as well. We have already told you here that the Crusades were a REACTION to 477 years of Muslims killing rampantly across Asia Minor, southern Europe and Northern Africa. Only question is why did the Christians wait so long to crack down on these uncivilized, barbaric savages ?

And the Holocaust ? Christian ? Sheesh! Do we really have to go through the whole Hitler Muslim thing again ? Oh come on. The Muslims were deeply involved in world war II ON THE NAZI SIDE. And their similarities to the Nazis were apparent.
Muslim soldiers of the Handschar Waffen SS reading a pamphlet authored by Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini titled 'Islam and Judaism.' They wear distinctive Handschar tarboosh headgear, and insignias (curved-blade weapons and swastikas) on their lapels.

1. They are both Jew haters.

2. They are both genocidal Jew killers.

3. They both have goals of world conquest.


All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.

Uh, guy, do you have like, math problems.

Okay, let's try this.

Number of people killed in the last ten years by Muslims.

Well, we have the Iraq War
maybe 500,000. Americans killed a lot of those.
The Afghanistan War. Maybe 100,000 killed.
The Libyan War - Maybe 20,000.

Okay. So now we can list some Christian Savagery.

The 30 Years War. - estimated dead 8 million.
World War I - 30 million
World War II - 75 million, but since some of those were by the Japanese, let's just leave it at the 35 million killed in the European Theatre.
Mid Atlantic Slave Trade - About 1 million, conservative estimate.

You need to provide links, you lie so much nobody believes you
Of course. Unlike Christianity, where lying is forbidden, in Islam, lying (taqiyya) is encouraged, if it helps to promote Islam.
All 2000 years of "Christian savagery" didn't kill as many people as Muslims have killed in the last 10 years.

Uh, guy, do you have like, math problems.

Okay, let's try this.

Number of people killed in the last ten years by Muslims.

Well, we have the Iraq War
maybe 500,000. Americans killed a lot of those.
The Afghanistan War. Maybe 100,000 killed.
The Libyan War - Maybe 20,000.

Okay. So now we can list some Christian Savagery.

The 30 Years War. - estimated dead 8 million.
World War I - 30 million
World War II - 75 million, but since some of those were by the Japanese, let's just leave it at the 35 million killed in the European Theatre.
Mid Atlantic Slave Trade - About 1 million, conservative estimate.

You need to provide links, you lie so much nobody believes you
Of course. Unlike Christianity, where lying is forbidden, in Islam, lying (taqiyya) is encouraged, if it helps to promote Islam.

Maybe Joe is an Islamo?
EARTH TO JOE: Islam is the prime doer of slavery for all of its history and pre-Islamic Arabs engaged in it for centuries before the 7th century. And it still goes on now in Africa, marking Black Africans for slaves, perpetrated by, of course, Muslims. Here's another one of the books I've read that you obviously need to read >. Escape From Slavery by Francis Bok.

Meh, not really. Point was, the reason why there was a slave trade was because European Christians created a market.

The rest of your post is a joke as well. We have already told you here that the Crusades were a REACTION to 477 years of Muslims killing rampantly across Asia Minor, southern Europe and Northern Africa. Only question is why did the Christians wait so long to crack down on these uncivilized, barbaric savages ?

Except by the time the Crusades happened, those places had been converted a long time ago and no one cared anymore.

No, the Crusades happened because a lousy Pope, Urban II, called them because he was in a battle with the Holy Roman Emperor and his Anti-Pope and he was trying to re-establish his street cred.

The Crusades were just plain stupid. Especially the Fourth Crusade, which pretty much destroyed teh Byzantine Empire.

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